domenica 31 gennaio 2021

Vola il prototipo del nuovo F-15EX e la Boeing viene autorizzata a proporlo all’aeronautica indiana

Vola il prototipo del nuovo F-15EX e la Boeing viene autorizzata a proporlo all’aeronautica indiana.
Il governo degli Stati Uniti e la Boeing hanno confermato ai media che hanno di recente offerto il caccia F-15EX Advanced Eagle all’Aeronautica militare indiana (IAF). 
Questa offerta sarà supportata da una nuova iniziativa del settore - annunciata dalla Boeing il 28 gennaio - che cercherà di sviluppare in India un hub aerospaziale per aerei militari e commerciali Boeing.

La società statunitense Boeing ha confermato i piani per posizionare il suo aereo da combattimento F-15EX per l’Aeronautica militare indiana (IAF) e per sviluppare all'interno del paese un nuovo hub aerospaziale di "manutenzione, sviluppo e sostegno". Il governo degli Stati Uniti "ha recentemente approvato la licenza per commercializzare l'F-15EX in India". Le discussioni sull'F-15EX si erano svolte direttamente tra i governi dell'India e degli Stati Uniti.
La licenza di marketing dell'F-15EX permette di parlare direttamente con l'Aeronautica Militare indiana delle capacità del caccia. La Boeing aveva colloqui continuati alla fiera Aero India di Bangalore.

La società USA ha anche rivelato i piani per un progetto aerospaziale denominato “Hub Boeing India Repair Development and Sustainment (BIRDS). Boeing ha affermato che l'iniziativa BIRDS "prevede un ecosistema di manutenzione, riparazione e revisione competitivo per l'ingegneria, la manutenzione, l'abilità, la riparazione e i servizi di supporto della difesa e degli aerei commerciali in India. Ha aggiunto che il progetto fa parte del suo impegno a sostenere e rafforzare le capacità aerospaziali e di difesa indigene nel paese asiatico.

Anche l’US Air Force prepara l’introduzione in servizio dei nuovi F-15EX

Il primo F-15 EX ha di recente effettuato il primo volo presso lo stabilimento Boeing. Il volo è durato 90 minuti ed ha consentito di svolgere un primo check dell’avionica, del sistema di missione e del software. La Boeing di recente ha ottenuto l’autorizzazione del Governo USA ad offrire il velivolo all’India, ha ricevuto un contratto del valore di 1,2 miliardi di dollari per la fornitura dei primi 8 F-15EX all’USAF, che ha un requisito per 144-200 velivoli. Altri due F-15EX arriveranno a breve presso la base USAF di Eglin, in Florida, per i primi test: sono gli F-15 più sofisticati e avanzati mai costruiti ed i primi F-15 freschi di fabbrica acquisiti dall'USAF dal 2004; sono gli aerei di punta in una flotta pianificata di oltre 200 nuovi F-15EX da acquisire entro i prossimi 15 anni. 

L'F-15EX è equipaggiato di: 
  • controlli di volo fly-by-wire, 
  • due nuove stazioni di armi, 
  • una nuova suite di guerra elettronica, 
  • radar avanzato, 
  • un computer iperveloce, 
  • serbatoi di carburante conformal 
  • e una struttura rafforzata. 
Ma è ancora un caccia di quarta generazione, non più furtivo dell'F-15A del 1974. La bassa osservabilità è considerata cruciale per operare vicino alle moderne difese aeree dell'avversario, quindi questo nuovo caccia dovrà rimanere, per la maggior parte, all'esterno spazio aereo nemico fino a quando queste difese non possono essere violate.
L'F-15EX è stato aggiunto al budget dell'Air Force nel 2018 quando l'allora segretario alla Difesa James Mattis, su consiglio degli analisti del Pentagono, decise che un'Aquila di quarta generazione modernizzata avrebbe potuto fornire un aumento di capacità necessario e dare al Pentagono una leva competitiva con il Lockheed Martin F-35A, il caccia di quinta generazione preferito dall’USAF.

L'F-15EX è "progettato per evolversi

Heather Wilson, l'allora Segretario dell'Air Force, avrebbe ammesso in seguito che l'USAF non aveva cercato l'F-15EX. Era politica dell'USAF dal 2004 quella di non acquistare aeroplani "nuovi-vecchi" e di concentrarsi sulle macchine di quinta generazione. 
Ora che è inserito nel budget, però, l’US Air Force sta abbracciando l'F-15EX come mezzo per sostenere la sua forza di caccia, affrontando la dura realtà che non ha abbastanza velivoli per andare in volo. L'USAF non ha mai ricevuto i 381 F-22 che aveva pianificato per sostituire i suoi F-15C/D e portare la missione di superiorità aerea fino al 2040, ricevendo solo 186 Raptor. Per soddisfare i requisiti di forza globale, ha dovuto trattenere più di 200 degli F-15C più giovani o con il tempo più basso ben oltre la loro vita di servizio pianificata. 
Undici anni dopo, quegli F-15C / D sono così logori che i funzionari dell'Air Force dicono che non è più conveniente ripararli. Per rimanere al sicuro, richiedono ispezioni costanti e costose per garantire che gli elementi strutturali affaticati siano ancora vitali. 
Il costo per sostenere la flotta dell'Aquila e altre vecchie piattaforme è "mangiarmi vivo", ha detto il tenente generale David S. Nahom, vice capo del personale per piani e programmi. 
I velivoli più vecchi stanno ostacolando l'Air Force in diversi modi, ha detto Nahom in un'intervista. "Non solo ci costano troppi soldi, ma ci offrono anche troppi rischi", a causa di attrezzature obsolete e limitazioni di volo legate all'età. Ha detto che l'Air Force deve spostarsi rapidamente per portare l'F-15EX "il più rapidamente possibile per ricapitalizzare" le unità F-15C / D. 
La Boeing conferma un costo incredibile per l'F-15EX di 80 milioni di $ cadauno, più o meno lo stesso dell'F-35A. Ma i costi operativi fanno la differenza. Il capo di stato maggiore in pensione, il generale David L. Goldfein, ha confermato che l'USAF è stata diffidente nei confronti del costo per ora di volo dell'F-35, ancora circa $ 35.000, che è ben al di sopra dei $ 27.000 l'ora dell'F-15. L'Air Force vuole anche che la sua flotta sia principalmente della versione Block 4 dell'F-35, che non è ancora in produzione. Quel jet avrà sensori più avanzati e potrà trasportare una maggiore varietà di armi. In attesa, l'USAF può ottenere un numero maggiore di jet nella configurazione più avanzata e spendere meno per il retrofit di quelli precedenti.
Per il capo di stato maggiore, il generale Charles Q. Brown Jr., non è una questione di uno o dell'altro. "È capacità e capacità", ha detto durante un evento online di Defense One in ottobre. Mentre Brown ha insistito: "Diamo ancora valore all'F-35", ha definito l'F-15EX una "opportunità". Poiché i clienti stranieri hanno investito molto per modernizzare l'F-15, l'Air Force può sfruttare tali investimenti e acquisire un aereo buono come un aeroplano di quarta generazione, senza spendere grandi somme per lo sviluppo o gli strumenti, ha affermato Brown. 
L'Arabia Saudita e il Qatar hanno speso collettivamente circa 5 miliardi di $ per sviluppare le proprie versioni dell'F-15, ha dichiarato il vicepresidente della Boeing Prat Kumar, che dirige il suo programma F-15, in un'intervista di ottobre. L'Air Force può raccogliere i frutti di quell'investimento.  
L'F-15EX sarà quasi identico all'F-15QA in costruzione per il Qatar. Ora in fase di test, quell'aereo si basa sull'F-15SA sviluppato per l'Arabia Saudita, il primo a scambiare i vecchi attuatori idraulici con un sistema digitale fly-by-wire. 
I piloti collaudatori della Boeing hanno riferito che l'F-15QA vola in modo molto simile ai modelli F-15C / D ed E, ma raggiunge più velocemente il limite delle prestazioni. La transizione dalle vecchie Aquile dell'USAF al nuovo dovrebbe essere facile, dicono, richiedendo solo che i piloti si adattino ai nuovi display "glass cockpit" dell'EX, che sostituiscono quelli anni '80 nei modelli C / D ed E.  
Il generale James M. Holmes, che si è ritirato dalla carica di capo dell'Air Combat Command ad agosto, ha dichiarato di sostenere l'acquisto di EX perché, con l'aggiunta di finanziamenti del Congresso, è conveniente e il primo sarà "pronto a combattere non appena uscirà dal linea." Anche se sarà limitato in quanto non potrà avvicinarsi troppo alle difese aeree nemiche, a causa della sua ampia sezione radar, l'EX sarà efficace per la difesa della patria e nelle aree in cui la minaccia avversaria è meno grave, ha detto.
I funzionari del servizio dicono che stanno ancora cercando di capire come "plasmare" la forza futura, e per il momento, l'F-15EX cadrà semplicemente nella missione dell'F-15C / D. In futuro, tuttavia, l'EX potrebbe passare a una parte maggiore della missione di attacco al suolo del modello E, negli anni 2030, quando l'aereo giungerà alla fine della sua vita di servizio. L'EX avrà due postazioni di pilotaggio, ma l'USAF ha ufficialmente dichiarato che intende far volare l'aereo con un solo pilota.
"L'EX può trasportare tutte le armi di uno Strike Eagle, più alcune", ha detto un funzionario della Boeing. "Penso che probabilmente ci sarà una conversazione robusta ... su ciò che l'EX può e non può fare ... e cosa è a valore aggiunto rispetto a cosa no, dal punto di vista della missione."  
La Boeing ha ricevuto il primo pagamento di $ 1,2 miliardi per l'F-15EX il 13 luglio 2020. Il contratto di incentivi cost-plus-fixed-cost-plus ha fissato un tetto di $ 22,89 miliardi per un massimo di 200 aeromobili, sebbene l'USAF abbia parlato solo di acquisto 144. Separatamente, l'Air Force ha assegnato a GE Aviation un contratto da 101,4 milioni di dollari per i primi 19 motori GE-F110-129 per alimentare la flotta di prova EX, gli stessi motori che alimentano l'F-15SA e il QA. Saranno forniti come apparecchiature fornite dal governo. L'Air Force consentirà all'unità Pratt & Whitney di Raytheon Technologies di offrire una centrale elettrica competitiva per il programma di produzione, a condizione che Pratt certifichi il proprio motore sull'F-15EX, a proprie spese.
Il piano di difesa degli anni futuri dell'Air Force prevede 76 F-15EX, ma il Congresso non ne approverà altri fino a quando l'USAF non presenterà una strategia di acquisizione per il caccia. 
A causa della comunanza, uno squadrone F-15C / D sarà in grado di passare agli F-15EX entro circa tre mesi dalla loro acquisizione utilizzando gran parte dell'attrezzatura di supporto a terra esistente e richiedendo poca nuova costruzione militare. Al contrario, la transizione di un'unità dall'F-15C / D all'F-35 potrebbe richiedere diversi anni, data l'attrezzatura unica, e l'addestramento richiesti. Questa velocità di schieramento è citata dai leader USAF come la parte più attraente del programma EX. 
I piani sono che l'EX venga mantenuto dalla capacità organica dell'USAF.
L'Air Force prevede di mettere i primi F-15EX operativi a Kingsley Field, Oregon, dove viene condotto l'addestramento F-15.
Oltre ai sistemi di missioni all'avanguardia, l'F-15EX viene costruito con tecnologie moderne e con l'idea che sarà frequentemente aggiornato.
"Abbiamo migliorato l'ala in modo da eliminare la base... e la manutenzione programmata del deposito", ha detto Kumar. Le ali riprogettate digitalmente sono state costruite nello stabilimento Boeing di St. Louis da un team di una dozzina di tecnici e robot, contro le 86 persone necessarie con il progetto precedente. Il metodo di costruzione digitale riduce al minimo errori e rilavorazioni.
Il jet avrà anche "sistemi di missione aperti ad architettura aperta", ha detto, ed è un "esploratore" per l'approccio di sviluppo software agile dell'Air Force. Conosciuto come DevSecOps, accelera lo sviluppo e il rilascio del software abbattendo le barriere tra sviluppatori, professionisti della sicurezza e operatori.
L'F-15EX è "progettato per evolversi dal primo giorno" e sarà in grado di tenere il passo con i sistemi di comunicazione e condivisione dei dati in rapida evoluzione che il servizio sta creando. 
Il sistema operativo "può containerizzare applicazioni di terze parti" ed eseguire nuovo software "senza dover passare attraverso test di volo molto estesi e test di regressione. 
Gli squadroni saranno in grado di passare dagli aerei F-15C / D Eagles agli F-15EX entro circa tre mesi dalla loro acquisizione poiché i jet sono molto simili. 
L'F-15EX può "incorporare rapidamente le tecnologie del futuro", consentendogli di diventare "un banco di prova per le tecnologie più in generale per l'Air Force". Questi includeranno non solo ciò che potrebbe andare nelle versioni future dell'EX, ma altre tecnologie, dato che utilizza un processore più veloce, oltre a una rete in fibra ottica e una stanza fisica all'interno. 
L'F-15EX sarà protetto dal sistema Eagle Passive Active Warning Survivability, o EPAWSS, una nuova suite di guerra elettronica. Sebbene le funzioni di EPAWSS rimangano riservate, i funzionari affermano che sarà in grado di rilevare, individuare, identificare e attivare elettronicamente una varietà di sistemi di minaccia. I primi due velivoli EX di prova che raggiungeranno Eglin avranno l’EPAWSS installato, e funzionari della Boeing hanno affermato che gli otto EX di prova daranno all'Air Force più capacità di test EPAWSS. L'EPAWSS equipaggerà anche l'F-15E.
L'EPAWSS è “incluso nel prezzo” dell'F-15EX, così come il nuovo radar Raytheon APG-82 (V) 1, che l’US Air Force ha già installato su molti dei suoi modelli C / D ed E Eagles. 
Nel prezzo flyaway di 80 milioni di $ sono inclusi anche il programma di volo operativo comune Suite 9 e la radio programmabile con il software MIDS / JTRS (Multifunctional Information Distribution System / Joint Tactical Radio System). La capacità per il sistema di puntamento montato sul casco congiunto sarà integrata, ma i caschi saranno apparecchiature fornite dal governo.

