lunedì 17 febbraio 2020

La classe Halifax è una classe di fregate della Royal Canadian Navy

La classe Halifax è una classe di fregate della Royal Canadian Navy, composta da dodici unità entrate in servizio tra il 1992 e il 1996.
Sviluppate a partire dal progetto "Canadian Patrol Frigate Project" della metà degli anni 1970, si tratta di unità a impiego multi-ruolo che combinano le capacità anti-sottomarini, tradizionali per le unità canadesi, con sistemi avanzati per la lotta antinave e antiaerea. Nel corso degli anni 2010 tutte le unità della classe sono state sottoposte a un esteso programma di modernizzazione che ha comportato la sostituzione di diversi apparati con altri di più moderna concezione.


Piattaforma e propulsione

La progettazione della futura classe Halifax prese avvio con il Canadian Patrol Frigate Project, un programma di nuove acquisizioni navali varato dal Dipartimento della difesa nazionale nel 1975 per rimpiazzare i vecchi cacciatorpediniere di scorta anti-sottomarini delle classi St. Laurent, Restigouche, Mackenzie e Annapolis, risalenti agli anni 1950-1960. Nel luglio 1983 il governo federale canadese approvò lo stanziamento finanziario per la progettazione e costruzione del primo gruppo di sei fregate, con un secondo gruppo sempre di sei unità ordinato nel dicembre 1987. Per riflettere il cambio di visione strategica della Marina canadese tra il 1980 e il 1990, le fregate classe Halifax, pur ancora con un focus incentrato sulle capacità anti-sottomarini, furono designate come unità "da impiego generale”.
Alla costruzione, le Halifax hanno un dislocamento a pieno carico di 4.830 tonnelate, e uno scafo lungo fuori tutto 134,6 metri (124,49 metri tra le perpendicolari), largo 16,36 metri e dal pescaggio di 4,98 metri; le Halifax risultano così un poco più grandi dei cacciatorpediniere della classe Iroquois, che all'epoca rappresentavano le unità di punta della flotta canadese.
Il sistema di propulsione, su due alberi motore, è di tipo CODOG con due turbine a gas General Electric LM2500 capaci di una potenza di 47.500 shp ((35.400 kW) e un motore diesel SEMT Pielstick 20 PA6 V 280 capace di una potenza di 8.800 shp (6.600 kW). Questo apparato motore dona alle Halifax una velocità massima di 29 nodi (54 km/h) e un'autonomia di 7.000 miglia a 15 nodi (13.000 km a 28 km/h) impiegando il motore diesel o di 3.930 miglia a 18 nodi (7.280 km a 33 km/h) impiegando le turbine. L'equipaggio delle Halifax ammonta a 198 uomini del personale navale (di cui 17 ufficiali) e 17 del gruppo di volo (di cui 8 ufficiali).


Le Halifax dispongono di un hangar e di un ponte di volo a poppa da cui può decollare un elicottero (inizialmente un Sikorsky CH-124 Sea King, poi sostituito da un più moderno Sikorsky CH-148 Cyclone), che agendo in concerto con i sensori della nave può mettere in atto operazioni anti-sottomarini a lunga distanza; il ponte di volo è dotato di un sistema "Beartrap" che consente il decollo e l'atterraggio degli elicotteri anche con un mare a forza 6. Come armamento anti-sottomarini proprio delle unità, le Halifax imbarcano due impianti binati di tubi lanciasiluri per armi Mk 46, collocati su entrambi i lati della parte terminale dell'hangar di poppa.
Per la lotta antinave, le Halifax dispongono di due lanciatori quadrupli per missili AGM-84 Harpoon Block 1C, collocati nello spazio tra il fumaiolo e l'hangar dell'elicottero. La difesa antiaerea a lunga distanza era invece assicurata dal sistema missilistico RIM-7 Sea Sparrow, con due sistemi di lancio verticali Mk 48 Mod 0 a otto celle collocati sui due lati del fumaiolo per un totale di 16 missili pronti al lancio; il Sea Sparrow è stato poi sostituito negli anni 2010 dal più modero sistema RIM-162 ESSM.
Per la difesa antiaerea e antimissile a corta distanza le Halifax imbarcano un impianto CIWS tipo Phalanx, montato sul tetto dell'hangar. Come armamento di artiglieria è invece portato un cannone Bofors 57 mm in una torre a prua, capace di sparare un proiettile da 2,4 chilogrammi a una distanza di 17 chilometri con un rateo di 220 colpi per minuto. Le navi imbarcano anche otto mitragliatrici Browning M2 per la difesa a cortissima distanza.