Non sarebbero inclusi, tuttavia, sensori aggiuntivi, come i pod Sniper o Litening, o i pod Legion Infrared Search-and-Track (IRST)

L’Us Air Force ha fornito ai media un elenco di quello che... dovrebbe essere la configurazione dell’F-15EX. L’Usaf non voleva i sensori-pod: anche se l'EX non viene fornito con IRST, può usarlo. 
La Boeing afferma che l'F-15EX ha un carico utile maggiore del 28% rispetto all'F-15E, con altre due stazioni di armi extra che aggiungono flessibilità al carico.
Alcuni comandanti aerei di teatro volevano "equipaggiamenti diversi che potessero essere specifici per le loro regioni. Un aeroplano che può trasportare il carico bellico di un F-15 EX può fare la differenza. In altri posti hanno molti bersagli… quindi portare 28 (bombe di piccolo diametro) in quel teatro ”ha più senso. L'EX "ora può trasportare quattro missili aria-aria mentre fa tutto il resto ... aria-terra". 
L'Air Force inizialmente prevede di utilizzare l'EX come piattaforma aria-aria, sostituendo direttamente l'F-15C. In quel ruolo può trasportare 12 missili aria-aria e sulle nuove stazioni possono essere trasportati l'AIM-120 o l'AIM-9.
Una mostra virtuale della Boeing includeva un'immagine di un F-15EX che lancia un'arma ipersonica. Solo il pilone centrale dell'aereo "può trasportare un'arma da 22 piedi e 7.000 libbre". Un altro funzionario della Boeing ha detto che ci sono stati "controlli idonei" con un missile non specificato ed è stato già svolto molto lavoro nel simulatore.
I primi caccia operativi raggiungeranno Eglin nove mesi prima del programma contrattuale. La Boeing ha finanziato direttamente la loro costruzione: ”Siamo entusiasti di consegnare questi due aeroplani solo ... pochi mesi dopo l'aggiudicazione del contratto, e lasciare che l'Air Force inizi a farli volare". "Avranno ... quasi due anni di volo sui primi due aeroplani prima che il resto del primo lotto consegni i successivi sei, ... quattro di questi saranno anche cablati per la raccolta dei dati." Gli ultimi quattro saranno probabilmente un "top off" per i test, poiché la maggior parte dei test di sviluppo saranno completati quando arriveranno. 
Il governo saudita ha finanziato lo sviluppo per testare in volo l'F-15SA, che è stato il primo a utilizzare il sistema fly-by-wire. Quel programma ha riguardato ogni punto dei test di volo dell’'F-15. "E il pensiero ora è che semplicemente non dobbiamo tornare indietro e fare molto di questo perché si trattava di grandi dati." I jet del Qatar non sono così diversi dagli aerei sauditi; ha "un programma di test più piccolo" incentrato su radar, display e computer, "quindi molto di questo ovviamente non deve essere rifatto".
Inoltre, la forza di prova F-15 a Eglin sta già mettendo a punto EPAWSS, MDS / JTRS e Suite 9, quindi l'aggiunta di otto caccia F-15EX con tutte queste caratteristiche aggiungerà capacità e velocità alla forza di prova. "C'è un sacco di sinergia". I piloti collaudatori dello sviluppo sono già stati controllati sull'aereo QA, “quindi hanno già un vantaggio. ... L'aereo è già molto noto alla comunità dei test." 

La novità dell'EX sarà il programma di volo operativo Suite 9 e una nuova suite di controllo degli armamenti, che richiederà il tiro di alcuni missili. 

Un nuovo simulatore è stato messo insieme, ma le modifiche necessarie per convertire un simulatore F-15C / D o E in un EX sono minime, ha detto un funzionario della Boeing, e non richiederanno nuovi prototipi o altri investimenti. Allo stesso modo, non dovrebbero esserci problemi nell'integrare l'F-15EX nelle simulazioni di wargaming del Dipartimento della Difesa, perché gli aggiustamenti saranno piccoli. 
Poiché l'F-15EX non è passato attraverso il tipico processo dell'Air Force che stabilisce un requisito e segue un processo di sviluppo, non sarà conforme alle tipiche tappe programmatiche.
"Questo è diverso. … Esamineremo le decisioni Milestone C ”combinandole con un benchmark chiamato Integrated Design Review, piuttosto che Critical Design Review. "Questi sono davvero jet pronti per la produzione", "quindi dovrebbe essere abbastanza semplice inserirli in produzione subito dopo" i test di valutazione operativi integrati.
La Boeing ha in programma di costruire circa quattro F-15EX al mese, compresi i jet stranieri. La flotta F-15C / D può durare abbastanza a lungo da permettere all'F-15EX di salire a bordo? 
"L'Air Force lo sta esaminando per numero di coda e con molta attenzione", ha detto un funzionario della Boeing. "Stanno facendo ispezioni ... ed esaminando i dati e quali siano le implicazioni sulla flotta." L’Usaf è  cautamente ottimista e sta supportando in ogni modo il nuovo cacciabombardiere.
L'adozione dell'F-15EX da parte dell’Usaf  amplierà potenzialmente il numero di paesi che potrebbero acquistare il caccia, inclusi gli attuali utenti Israele, Giappone, Qatar, Corea del Sud e Arabia Saudita.
"Il mondo guarda ciò che acquista l'aviazione americana", ha detto Kumar. "Quindi chiaramente c'è interesse per la nostra base di clienti esistente in tutto il mondo." Israele sta "dando un'occhiata" al nuovo F-15, ha detto, mentre il Giappone sta progettando di incorporare molte delle caratteristiche EX eccetto il sistema fly-by-wire.


Boeing offers the F-15EX to the Indian Air Force

Boeing has confirmed that the US government has approved its offer to promote its F-15EX Advanced Eagle fighter aircraft to the Indian Air Force (IAF). This offer will be supported by a new industry initiative - announced by Boeing on 28 January - that will seek to develop an aerospace hub in India for Boeing military and commercial aircraft.
Boeing confirmed plans to position its F-15EX fighter aircraft (pictured) for the Indian Air Force and to develop a new "repair, development and support" aerospace hub within the country.
A Boeing spokesman told Janes on 28 January that the US government "recently approved our licence to market the F-15EX in India". Earlier, Ankur Kanaglekar, director for India Fighters Lead at Boeing Defence, Space & Security, was reported by Reuters as saying that discussions on the F-15EX had taken place between the governments of India and the US.
Kanaglekar said the F-15EX marketing licence "allows us to talk directly to the Indian Air Force about the fighter's capabilities". He added that Boeing had "started [discussions] in a small way" and that talks were expected to continue at the Aero India show in Bangalore, which begins on 3 February.
At a pre-show press conference in New Delhi, the company also unveiled plans to launch an aerospace project dubbed the Boeing India Repair Development and Sustainment (BIRDS) hub initiative in India. Boeing said the BIRDS initiative "envisions a competitive MRO [maintenance, repair and overhaul] ecosystem for engineering, maintenance, skills, repair and support services for defence and commercial aircraft in India". He added that the project is part of its "commitment to support and strengthen indigenous aerospace and defence capabilities in the country”.

The US Air Force prepares to welcome the first new F-15EX

Early next year, two Boeing F-15EXs will arrive at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., for testing. The most tricked-out, advanced Eagles ever built, and the first factory-fresh F-15s acquired by the Air Force since 2004, they’re the lead aircraft in a planned fleet of up to 200 F-15EX fighters to be added over the next 15 years. 
The F-15EX comes with nearly all the bells and whistles Eagle drivers have ever wished for: fly-by-wire flight controls, two new weapon stations, a new electronic warfare suite, advanced radar, a hyper-fast computer, conformal fuel tanks, and a strengthened structure. 
But it’s still a fourth-generation fighter, no stealthier than the F-15A that rolled out in 1974. Low observability is considered crucial for operating near modern adversary air defenses, so this new fighter will have to remain, for the most part, outside enemy airspace until those defenses can be beaten down.
The F-15EX was added to the Air Force’s budget in 2018 when then-Defense Secretary James Mattis, acting on the advice of Pentagon analysts, decided that a modernized fourth-generation Eagle could provide a needed capacity boost and give the Pentagon competitive leverage with Lockheed Martin, maker of the F-35A, USAF’s preferred, fifth-generation fighter.

The F-15EX is “designed to evolve from Day One.”

Heather Wilson, then-Secretary of the Air Force, would later admit USAF hadn’t sought the F-15EX. It had been USAF policy since 2004 not to buy any “new-old” airplanes, and concentrate on fifth-generation machines. 
Now that it’s in the budget, though, the Air Force is embracing the F-15EX as a means to shore up its fighter force, facing the hard reality that it just doesn’t have enough iron to go around. USAF never got the 381 F-22s it planned for to replace its F-15C/Ds and carry the air superiority mission through 2040, receiving only 186 Raptors. To meet global force requirements, it had to retain more than 200 of the youngest or lowest-time F-15Cs well beyond their planned service lives. 
Eleven years later, those F-15C/Ds are so worn down that Air Force officials say it’s no longer cost-effective to fix them. To remain safe, they require constant and costly inspections to ensure fatigued structural elements are still viable. 
The cost of sustaining the Eagle fleet and other old platforms is “eating me alive,” said Lt. Gen. David S. Nahom, deputy chief of staff for plans and programs., 
Older aircraft are handicapping the Air Force in multiple ways, Nahom said in an interview. “Not only are they costing us too much money, but they’re offering us too much risk,” due to obsolete gear and age-related flight restrictions. He said the Air Force must move out swiftly to bring on the F-15EX “as quickly as we can to recapitalize” F-15C/D units. 
Boeing quotes a flyaway cost for the F-15EX of $80 million a copy—about the same as the F-35A. But operating costs are a differentiator. Recently retired Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein said USAF has been leery of the F-35’s cost per flight hour, still about $35,000, which is well above the F-15’s $27,000 per hour. The Air Force also wants its fleet to be mostly of the Block 4 version of the F-35, which is not yet in production. That jet will have more advanced sensors and can carry a greater variety of weapons. By waiting, USAF can get a greater number of jets in the more advanced configuration and spend less on retrofitting earlier ones.
To Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., it’s not a matter of one or the other. “It’s capability and capacity,” he said during a Defense One online event in October. While Brown insisted, “We still value the F-35,” he called the F-15EX an “opportunity.” Because foreign customers have invested heavily to modernize the F-15, the Air Force can leverage those investments and acquire an airplane that’s as good as a fourth-generation airplane can be, without laying out big dollars for development or tooling, Brown asserted. 
Saudi Arabia and Qatar have collectively spent about $5 billion developing their own versions of the F-15, said Boeing Vice President Prat Kumar, who heads its F-15 program, in an October interview. The Air Force can reap the benefit of that investment.  
The F-15EX will be almost identical to the F-15QA being built for Qatar. Now in testing, that aircraft builds on the F-15SA developed for Saudi Arabia, the first to trade the old hydraulic actuators and cables for a digital, fly-by-wire system. 
Boeing test pilots have reported that the F-15QA flies very much like the F-15C/D and E models, but reaches the edge of the performance envelope faster. Transitioning from USAF’s old Eagles to the new should be easy, they say, requiring only that pilots adapt to the EX’s new “glass cockpit” displays, which replace the 1980s-era steam gauges in the C/D and E models.  
Gen. James M. Holmes, who retired as head of Air Combat Command in August, said he supported the EX purchase because, with congressional funding adds, it’s affordable and the first one will be “ready to fight as soon as it comes off the line.” Even though it will be limited in how close it can get to enemy air defenses—owing to its large radar cross section—the EX will be effective for homeland defense and in areas where the adversary threat is less severe, he said.
Service officials say they are still figuring out how to “shape” the future force, and for the moment, the F-15EX will simply fall in on the mission of the F-15C/D. In the future, however, one senior official said the EX could shift to more of the E model’s ground-attack mission, in the 2030s, as that airplane comes to the end of its service life. The EX will have two cockpit positions, but USAF has officially said it intends to fly the aircraft with a single pilot.
“The EX can carry every weapon that a Strike Eagle can carry, plus a few,” a Boeing official said. “I think there’s probably going to be a robust conversation … about what the EX can and cannot do … and what is value-added versus not, from a mission standpoint.”  
Boeing received the first payment of $1.2 billion for the F-15EX on July 13. The cost-plus-fixed-fee, cost-plus incentive contract set a ceiling of $22.89 billion for up to 200 aircraft, although USAF has only spoken of buying 144. Separately, the Air Force awarded GE Aviation a $101.4 million contract for the first 19 GE-F110-129 engines to power the EX test fleet—the same engines that power the F-15SA and the QA. They will be provided as government-furnished equipment. The Air Force will allow Raytheon Technologies’ Pratt & Whitney unit to offer a competitive power plant for the production program, though, as long as Pratt certifies its engine on the F-15EX, at its own expense.
The Air Force’s Future Years’ Defense Plan calls for 76 F-15EXs, but Congress will not approve more until USAF submits an acquisition strategy for the fighter. 
Because of commonality, an F-15C/D squadron will be able to change over to the F-15EXs within about three months of getting them, Goldfein said, using a lot of the existing ground support gear and requiring little new military construction. By contrast, transitioning a unit from the F-15C/D to the F-35 might take several years, given the unique gear, training and milcon required. This speed of fielding is cited by USAF leaders as the most attractive part of the EX program. 
Except for some bridge support by contractor personnel for the test aircraft, the plan is for the EX to be maintained by USAF’s organic capability.
The Air Force plans to put the first operational F-15EXs at Kingsley Field, Ore., where it conducts F-15 training.
In addition to state-of-the art missions systems, the F-15EX is being built with modern technologies and with the idea that it will frequently be upgraded, Kumar said.
“We have improved the wing so that it eliminates base-level … and programmed depot maintenance,” Kumar said. The digitally re-engineered wings are being built at Boeing’s St. Louis plant by a team of a dozen technicians and robots, versus the 86 people needed with the earlier design. The digital construction method minimizes mistakes and rework.
The jet will also have “open mission systems and open architecture,” he said, and is a “pathfinder” for the Air Force’s agile software development approach. Known as DevSecOps, it accelerates software development and releases by breaking down barriers between developers, security practitioners, and operators.
Will Roper, USAF acquisition chief, said the F-15EX is “designed to evolve from Day One,” and will be able to keep up with rapidly changing communications and data-sharing systems the service is creating. 
The operating system “can containerize third-party applications” and run new software “without having to go through very extensive flight testing and]regression testing,” Kumar asserted. 
The F-15EX can “incorporate future technologies rapidly,” enabling it to become “a testbed for technologies more broadly for the Air Force,” Kumar said. These will include not just what might go into future versions of the EX but other technologies, given that it has the fastest processor flying, as well as a fiber- optic network and physical room inside. 
The F-15EX will be protected by the Eagle Passive Active Warning Survivability System, or EPAWSS, a new electronic warfare suite. While EPAWSS functions remain classified, officials say it will be able to detect, locate, identify, and electronically engage a variety of threat systems. The first two test EX aircraft that reach Eglin will have EPAWSS installed, and Boeing officials said the eight test EXs will give the Air Force more EPAWSS testing capacity. The EPAWSS will also equip the F-15E.
EPAWSS is “included in the price” of the F-15EX, Kumar said, as is the Raytheon APG-82(V) 1 radar, which the Air Force has already installed on many of its C/D and E model Eagles. 
Also included in the $80 million flyaway price will be the Suite 9 common operational flight program, and MIDS/JTRS (Multifunctional Information Distribution System/Joint Tactical Radio System) software-programmable radio. Capability for the Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing System capability will be built in, but the helmets will be government-furnished equipment.
Not included, however, will be any additional sensors, such as Sniper or Litening pods, or Legion Infrared Search-and-Track (IRST) pods, a Boeing official said. 
“Everybody wanted it to be crystal clear on what they’re getting for what price,” the official said. “The Air Force gave us a list of what … the F-15EX configuration should be, and it had to do with two things: One, the capability they wanted, but the other was commonality with what they were already doing.” The Air Force didn’t want sensor pods in the package “because they said, ‘Hey, look, we’ve already got Sniper pods. We’ve got IRST pods.’” While the EX doesn’t come with the IRST, it can use it. 
Boeing says the F-15EX has a 28 percent larger payload than the F-15E, with two more weapons stations. The extra stations add loadout flexibility, company officials said.
Some theater air commanders wanted “different loadouts that might be more applicable” to their regions. “An airplane that can carry seven 2,000-pounders, which an EX can, makes a big difference. In other places they have lots of targets … so carrying 28 (Small Diameter Bombs) in that theater” makes  more sense. The EX “can now carry four air-to-air missiles while it’s doing all that other … air-to-ground” work. 
The Air Force initially expects to use the EX as an air-to-air platform, directly substituting for the F-15C. In that role it can carry 12 air-to-air missiles, and on the new stations, either the AIM-120 or AIM-9 can be carried.
At the Air Force Association’s virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference in September, Boeing’s virtual exhibit included an image of an F-15EX launching a hypersonic weapon. Asked about it, Kumar said only that the aircraft’s central pylon “can carry a 22-foot, 7,000-pound weapon.” Another Boeing official said there have been “fit checks” with an unspecified missile. “We’ve done … work in the simulator on this,” the official said. 
The first jets will reach Eglin nine months ahead of contract schedule. Boeing has fronted some of its own money to build them, to show the Air Force it can deliver swiftly.
“We’re excited to deliver these two airplanes just … a few months after contract award, and let the Air Force start flying them,” Kumar said. “They’re going to get … almost two years of flying on the first two airplanes before the rest of Lot 1 delivers, and of the next six, … four of those will also be test-wired for data collection.” The last four will probably be a “top off” to testing, as most developmental tests will be completed by the time they arrive. 
The Saudi government paid the U.S. Air Force to flight-test the F-15SA, which was the first to use the fly-by-wire system. That program—for which testers received an award by their peers—“tested every flight-test point the F-15 had ever flown,” a Boeing official reported. “And, the thought now is that we simply don’t have to go back and do a lot of that because it was great data.” The Qatari jets aren’t that different from the Saudi aircraft; it has “a smaller test program” focusing on the radar, displays, and computer, “so a lot of that obviously doesn’t have to be redone.”
Moreover, the F-15 test force at Eglin is already shaking out the EPAWSS, MDS/JTRS and Suite 9, so the addition of eight F-15EX jets with all those features will add capacity and speed to the test force, he said. “There’s a ton of synergy,” he added. Developmental test pilots are already checked out in the QA aircraft, “so they’ve got a leg up, already. … The airplane is already very known to the test community.” 
What will be new on the EX will be the Suite 9 operational flight program and a new armament control suite, which will require shooting some missiles. 
A new simulator is being put together, but the changes needed to convert an F-15C/D or E sim to an EX are minimal, a Boeing official said, and won’t require new buildings or other large investment. Likewise, there shouldn’t be a problem integrating the F-15EX into Defense Department wargaming simulations, because the adjustments will be small.  
Because the F-15EX didn’t go through the typical process of the Air Force setting a requirement and following a development process, it won’t conform to typical programmatic milestones, Kumar said.
“This is different. … We’ll go through the Milestone C decisions” by combining them with a benchmark called Integrated Design Review, rather than Critical Design Review.
“These are really production-ready jets,” he said, “so it should be fairly straightforward to get into production right after” Integrated Operational Test and Evaluation.
Boeing is planning to build about four F-15EXs per month, including foreign jets. Can the F-15C/D fleet last long enough for the F-15EX to get onboard? 
“The Air Force is looking at that by tail number, and with a lot of attention,” a Boeing official said. “They’re doing inspections … and looking at the data, and … looking at what the implications are on the fleet.” He said he thinks the Air Force is “cautiously optimistic … but we’re certainly supporting them in every way we can think of.” 
Kumar said the Air Force’s adoption of the F-15EX will potentially expand the number of countries that might buy the jet, including current users Israel, Japan, Qatar, South Korea, and Saudi Arabia.
“The world watches what the U.S. Air Force buys,” Kumar said. “So clearly there’s interest in our existing customer base across the world.” Israel is “taking a look” at the new F-15, he said, while Japan is planning to incorporate many of the EX features except the fly-by-wire system.                 