Sensori e contromisure

Alla costruzione, le Halifax imbarcavano due lanciatori di inganni BAE Systems Shield Mark 2, capaci di lanciare Chaff a due chilometri di distanza nonché razzi da distrazione a guida infrarossa a 169 metri di distanza; nel corso degli ammodernamenti degli anni 2010 è stato poi aggiunto un sistema Multi Ammunition Softkill System di autodifesa a corto raggio. Le navi imbarcano anche un sistema di contromisure acustiche per siluri in arrivo AN/SLQ-25A Nixie, un sistema di rilevazione di emissioni radar CANEWS (Canadian Electronic Warfare System) SLQ-501 e un sistema di disturbo radar SLQ-505, tutti di produzione canadese.
Per il controllo del fuoco le navi imbarcavano due radar SPG-503 della Thales Nederland, installati uno sul tetto della plancia e uno su una piattaforma immediatamente davanti all'hangar dell'elicottero; questi sono poi stati sostituiti dal sistema CEROS 200 della Saab. Le navi sono inoltre dotate di un sistema radar di scoperta aerea e di superficie a lunga distanza AN/SPS-49 della Raytheon Company, operante in banda C e D, un radar di scoperta a media distanza Ericsson HC150 Sea Giraffe, operante in banda G e H, e un radar di navigazione Kelvin Hughes Type 1007, operante in banda I. L'apparato sonar si compone di un sistema attivo fisso a scafo AN/SQS-510, e un sistema filabile a profondità variabile passivo AN/SQR-501.


The Halifax-class frigate, also referred to as the City class, is a class of multi-role patrol frigates that have served the Royal Canadian Navy since 1992. The class is the outcome of the Canadian Patrol Frigate Project, which dates to the mid-1970s. HMCS Halifax was the first of an eventual twelve Canadian-designed and Canadian-built vessels which combine traditional anti-submarine capabilities with systems to deal with surface and air threats as well. All ships of the class are named after a major city in each province (St. John's, Halifax, Charlottetown, Fredericton, Québec City, Toronto, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary and Vancouver) plus the cities of Ottawa and Montreal.
In 2007, the Government of Canada announced a planned refit of the Halifax class which is known as the Halifax Class Modernization Project (HCMP) of which the Frigate Equipment Life Extension (FELEX) project is a part. In November 2008, a Lockheed Martin Canada-led team including Saab AB, Elisra, IBM Canada, CAE Professional Services, L-3 Electronic Systems and xwave, was awarded the contract. The construction phase of the program was completed in November 2016. The Halifax-class modernization program is currently underway and is scheduled to complete the refit and modernization of all twelve ships of the class by 2018.
In October 2011 the Canadian government launched the National Shipbuilding Procurement Strategy which aims to replace the Halifax class, as well as the capabilities of the Iroquois-class destroyers, with up to 15 new warships under the Canadian Surface Combatant. This replacement class is currently in the design stage and construction is anticipated to begin in the early 2020s.

Description and design

The Halifax-class frigate design, emerging from the Canadian Patrol Frigate Program, was ordered by the Canadian Forces in 1977 as a replacement for the aging St. Laurent, Restigouche, Mackenzie, and Annapolis classes of destroyer escorts, which were all tasked with anti-submarine warfare. In July 1983, the federal government approved the budget for the design and construction of the first batch of six frigates, with a second batch ordered in December 1987. To reflect the changing long term strategy of the Navy during the 1980s and 1990s, the Halifax-class frigates was designed as a general purpose warship with particular focus on anti-submarine capabilities.
As built, the Halifax-class vessels displaced 4,750 long tons (4,830 t) and were 134.65 metres (441 ft 9 in) long overall and 124.49 metres (408 ft 5 in) between perpendiculars with a beam of 16.36 metres (53 ft 8 in) and a draught of 4.98 metres (16 ft 4 in). That made them slightly larger than the Iroquois-class destroyers. The vessels are propelled by two shafts with Escher Wyss controllable pitch propellers driven by a CODOG system of two General Electric LM2500 gas turbines, generating 47,500 shaft horsepower (35,400 kW) and one SEMT Pielstick 20 PA6 V 280 diesel engine, generating 8,800 shaft horsepower (6,600 kW).
This gives the frigates a maximum speed of 29 knots (54 km/h; 33 mph) and a range of 7,000 nautical miles (13,000 km; 8,100 mi) at 15 knots (28 km/h; 17 mph) while using their diesel engines. Using their gas turbines, the ships have a range of 3,930 nautical miles (7,280 km; 4,520 mi) at 18 knots (33 km/h; 21 mph). The Halifax class have a complement of 198 naval personnel of which 17 are officers and 17 aircrew of which 8 are officers.