(Web, Google, Jane’s, Airforcemag, Wikipedia, You Tube)


George Smith Patton (1885 – 1945), lo sbarco in Sicilia e il massacro di settantatré soldati italiani, catturati il 14 luglio durante la battaglia per la conquista dell'aeroporto di "Santo Pietro" a Biscari (oggi Acate).

Il generale George Smith Patton era uno dei più energici comandanti statunitensi ed ebbe il comando della 7ª Armata impegnata nello sbarco in Sicilia del 10 luglio 1943. Prima dello sbarco aveva pubblicamente esortato i suoi uomini a non avere pietà: "Se si arrendono non badare alle mani alzate. Mira tra la terza e la quarta costola, poi spara. Si fottano, nessun prigioniero! È finito il momento di giocare, è ora di uccidere! Io voglio una divisione di killer, perché i killer sono immortali!". Nei giorni successivi allo sbarco avvennero diversi sanguinosi eccidi operati dalla settima armata statunitense. Il più atroce fu l'uccisione di settantatré soldati italiani, catturati il 14 luglio durante la battaglia per la conquista dell'aeroporto di "Santo Pietro" a Biscari (oggi Acate).
L'esecuzione fu compiuta dal sergente Horace West, che da solo uccise trentasei soldati italiani prigionieri, e dal plotone del capitano John Compton, che uccise trentasette italiani (West e Compton militavano, entrambi, nella 45ª Divisione). Questo terribile atto fu reso pubblico grazie a una denuncia fatta da un cappellano della 45ª Divisione, il colonnello William King e poi confermato dalle ripetute denunce inascoltate dell'unico sopravvissuto alla strage, il soldato Giuseppe Giannola.
La testimonianza del cappellano permise lo svolgersi di un regolare processo, dal quale emerse la colpevolezza del sergente Horace West che fu condannato all'ergastolo, ma non scontò neppure un anno. Il governo statunitense era infatti preoccupato dalla possibilità che l'immagine americana potesse essere compromessa, soprattutto davanti all'Italia, con la quale gli Stati Uniti avevano da poco concluso l'armistizio dell’8 settembre 1943.
Il capitano John Compton, che si difese dicendo di aver eseguito gli ordini di Patton, al contrario di West fu assolto dall'accusa di aver compiuto il massacro. È noto (attraverso dichiarazioni rilasciate da decine di soldati ed ufficiali, i quali testimoniarono al processo sui crimini di Biscari).

Parole inequivocabili, anche se ufficiali e soldati che avevano lavorato al fianco di Patton e avevano avuto modo di conoscerlo hanno affermato che non avrebbe mai ordinato un massacro.
È anche noto (da affermazioni contenute nel diario personale del generale) che Patton ritenesse i siciliani poco valorosi, vili e troppo arrendevoli. 

Ad esempio racconta nel libro Patton Generale d'acciaio a pagina 64 che "quando stavamo combattendo nelle vicinanze della città (Gela, ndr), gli abitanti erano, a dire il meno, poco amichevoli; ma da quando abbiamo dimostrato che eravamo in grado di battere sia i tedeschi, sia gli italiani, si sono perfettamente "americanizzati" e impiegano il loro tempo a chiederci sigarette". 

Non mancano però gli elogi al popolo italiano nel suo complesso. Al vicario del cardinale disse "sono rimasto sconcertato della testardaggine e dal coraggio degli italiani; testardi perché combattono per una causa persa, coraggiosi perché italiani". Gli episodi e i giudizi espressi da Patton sono molti e sempre influenzati dalle circostanze, e la strage resta. 

La spedizione in Sicilia si concluse il 17 agosto del 1943 quando lo sconfitto esercito tedesco abbandonò l'isola e si ritirò in Calabria.

George Smith Patton (San Gabriel, 11 novembre 1885 – Heidelberg, 21 dicembre 1945) è stato un generale statunitense durante la seconda guerra mondiale e un grande esperto nell'impiego dei mezzi corazzati. Dotato di una solida personalità, determinato e risoluto, a volte eccessivamente impulsivo ed eccentrico, dimostrò grande capacità di comando e notevole preparazione strategica durante la campagna di Sicilia e soprattutto sul fronte occidentale nel 1944-45, guidando con grande energia le sue truppe in una serie di brillanti vittorie fino al cuore della Germania. La risolutezza e la determinazione gli valsero il soprannome di "generale d'acciaio".
I russi lo chiamavano "generale dopo" perché assonante (потом, pron. patóm). All'apice della carriera amava girare con un revolver Colt SAA dall'impugnatura in avorio e una cintura da cowboy fuori ordinanza, funzionale alla costruzione mediatica del personaggio-guerriero che egli amava interpretare.


Gli inizi

George Smith Patton nacque a San Gabriel, un sobborgo di Los Angeles, in California, l'11 novembre 1885; proveniva da una ricca famiglia della Virginia di antica tradizione militare; suo nonno, durante la Guerra di secessione, colonnello confederato George S. Patton, Sr. era morto nel 1864 nella Terza battaglia di Winchester. Il pro-zio, il tenente colonnello confederato Waller T. Patton era morto durante la carica di Pickett nella battaglia di Gettysburg del 1863.
Nel 1909 il giovane George uscì ufficiale di cavalleria dall'accademia militare di West Point, dove era entrato all'età di quattordici anni.
Nel 1912 il giovane Patton partecipò alla V Olimpiade a Stoccolma nella gara di pentathlon moderno, inserita per la prima volta nel programma olimpico. Iniziò con un modesto ventesimo posto nella prova di tiro (150 punti su 200), ma recuperò posizioni nelle prove successive. Fu settimo nel nuoto (300 metri in 5'55"6), quarto nella scherma (20 scontri vinti e sole 4 sconfitte), sesto nell'equitazione (percorso netto di 5 km e 17 ostacoli in 10'42") ed infine terzo nella corsa (4000 metri in 20'01"9). Nella classifica finale fu quinto, dietro a quattro atleti svedesi.
Acquisì una certa esperienza militare al fianco del generale John Joseph Pershing, nella campagna del Messico (1916-1917) contro Pancho Villa. Durante la spedizione contro Pancho Villa, in un conflitto a fuoco uccise Julio Cardenas – il braccio destro di Villa – montando una mitragliatrice su una macchina (così nacque la sua ammirazione verso l'utilizzo delle unità meccanizzate in guerra); e fu promosso capitano. Seguì Pershing anche quando fu a capo della spedizione americana in Europa, allo scoppio della prima guerra mondiale. In Europa accumulò conoscenze sull'utilizzo dei carri armati.

Operazione Torch e campagna di Tunisia

Nel 1939 fu promosso tenente colonnello; l'anno seguente, allo scoppio della seconda guerra mondiale, divenne Maggiore Generale e, dopo aver conseguito alcune specializzazioni (ancora nell'uso dei mezzi corazzati), nel 1941, fu messo a capo della 2ª Divisione corazzata e nel 1942 prese parte all'operazione Torch, dirigendo lo sbarco in Marocco alla testa della cosiddetta Western Task Force. Rimase in Marocco per organizzare il I Corpo d'armata corazzato in preparazione dello sbarco in Sicilia, ma, dopo il disastro della battaglia del passo di Kasserine, fu incaricato dal generale Dwight Eisenhower del comando, dal 6 marzo 1943 delle forze americane in Tunisia, raggruppate nel II corpo d'armata, al posto del generale Lloyd Fredendall.
Il generale dimostrò subito estrema risolutezza, riuscì a riorganizzare le sue forze e sollevare il morale delle truppe molto scosso dopo la serie di sconfitte, ma non ottenne grandi risultati. Il II corpo d'armata passò all'offensiva il 17 marzo 1943 ma i ripetuti attacchi alla stretta di Maknassy, dal 23 al 25 marzo, furono respinti dai tedeschi nonostante la superiorità di uomini e mezzi degli americani. Patton riuscì a respingere un contrattacco di panzer ad El Guettar il 24 marzo, ma una nuova serie di attacchi a Fondouk e a El Guettar il 27 e 28 marzo, terminarono con pesanti perdite e scarsi risultati; i difensori italo-tedeschi mantennero le loro posizioni[2]. Comandò il ricongiungimento delle forze statunitensi con quelle dell'8ª Armata britannica di Bernard Law Montgomery. Tra i suoi più stretti collaboratori in questa fase della guerra c'era l'allora maggiore Generale Omar Bradley.

La campagna di Normandia e la fine della guerra

Patton fu richiamato in Gran Bretagna; fu messo a capo della 3ª Armata alcune settimane dopo lo sbarco in Normandia avvenuto il 6 giugno del 1944; durante la battaglia di Normandia si distinse in maniera particolare nelle operazioni di conquista di alcune importanti città francesi come Nantes, Orléans, Avranches, Nancy e Metz. Respinse in maniera esemplare la controffensiva tedesca delle Ardenne, (16 dicembre 1944), contrattaccando e mettendo in fuga l'esercito tedesco. Riprese l'avanzata e, superato il Reno, si spinse fino a Plzeň, al confine cecoslovacco; qui l'ordine diretto del generale Dwight Eisenhower gli impedì di continuare l'avanzata verso Praga che fu invece raggiunta dalle armate corazzate sovietiche del maresciallo Ivan Konev l'11 maggio 1945, costringendolo a fermarsi e a congiungersi con le truppe sovietiche provenienti dall'Austria, le forze del 3° Fronte Ucraino del maresciallo Fedor Tolbuchin.
Sulla questione gli storici discutono ancora e, a dispetto di dietrologi che ancora imputano ad Eisenhower una certa "mollezza" politica per aver voluto evitare frizioni con l'alleato sovietico, la maggior parte degli storici ritiene che la sua avanzata avrebbe creato un grave e pericoloso squilibrio nella linea strategica attentamente tracciata e fatta eseguire da Eisenhower, noto per le sue grandi capacità di organizzatore e stratega.
Suscitò discussioni la sua decisione di non trattare i prigionieri di guerra delle Schutzstaffeln diversamente dagli altri, asserendo che tale corpo era diventato troppo numeroso nel corso della guerra per essere diverso dagli altri eserciti. Altrove dichiarò di essere caldamente a favore di un'azione congiunta anglo-americana e tedesca in funzione anti-sovietica, dal momento che a suo dire l'URSS non avrebbe avuto motivo di restare in rapporti amichevoli con l'Occidente una volta crollato il Reich.
Sembra che Patton fosse convinto dell'inevitabilità di una guerra contro i sovietici, che ipotizzasse di riarmare subito l'esercito tedesco per impiegarlo accanto agli eserciti anglo-americani e che auspicasse un attacco immediato all'Armata Rossa; egli credeva ottimisticamente di "ricacciare quei dannati russi a Mosca in tre mesi". Patton riteneva pure che gli ebrei si sarebbero opposti ad un'alleanza con i tedeschi e che provassero simpatia per l'Unione Sovietica. Egli avrebbe affermato che l'"influenza semitica nella stampa" mirava a "promuovere il comunismo". Dichiarazioni di questo tenore suscitarono polemiche e favorirono la destituzione del generale da incarichi operativi di comando. Patton fu amareggiato per non aver ricevuto alcun incarico nelle ultime fasi della Guerra del Pacifico, e si rassegnò al suo ruolo di amministratore militare della Baviera.

La morte

Il 9 dicembre 1945, mentre si dirigeva ad una battuta di caccia, rimase coinvolto in un incidente stradale nei pressi di Spira; ad un incrocio la sua macchina si scontrò con un autocarro dell'esercito americano; nessuno rimase ferito tranne Patton, che, seduto sul sedile posteriore, fu sbalzato in avanti ed urtò violentemente la testa sul sedile anteriore, rompendosi l'osso del collo. Pur avendo riportato irreversibili e gravi traumi, riuscì a sopravvivere tra atroci sofferenze altri dieci giorni. Mentre sembrava che le condizioni si fossero ristabilite, morì di edema polmonare e congestione cardiaca, alle 17.45 del 21 dicembre 1945, all'età di sessant'anni. La sua morte ha originato ipotesi di un complotto per eliminarlo, a garanzia del patto di Jalta.
Venne sepolto, secondo le sue volontà, nel cimitero americano del Lussemburgo, insieme agli altri soldati caduti nell'offensiva delle Ardenne.


La figura del generale Patton è stata riportata sullo schermo nei film:
Patton, generale d'acciaio (Patton) (1970), film statunitense di Franklin J. Schaffner, con George C. Scott nella parte del generale
Obiettivo Brass (Brass Target) (1978), film statunitense di John Hough, con George Kennedy nella parte del generale
In guerra per amore (2016), film italiano di Pif, con Forest Baker nella parte del generale.


George Smith Patton Jr. (November 11, 1885 – December 21, 1945) was a controversial general in the United States Army who commanded the Seventh United States Army in the Mediterranean theater of World War II, and the United States Army Central in France and Germany after the Allied invasion of Normandy in June 1944.
Born in 1885, Patton attended the Virginia Military Institute and the United States Military Academy at West Point. He studied fencing and designed the M1913 Cavalry Saber, more commonly known as the "Patton Saber", and competed in modern pentathlon in the 1912 Summer Olympics in Stockholm, Sweden.
Patton first saw combat during 1916's Pancho Villa Expedition, America's first military action using motor vehicles. He saw action in World War I as part of the new United States Tank Corps of the American Expeditionary Forces: he commanded the U.S. tank school in France, then led tanks into combat and was wounded near the end of the war. In the interwar period, Patton became a central figure in the development of the army's armored warfare doctrine, serving in numerous staff positions throughout the country. At the American entry into World War II, he commanded the 2nd Armored Division.
Patton led U.S. troops into the Mediterranean theater with an invasion of Casablanca during Operation Torch in 1942, and soon established himself as an effective commander by rapidly rehabilitating the demoralized II United States Corps. He commanded the U.S. Seventh Army during the Allied invasion of Sicily, where he was the first Allied commander to reach Messina. There he was embroiled in controversy after he slapped two shell-shocked soldiers, and was temporarily removed from battlefield command. He then was assigned a key role in Operation Fortitude, the Allies' disinformation campaign for Operation Overlord. At the start of the Western Allied invasion of France, Patton was given command of the Third Army, which conducted a highly successful rapid armored drive across France. Under his decisive leadership, the Third Army took the lead in relieving beleaguered American troops at Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge, after which his forces drove deep into Nazi Germany by the end of the war.
During the Allied occupation of Germany, Patton was named military governor of Bavaria, but was relieved for making aggressive statements towards the Soviet Union and trivializing denazification. He commanded the United States Fifteenth Army for slightly more than two months. Severely injured in an auto accident, he died in Germany twelve days later, on December 21, 1945.
Patton's colorful image, hard-driving personality and success as a commander were at times overshadowed by his controversial public statements. His philosophy of leading from the front, and his ability to inspire troops with attention-getting, vulgarity-ridden speeches, such as his famous address to the Third Army, was met favorably by his troops, but much less so by a sharply divided Allied high command. His sending the doomed Task Force Baum to liberate his son-in-law, Lieutenant Colonel John K. Waters from a prisoner of war camp further damaged his standing with his superiors. His emphasis on rapid and aggressive offensive action nonetheless proved effective, and he was regarded highly by his opponents in the German High Command. An award-winning biographical film released in 1970, Patton, helped popularize his image.