Control systems

The tactical command and control systems were developed in Canada. These included the Shipboard Integrated Communications System (SHINCOM), the Shipboard Integrated Machinery Control (SHINMACS), and Shipboard Integrated Integrated Processing and Display System (SHINPADS). SHINCOM was developed by DRS Technology Canada and was exported to other navies. SHINMACS was developed by CAE. SHINPADS was developed by Sperry Computer Systems in Winnipeg. with technical assistance from the United States. It used a revolutionary redundant and distributed computer architecture which was exported for use in US military control systems.

Armament and aircraft

As built the Halifax-class vessels deployed the CH-124 Sea King helicopter, which acted in concert with shipboard sensors to seek out and destroy submarines at long distances from the ships. The ships have a helicopter deck fitted with a "bear trap" system allowing the launch and recovery of helicopters in up to sea state 6. The Halifax class also carries a close-in anti-submarine weapon in the form of the Mark 46 torpedo, launched from twin Mark 32 Mod 9 torpedo tubes in launcher compartments either side of the forward end of the helicopter hangar.
As built, the anti-shipping role is supported by the RGM-84 Harpoon Block 1C surface-to-surface missile, mounted in two quadruple launch tubes at the main deck level between the funnel and the helicopter hangar. For anti-aircraft self-defence the ships are armed with the Sea Sparrow vertical launch surface-to-air missile in two Mk 48 Mod 0 eight-cell launchers placed to port and starboard of the funnel. The vessels carry 16 missiles. A Raytheon/General Dynamics Phalanx Mark 15 Mod 21 Close-In Weapon System (CIWS) is mounted on top of the helicopter hangar for "last-ditch" defence against targets that evade the Sea Sparrow.
As built, the main gun on the forecastle is a 57 mm (2.2 in)/70 calibre Mark 2 gun from Bofors. The gun is capable of firing 2.4-kilogram (5.3 lb) shells at a rate of 220 rounds per minute at a range of more than 17 kilometres (11 mi). The vessels also carry eight 12.7 mm (0.50 in) machine guns.

Countermeasures and sensors

As built, the decoy system comprises Two BAE Systems Shield Mark 2 decoy launchers which fire chaff to 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) and infrared rockets to 169 metres (185 yd) in distraction, confusion and centroid seduction modes. The torpedo decoy is the AN/SLQ-25A Nixie towed acoustic decoy from Argon ST. The ship's radar warning receiver, the CANEWS (Canadian Electronic Warfare System), SLQ-501, and the radar jammer, SLQ-505, were developed by Thorn and Lockheed Martin Canada.
Two Thales Nederland (formerly Signaal) SPG-503 (STIR 1.8) fire control radars are installed one on the roof of the bridge and one on the raised radar platform immediately forward of the helicopter hangar. The ship is also fitted with Raytheon AN/SPS-49(V)5 long-range active air search radar operating at C and D bands, Ericsson HC150 Sea Giraffe medium-range air and surface search radar operating at G and H bands, and Kelvin Hughes Type 1007 I-band navigation radar. The sonar suite includes the CANTASS Canadian Towed Array and GD-C AN/SQS-510 hull mounted sonar and incorporates an acoustic range prediction system. The sonobuoy processing system is the GD-C AN/UYS-503.


The Government of Canada announced on 5 July 2007 a $3.1 billion refit program for the Halifax class which would take place from 2010–2018 and extend the ships' service lives through to the 2030s. The total cost of the program was set at $4.3 billion, with $2 billion for combat systems upgrades and $1.2 billion for the mid-life refits. A further $1 billion was paid to contractors for other projects.
Faced with delays and restrictions from the International Traffic in Arms Regulations, the Navy opted to modernize the Halifax class using as much non-American equipment as possible, including technology from Canada, Sweden, Germany, Netherlands and Israel. The International Traffic in Arms Regulations have also been blamed for the delay of the CH-148 Cyclone which was running two years behind the original schedule. The Halifax class received state of the art equipment able to handle modern threats through 2030. The modernization includes passive and active weapons, radars, and new combat architecture.
The refit program was formally announced as completed on the west coast by Victoria Shipyards on 29 April 2016 by the Minister of National Defence Harjit Sajjan when Regina was returned to the Royal Canadian Navy. As of 2016 the project was on budget. Calgary was the first to undergo work at Victoria, followed by Winnipeg, Ottawa and Regina. The construction phase of the program on the east coast was completed on 29 November 2016 when the final east coast ship, Toronto, was handed back to the Royal Canadian Navy at Halifax.