Early life

George Smith Patton Jr. was born on November 11, 1885, in the Los Angeles suburb of San Gabriel, California, to George Smith Patton Sr. and his wife Ruth Wilson, the daughter of Benjamin Davis Wilson. Patton had a younger sister, Anne, who was nicknamed "Nita."
As a child, Patton had difficulty learning to read and write, but eventually overcame this and was known in his adult life to be an avid reader. He was tutored from home until the age of eleven, when he was enrolled in Stephen Clark's School for Boys, a private school in Pasadena, for six years. Patton was described as an intelligent boy and was widely read on classical military history, particularly the exploits of Hannibal, Scipio Africanus, Julius Caesar, Joan of Arc, and Napoleon Bonaparte, as well as those of family friend John Singleton Mosby, who frequently stopped by the Patton family home when George was a child. He was also a devoted horseback rider.
Patton married Beatrice Banning Ayer, the daughter of Boston industrialist Frederick Ayer, on May 26, 1910, in Beverly Farms, Massachusetts. They had three children, Beatrice Smith (born March 1911), Ruth Ellen (born February 1915), and George Patton IV (born December 1923). Beatrice Patton died in 1953 when she was thrown from her horse.
Patton never seriously considered a career other than the military. At the age of seventeen he sought an appointment to the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York. He applied to several universities with Reserve Officer's Training Corps programs, and was accepted to Princeton College, but eventually decided on Virginia Military Institute (VMI), which his father and grandfather had attended. He attended the school from 1903 to 1904 and, though he struggled with reading and writing, performed exceptionally in uniform and appearance inspection as well as military drill. While he was at VMI, a senator from California nominated him for West Point. He was an initiate of the Beta Commission of Kappa Alpha Order.
In his plebe (first) year at West Point, Patton adjusted easily to the routine. However, his academic performance was so poor that he was forced to repeat his first year after failing mathematics. He excelled at military drills though his academic performance remained average. He was cadet sergeant major during his junior year, and the cadet adjutant his senior year. He also joined the football team, but he injured his arm and stopped playing on several occasions. Instead he tried out for the sword team and track and field and specialized in the modern pentathlon. He competed in this sport in the 1912 Summer Olympics in Stockholm, and he finished in fifth place—right behind four Swedes.
Patton graduated number 46 out of 103 cadets at West Point on June 11, 1909, and received a commission as a second lieutenant in the Cavalry branch of the United States Army.


The Patton family was of Irish, Scots-Irish, English, Scottish, French and Welsh ancestry. His great-grandmother came from an aristocratic Welsh family, descended from many Welsh lords of Glamorgan, which had an extensive military background. Patton believed he had former lives as a soldier and took pride in mystical ties with his ancestors. Though not directly descended from George Washington, Patton traced some of his English colonial roots to George Washington's great-grandfather. He was also descended from England's King Edward I through Edward's son Edmund of Woodstock, 1st Earl of Kent. Family belief held the Pattons were descended from sixteen barons who had signed Magna Carta. Patton believed in reincarnation, stating that he had fought in previous battles and wars before his time, additionally, his ancestry was very important to him, forming a central part of his personal identity. The first Patton in America was Robert Patton, born in Ayr, Scotland. He emigrated to Culpeper, Virginia, from Glasgow, in either 1769 or 1770. His paternal grandfather was George Smith Patton, who commanded the 22nd Virginia Infantry under Jubal Early in the Civil War and was killed in the Third Battle of Winchester, while his great-uncle Waller T. Patton was killed in Pickett's Charge during the Battle of Gettysburg. Patton also descended from Hugh Mercer, who had been killed in the Battle of Princeton during the American Revolution. Patton's father, who graduated from the Virginia Military Institute (VMI), became a lawyer and later the district attorney of Los Angeles County. Patton's maternal grandfather was Benjamin Davis Wilson, a merchant who had been the second Mayor of Los Angeles. His father was a wealthy rancher and lawyer who owned a one-thousand-acre (400 ha) ranch near Pasadena, California. Patton is also a descendant of French Huguenot Louis DuBois.

Junior officer

Patton's first posting was with the 15th Cavalry at Fort Sheridan, Illinois, where he established himself as a hard-driving leader who impressed superiors with his dedication. In late 1911, Patton was transferred to Fort Myer, Virginia, where many of the Army's senior leaders were stationed. Befriending Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, Patton served as his aide at social functions on top of his regular duties as quartermaster for his troop.

1912 Olympics

For his skill in running and fencing, Patton was selected as the Army's entry for the first modern pentathlon at the 1912 Olympic Games in Stockholm, Sweden. Patton was the only American among the 42 pentathletes, who were all military officers. Patton placed twenty-first on the pistol range, seventh in swimming, fourth in fencing, sixth in the equestrian competition, and third in the footrace, finishing fifth overall and first among the non-Swedish competitors. There was some controversy concerning his performance in the pistol shooting competition, in which he used a .38 caliber U.S. Army–issue pistol while most of the other competitors chose .22 caliber firearms. He claimed that the holes in the paper from his early shots were so large that a later bullet passed through them, but the judges decided that one of his bullets missed the target completely. Modern competitions on this level frequently now employ a moving backdrop specifically to track multiple shots through the same hole. If his assertion was correct, Patton would likely have won an Olympic medal in the event. The judges' ruling was upheld. Patton's only comment on the matter was:
The high spirit of sportsmanship and generosity manifested throughout speaks volumes for the character of the officers of the present day. There was not a single incident of a protest or any unsportsmanlike quibbling or fighting for points which I may say, marred some of the other civilian competitions at the Olympic Games. Each man did his best and took what fortune sent them like a true soldier, and at the end we all felt more like good friends and comrades than rivals in a severe competition, yet this spirit of friendship in no manner detracted from the zeal with which all strove for success.

Sword design

Following the 1912 Olympics, Patton travelled to Saumur, France, where he learned fencing techniques from Adjutant Charles Cléry, a French "master of arms" and instructor of fencing at the cavalry school there. Bringing these lessons back to Fort Myer, Patton redesigned saber combat doctrine for the U.S. cavalry, favoring thrusting attacks over the standard slashing maneuver and designing a new sword for such attacks. He was temporarily assigned to the Office of the Army Chief of Staff, and in 1913, the first 20,000 of the Model 1913 Cavalry Saber—popularly known as the "Patton saber"—were ordered. Patton then returned to Saumur to learn advanced techniques before bringing his skills to the Mounted Service School at Fort Riley, Kansas, where he would be both a student and a fencing instructor. He was the first Army officer to be designated "Master of the Sword", a title denoting the school's top instructor in swordsmanship. Arriving in September 1913, he taught fencing to other cavalry officers, many of whom were senior to him in rank. Patton graduated from this school in June 1915. He was originally intended to return to the 15th Cavalry, which was bound for the Philippines. Fearing this assignment would dead-end his career, Patton travelled to Washington, D.C. during 11 days of leave and convinced influential friends to arrange a reassignment for him to the 8th Cavalry at Fort Bliss, Texas, anticipating that instability in Mexico might boil over into a full-scale civil war. In the meantime, Patton was selected to participate in the 1916 Summer Olympics, but that olympiad was cancelled due to World War I.

Pancho Villa Expedition

In 1915 Lieutenant Patton was assigned to border patrol duty with A Troop of the 8th Cavalry, based in Sierra Blanca. During his time in the town, Patton took to wearing his M1911 Colt .45 in his belt rather than a holster. His firearm discharged accidentally one night in a saloon, so he swapped it for an ivory-handled Colt Single Action Army revolver, a weapon that would later become an icon of Patton's image.
In March 1916 Mexican forces loyal to Pancho Villa crossed into New Mexico and raided the border town of Columbus. The violence in Columbus killed several Americans. In response, the U.S. launched the Pancho Villa Expedition into Mexico. Chagrined to discover that his unit would not participate, Patton appealed to expedition commander John J. Pershing, and was named his personal aide for the expedition. This meant that Patton would have some role in organizing the effort, and his eagerness and dedication to the task impressed Pershing. Patton modeled much of his leadership style after Pershing, who favored strong, decisive actions and commanding from the front. As an aide, Patton oversaw the logistics of Pershing's transportation and acted as his personal courier.
In mid-April, Patton asked Pershing for the opportunity to command troops, and was assigned to Troop C of the 13th Cavalry to assist in the manhunt for Villa and his subordinates. His initial combat experience came on May 14, 1916 in what would become the first motorized attack in the history of U.S. warfare. A force under his command of ten soldiers and two civilian guides with the 6th Infantry in three Dodge touring cars surprised three of Villa's men during a foraging expedition, killing Julio Cárdenas and two of his guards. It was not clear if Patton personally killed any of the men, but he was known to have wounded all three. The incident garnered Patton both Pershing's good favor and widespread media attention as a "bandit killer". Shortly after, he was promoted to first lieutenant while a part of the 10th Cavalry on May 23, 1916. Patton remained in Mexico until the end of the year. President Woodrow Wilson forbade the expedition from conducting aggressive patrols deeper into Mexico, so it remained encamped in the Mexican border states for much of that time. In October Patton briefly retired to California after being burned by an exploding gas lamp. He returned from the expedition permanently in February 1917.

World War I

After the Villa Expedition, Patton was detailed to Front Royal, Virginia, to oversee horse procurement for the Army, but Pershing intervened on his behalf. After the United States entered World War I, and Pershing was named commander of the American Expeditionary Force (AEF) on the Western Front, Patton requested to join his staff. Patton was promoted to captain on May 15, 1917 and left for Europe, among the 180 men of Pershing's advance party which departed May 28 and arrived in Liverpool, England, on June 8. Taken as Pershing's personal aide, Patton oversaw the training of American troops in Paris until September, then moved to Chaumont and was assigned as a post adjutant, commanding the headquarters company overseeing the base. Patton was dissatisfied with the post and began to take an interest in tanks, as Pershing sought to give him command of an infantry battalion. While in a hospital for jaundice, Patton met Colonel Fox Conner, who encouraged him to work with tanks instead of infantry.
On November 10, 1917 Patton was assigned to establish the AEF Light Tank School. He left Paris and reported to the French Army's tank training school at Champlieu near Orrouy, where he drove a Renault FT light tank. On November 20, the British launched an offensive towards the important rail center of Cambrai, using an unprecedented number of tanks. At the conclusion of his tour on December 1, Patton went to Albert, 30 miles (48 km) from Cambrai, to be briefed on the results of this attack by the chief of staff of the British Tank Corps, Colonel J. F. C. Fuller. On the way back to Paris, he visited the Renault factory to observe the tanks being manufactured. Patton was promoted to major on January 26, 1918. He received the first ten tanks on March 23, 1918 at the tank school at Bourg, a small village close to Langres, Haute-Marne département. The only US soldier with tank-driving experience, Patton personally backed seven of the tanks off the train. In the post, Patton trained tank crews to operate in support of infantry, and promoted its acceptance among reluctant infantry officers. He was promoted to lieutenant colonel on April 3, 1918, and attended the Command and General Staff College in Langres.
In August 1918, he was placed in charge of the U.S. 1st Provisional Tank Brigade (redesignated the 304th Tank Brigade on November 6, 1918). Patton's Light Tank Brigade was part of Colonel Samuel Rockenbach's Tank Corps, part of the American First Army. Personally overseeing the logistics of the tanks in their first combat use by U.S. forces, and reconnoitering the target area for their first attack himself, Patton ordered that no U.S. tank be surrendered. Patton commanded American-crewed Renault FT tanks at the Battle of Saint-Mihiel, leading the tanks from the front for much of their attack, which began on September 12. He walked in front of the tanks into the German-held village of Essey, and rode on top of a tank during the attack into Pannes, seeking to inspire his men.
Patton's brigade was then moved to support U.S. I Corps in the Meuse-Argonne Offensive on September 26. He personally led a troop of tanks through thick fog as they advanced 5 miles (8 km) into German lines. Around 09:00, Patton was wounded while leading six men and a tank in an attack on German machine guns near the town of Cheppy. His orderly, Private First Class Joe Angelo, saved Patton, for which he was later awarded the Distinguished Service Cross. Patton commanded the battle from a shell hole for another hour before being evacuated. Although the 35th Division (of which Patton's tank troop was a component) eventually captured Varennes, it did so with heavy losses. Trying to move his reserve tanks forward and losing control of his temper, Patton is quoted as potentially having murdered one of his own men, stating: "Some of my reserve tanks were stuck by some trenches. So I went back and made some Americans hiding in the trenches dig a passage. I think I killed one man here. He would not work so I hit him over the head with a shovel".
Patton stopped at a rear command post to submit his report before heading to a hospital. Sereno E. Brett, commander of the U.S. 326th Tank Battalion, took command of the brigade in Patton's absence. Patton wrote in a letter to his wife: "The bullet went into the front of my left leg and came out just at the crack of my bottom about two inches to the left of my rectum. It was fired at about 50 m so made a hole about the size of a [silver] dollar where it came out."
While recuperating from his wound, Patton was brevetted to colonel in the Tank Corps of the U.S. National Army on October 17. He returned to duty on October 28 but saw no further action before hostilities ended on his 33rd birthday with the armistice of November 11, 1918. For his actions in Cheppy, Patton received the Distinguished Service Cross. For his leadership of the brigade and tank school, he was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal. He was also awarded the Purple Heart for his combat wounds after the decoration was created in 1932.

Inter-war years

Patton left France for New York City on March 2, 1919. After the war, he was assigned to Camp Meade, Maryland, and reverted to his permanent rank of captain on June 30, 1920, though he was promoted to major again the next day. Patton was given temporary duty in Washington D.C. that year to serve on a committee writing a manual on tank operations. During this time he developed a belief that tanks should be used not as infantry support, but rather as an independent fighting force. Patton supported the M1919 tank design created by J. Walter Christie, a project which was shelved due to financial considerations. While on duty in Washington, D.C., in 1919, Patton met Dwight D. Eisenhower, who would play an enormous role in Patton's future career. During and following Patton's assignment in Hawaii, he and Eisenhower corresponded frequently. Patton sent Eisenhower notes and assistance to help him graduate from the General Staff College. With Christie, Eisenhower, and a handful of other officers, Patton pushed for more development of armored warfare in the interwar era. These thoughts resonated with Secretary of War Dwight Davis, but the limited military budget and prevalence of already-established Infantry and Cavalry branches meant the U.S. would not develop its armored corps much until 1940.
On September 30, 1920, then-Major Patton relinquished command of the 304th Tank Brigade and was reassigned to Fort Myer as commander of 3rd Squadron, 3rd Cavalry. Loathing duty as a peacetime staff officer, he spent much time writing technical papers and giving speeches on his combat experiences at the General Staff College.
In July 1921 Patton became a member of the American Legion Tank Corps Post No. 19. From 1922 to mid-1923 he attended the Field Officer's Course at the Cavalry School at Fort Riley, then he attended the Command and General Staff College from mid-1923 to mid-1924, graduating 25th out of 248. In August 1923, Patton saved several children from drowning when they fell off a yacht during a boating trip off Salem, Massachusetts. He was awarded the Silver Lifesaving Medal for this action. He was temporarily appointed to the General Staff Corps in Boston, Massachusetts, before being reassigned as G-1 and G-2 of the Hawaiian Division at Schofield Barracks in Honolulu in March 1925.
Patton was made G-3 of the Hawaiian Division for several months, before being transferred in May 1927 to the Office of the Chief of Cavalry in Washington, D.C., where he began to develop the concepts of mechanized warfare. A short-lived experiment to merge infantry, cavalry and artillery into a combined arms force was cancelled after U.S. Congress removed funding. Patton left this office in 1931, returned to Massachusetts and attended the Army War College, becoming a "Distinguished Graduate" in June 1932.
In July 1932, Patton (still a Major) was executive officer of the 3rd Cavalry, which was ordered to Washington by Army Chief of Staff General Douglas MacArthur. Patton took command of the 600 troops of the 3rd Cavalry, and on July 28, MacArthur ordered Patton's troops to advance on protesting veterans known as the "Bonus Army" with tear gas and bayonets. Patton was dissatisfied with MacArthur's conduct, as he recognized the legitimacy of the veterans' complaints and had himself earlier refused to issue the order to employ armed force to disperse the veterans. Patton later stated that, though he found the duty "most distasteful", he also felt that putting the marchers down prevented an insurrection and saved lives and property. He personally led the 3rd Cavalry down Pennsylvania Avenue, dispersing the protesters. Patton also encountered his former orderly, Joe Angelo, as one of the marchers and forcibly ordered him away, fearing such a meeting might make the headlines.
Patton was promoted to lieutenant colonel in the regular Army on March 1, 1934, and was transferred to the Hawaiian Division in early 1935 to serve as G-2. Patton followed the growing hostility and conquest aspirations of the militant Japanese leadership. He wrote a plan to intern the Japanese living in the islands in the event of an attack as a result of the atrocities carried out by Japanese soldiers on the Chinese in the Sino-Japanese war. In 1937 he wrote a paper with the title "Surprise" which predicted, with what D'Este termed "chilling accuracy", a surprise attack by the Japanese on Hawaii. Depressed at the lack of prospects for new conflict, Patton took to drinking heavily and allegedly began a brief affair with his 21-year-old niece by marriage, Jean Gordon. This supposed affair distressed his wife and nearly resulted in their separation. Patton's attempts to win her back were said to be among the few instances in which he willingly showed remorse or submission.
Patton continued playing polo and sailing in this time. After sailing back to Los Angeles for extended leave in 1937, he was kicked by a horse and fractured his leg. Patton developed phlebitis from the injury, which nearly killed him. The incident almost forced Patton out of active service, but a six-month administrative assignment in the Academic Department at the Cavalry School at Fort Riley helped him to recover. Patton was promoted to colonel on July 24, 1938 and given command of the 5th Cavalry at Fort Clark, Texas, for six months, a post he relished, but he was reassigned to Fort Myer again in December as commander of the 3rd Cavalry. There, he met Army Chief of Staff George C. Marshall, who was so impressed with him that Marshall considered Patton a prime candidate for promotion to general. In peacetime, though, he would remain a colonel to remain eligible to command a regiment.
Patton had a personal schooner named When and If. The schooner was designed by famous naval architect John G. Alden and built in 1939. The schooner's name comes from Patton saying he would sail it "when and if" he returned from war.

World War II

Following the German Army's invasion of Poland and the outbreak of World War II in Europe in September 1939, the U.S. military entered a period of mobilization, and Colonel Patton sought to build up the power of U.S. armored forces. During maneuvers the Third Army conducted in 1940, Patton served as an umpire, where he met Adna R. Chaffee Jr. and the two formulated recommendations to develop an armored force. Chaffee was named commander of this force, and created the 1st and 2nd Armored Divisions as well as the first combined arms doctrine. He named Patton commander of the 2nd Armored Brigade, part of the 2nd Armored Division. The division was one of few organized as a heavy formation with many tanks, and Patton was in charge of its training. Patton was promoted to brigadier general on October 2, made acting division commander in November, and on April 4, 1941 was promoted again to major general and made Commanding General (CG) of the 2nd Armored Division. As Chaffee stepped down from command of the I Armored Corps, Patton became the most prominent figure in U.S. armor doctrine. In December 1940, he staged a high-profile mass exercise in which 1,000 tanks and vehicles were driven from Columbus, Georgia, to Panama City, Florida, and back. He repeated the exercise with his entire division of 1,300 vehicles the next month. Patton earned a pilot's license and, during these maneuvers, observed the movements of his vehicles from the air to find ways to deploy them effectively in combat. His exploits earned him a spot on the cover of Life magazine.
General Patton led the division during the Tennessee Maneuvers in June 1941, and was lauded for his leadership, executing 48 hours' worth of planned objectives in only nine. During the September Louisiana Maneuvers, his division was part of the losing Red Army in Phase I, but in Phase II was assigned to the Blue Army. His division executed a 400-mile (640 km) end run around the Red Army and "captured" Shreveport, Louisiana. During the October–November Carolina Maneuvers, Patton's division captured Hugh Drum, commander of the opposing army. On January 15, 1942 he was given command of I Armored Corps, and the next month established the Desert Training Center in the Coachella Valley region of Riverside County in California, to run training exercises. He commenced these exercises in late 1941 and continued them into the summer of 1942. Patton chose a 10,000-acre (40 km2) expanse of desert area about 50 miles (80 km) southeast of Palm Springs. From his first days as a commander, Patton strongly emphasized the need for armored forces to stay in constant contact with opposing forces. His instinctive preference for offensive movement was typified by an answer Patton gave to war correspondents in a 1944 press conference. In response to a question on whether the Third Army's rapid offensive across France should be slowed to reduce the number of U.S. casualties, Patton replied, "Whenever you slow anything down, you waste human lives." It was around this time that a reporter, after hearing a speech where Patton said that it took "blood and brains" to win in combat, began calling him "blood and guts". The nickname would follow him for the rest of his life. Soldiers under his command were known at times to have quipped, "our blood, his guts". Nonetheless, he was known to be admired widely by the men under his charge.