Control systems

The new combat system architecture and combat management system is the CMS330 Combat Management System from Lockheed Martin Canada, which includes elements of the Saab 9LV Mk4 Combat Management System (known as the "CanACCS-9LV" suite of components.) CMS330 is a development of SHINPADS.
The Integrated Platform Management System (IPMS) from L-3 MAPPS provides systems management. IPMS is a development of SHINMACS.

Weaponry and propulsion upgrades

The Halifax class currently use the RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM), instead of the obsolete RIM-7 Sea Sparrow. The ESSM gives a greater range against anti-ship missiles and enemy aircraft. BAE Systems received a contract to upgrade the Bofors 57 mm Mk 2 to Bofors 57 mm Mk 3 configuration. The upgrades were performed at Karlskoga between 2010–2016, before being installed in Halifax and Victoria.
The Department of National Defence requested a tender to provide a naval remote weapon system (NRWS) defence capability to the Halifax and Iroquois classes. The Halifax class was to be fitted with a new close-in weapon system (CIWS) to replace the 12.7 mm M2HB heavy machine gun. Although not part of the refit, Raytheon Canada Limited was awarded a contract of $180 million for eight years to overhaul, convert and repair all Canadian CIWS to a Block 1B Baseline 1 configuration.
It was announced by the Department of National Defence that Hewitt Equipment was chosen to replace the diesel generators aboard the Halifax-class vessels in June 2015. The contract was awarded for 10 years, with options to extend it out to 22 years and covers ships on assigned to either coast. The speed of the vessels in the class increased to over 30 knots (56 km/h; 35 mph) following the FELEX upgrades.

Sensors and countermeasures

As part of the refit, Thales Canada supplied the Sirius long-range Infrared Search and Track (IRST) for the Halifax class. The IRST is currently in use on board the German Sachsen-class frigates. The IRST is able to track low radar cross-section aircraft and ships.
Saab provided 26 CEROS 200 Fire Control Directors. The CEROS 200 is a Radar and Optronic Tracking system which interfaces with advanced anti-ship missiles and gun systems. It provides defence against modern threats including modern sea skimming anti-ship missiles or asymmetric threats in littoral environments. The CEROS 200 is part of the 9LV Mk4.
The Halifax class were fitted with a modified Sea Giraffe SG-150 multi-function search radar. The SG-150 HC will be upgraded and will secure a high level of operational availability as well improved functions. Thales supplied 13 Smart-S Mk2 S-band radars, including one for training purposes. These radars are optimized for medium-to-long range search and target designation with a high degree of detection. The Smart-S Mk2 is a 3D multibeam radar which can detect hostile targets in near-shore environments. The deliveries began at the end of 2010 and were completed in 2015.
Raytheon Anschütz provided at least 12 Pathfinder ST MK 2 Radar systems. The Pathfinder Mark II is designed to provide a modern and flexible navigation tool. The Pathfinder ST Mk 2 radar system is part of the 9LV Mk4. In 2015, Canada acquired twelve sets of X and S-Band navigation radars from Raytheon Anschütz for the class. The new radars have advanced detection capability, new radiation control and pulse blanker interfaces and have improved interaction with the vessels' upgraded command and control system.
The Halifax class were fitted with the Multi Ammunition Softkill System (MASS) developed by Rheinmetall. MASS is a fully computerized countermeasure. The system is connected to the ship's sensors and protects ships from attacks by advanced, sensor-guided missiles by launching decoys that operate in all relevant wavelengths. MASS is currently in use by 15 other navies worldwide. Elbit Systems received a contract to supply Electronic Warfare equipment for the Halifax class, including active jamming and tracking systems.
Rheinmetall Waffe Munition GmbH received a contract to provide 14 Passive Electronic Countermeasures Systems (ECM).


The Halifax class received two Navy Multi-band Terminals (NMT), installed on the port and starboard sides of the forward hangar, to increase its satellite communications capabilities. The NMT system communicates with satellites in geostationary orbit via the Ka band. This system was augmented by the Maritime Satellite Communications Upgrade (MSCU), featuring the AN/USC-69(V3) antenna installed on the hangar top. The system was first used by the Halifax class on deployments to Operation Reassurance in 2012.

(Web, Google, Wikipedia, You Tube)

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