North African Campaign

Under Lieutenant General Dwight D. Eisenhower, the Supreme Allied Commander, Patton was assigned to help plan the Allied invasion of French North Africa as part of Operation Torch in the summer of 1942. Patton commanded the Western Task Force, consisting of 33,000 men in 100 ships, in landings centered on Casablanca, Morocco. The landings, which took place on November 8, 1942, were opposed by Vichy French forces, but Patton's men quickly gained a beachhead and pushed through fierce resistance. Casablanca fell on November 11 and Patton negotiated an armistice with French General Charles Noguès. The Sultan of Morocco was so impressed that he presented Patton with the Order of Ouissam Alaouite, with the citation "Les Lions dans leurs tanières tremblent en le voyant approcher" (The lions in their dens tremble at his approach). Patton oversaw the conversion of Casablanca into a military port and hosted the Casablanca Conference in January 1943.
On March 6, 1943, following the defeat of the U.S. II Corps by the German Afrika Korps, commanded by Generalfeldmarschall Erwin Rommel, at the Battle of Kasserine Pass, Patton replaced Major General Lloyd Fredendall as Commanding General of the II Corps and was promoted to lieutenant general. Soon thereafter, he had Major General Omar Bradley reassigned to his corps as its deputy commander. With orders to take the battered and demoralized formation into action in 10 days' time, Patton immediately introduced sweeping changes, ordering all soldiers to wear clean, pressed and complete uniforms, establishing rigorous schedules, and requiring strict adherence to military protocol. He continuously moved throughout the command talking with men, seeking to shape them into effective soldiers. He pushed them hard, and sought to reward them well for their accomplishments. His uncompromising leadership style is evidenced by his orders for an attack on a hill position near Gafsa which are reported to have ended by him saying, "I expect to see such casualties among officers, particularly staff officers, as will convince me that a serious effort has been made to capture this objective."
Patton's training was effective, and on March 17, the U.S. 1st Infantry Division took Gafsa, winning the Battle of El Guettar, and pushing a German and Italian armored force back twice. In the meantime, on April 5, he removed Major General Orlando Ward, commanding the 1st Armored Division, after its lackluster performance at Maknassy against numerically inferior German forces. Advancing on Gabès, Patton's corps pressured the Mareth Line. During this time, he reported to British General Sir Harold Alexander, commander of the 18th Army Group, and came into conflict with Air Vice Marshal Sir Arthur Coningham about the lack of close air support being provided for his troops. When Coningham dispatched three officers to Patton's headquarters to persuade him that the British were providing ample air support, they came under German air attack mid-meeting, and part of the ceiling of Patton's office collapsed around them. Speaking later of the German pilots who had struck, Patton remarked, "if I could find the sons of bitches who flew those planes, I'd mail each of them a medal." By the time his force reached Gabès, the Germans had abandoned it. He then relinquished command of II Corps to Bradley, and returned to the I Armored Corps in Casablanca to help plan Operation Husky, the Allied invasion of Sicily. Fearing U.S. troops would be sidelined, he convinced British commanders to allow them to continue fighting through to the end of the Tunisia Campaign before leaving on this new assignment.

Sicily Campaign

For Operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily, Patton was to command the Seventh United States Army, dubbed the Western Task Force, in landings at Gela, Scoglitti and Licata to support landings by Bernard Montgomery's British Eighth Army. Patton's I Armored Corps was officially redesignated the Seventh Army just before his force of 90,000 landed before dawn on D-Day, July 10, 1943, on beaches near the town of Licata. The armada was hampered by wind and weather, but despite this the three U.S. infantry divisions involved, the 3rd, 1st, and 45th, secured their respective beaches. They then repulsed counterattacks at Gela, where Patton personally led his troops against German reinforcements from the Hermann Göring Division.
Initially ordered to protect the British forces' left flank, Patton was granted permission by Alexander to take Palermo after Montgomery's forces became bogged down on the road to Messina. As part of a provisional corps under Major General Geoffrey Keyes, the 3rd Infantry Division under Major General Lucian Truscott covered 100 miles (160 km) in 72 hours, arriving at Palermo on July 21. Patton then set his sights on Messina. He sought an amphibious assault, but it was delayed by lack of landing craft, and his troops did not land at Santo Stefano until August 8, by which time the Germans and Italians had already evacuated the bulk of their troops to mainland Italy. He ordered more landings on August 10 by the 3rd Infantry Division, which took heavy casualties but pushed the German forces back, and hastened the advance on Messina. A third landing was completed on August 16, and by 22:00 that day Messina fell to his forces. By the end of the battle, the 200,000-man Seventh Army had suffered 7,500 casualties, and killed or captured 113,000 Axis troops and destroyed 3,500 vehicles. Still, 40,000 German and 70,000 Italian troops escaped to Italy with 10,000 vehicles.
Patton's conduct in this campaign met with several controversies. He was also frequently in disagreement with Terry de la Mesa Allen Sr. and Theodore Roosevelt Jr. though often then conceding, to their relief, in line with Bradley's view.
When Alexander sent a transmission on July 19 limiting Patton's attack on Messina, his chief of staff, Brigadier General Hobart R. Gay, claimed the message was "lost in transmission" until Messina had fallen.
In an incident on July 22, while a U.S. armored column was under attack from German aircraft, he shot and killed a pair of mules that had stopped while pulling a cart across a bridge. The cart was blocking the way of the column. When their Sicilian owner protested, Patton attacked him with a walking stick and had his troops push the two mule carcasses off the bridge.
When informed of the Biscari massacre of prisoners, which was by troops under his command, Patton wrote in his diary, "I told Bradley that it was probably an exaggeration, but in any case to tell the officer to certify that the dead men were snipers or had attempted to escape or something, as it would make a stink in the press and also would make the civilians mad. Anyhow, they are dead, so nothing can be done about it." Bradley refused Patton's suggestions. Patton later changed his mind. After he learned that the 45th Division's Inspector General found "no provocation on the part of the prisoners ... They had been slaughtered" Patton is reported to have said: "Try the bastards.”

Slapping incidents and aftermath

Two high-profile incidents of Patton striking subordinates during the Sicily campaign attracted national controversy following the end of the campaign. On August 3, 1943, Patton slapped and verbally abused Private Charles H. Kuhl at an evacuation hospital in Nicosia after he had been found to suffer from "battle fatigue". On August 10, Patton slapped Private Paul G. Bennett under similar circumstances. Ordering both soldiers back to the front lines, Patton railed against cowardice and issued orders to his commanders to discipline any soldier making similar complaints.
Word of the incident reached Eisenhower, who privately reprimanded Patton and insisted he apologize. Patton apologized to both soldiers individually, as well as to doctors who witnessed the incidents, and later to all of the soldiers under his command in several speeches. Eisenhower suppressed the incident in the media, but in November journalist Drew Pearson revealed it on his radio program. Criticism of Patton in the United States was harsh, and included members of Congress and former generals, Pershing among them. The views of the general public remained mixed on the matter, and eventually Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson stated that Patton must be retained as a commander because of the need for his "aggressive, winning leadership in the bitter battles which are to come before final victory."
Patton did not command a force in combat for 11 months. In September, Bradley, who was Patton's junior in both rank and experience, was selected to command the First United States Army forming in England to prepare for Operation Overlord. This decision had been made before the slapping incidents were made public, but Patton blamed them for his being denied the command. Eisenhower felt the invasion of Europe was too important to risk any uncertainty, and that the slapping incidents had been an example of Patton's inability to exercise discipline and self-control. While Eisenhower and Marshall both considered Patton to be a skilled combat commander, they felt Bradley was less impulsive and less prone to making mistakes. On January 26, 1944, Patton was formally given command of the U.S. Third Army in England, a newly formed field Army, and he was assigned to prepare its inexperienced soldiers for combat in Europe. This duty kept Patton busy during the first half of 1944.

Phantom Army

The German High Command had more respect for Patton than for any other Allied commander and considered him to be central to any plan to invade Europe from England. Because of this, Patton was made a prominent figure in the deception operation, Fortitude, during the first half of 1944. Through the British network of double-agents, the Allies fed German intelligence a steady stream of false reports about troops sightings and that Patton had been named commander of the First United States Army Group (FUSAG), all designed to convince the Germans that Patton was preparing this massive command for an invasion at Pas de Calais. FUSAG was in reality an intricately constructed fictitious army of decoys, props, and fake radio signal traffic based around Dover to mislead German reconnaissance planes and to make Axis leaders believe that a large force was massing there. This helped to mask the real location of the invasion in Normandy. Patton was ordered to keep a low profile to deceive the Germans into thinking that he was in Dover throughout early 1944, when he was actually training the Third Army. As a result of Operation Fortitude, the German 15th Army remained at the Pas de Calais to defend against Patton's supposed attack. So strong was their conviction that this was the main landing area that the German army held its position there even after the invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944. Patton flew to France a month later, and then returned to combat command.

Normandy breakout offensive

Sailing to Normandy throughout July, Patton's Third Army formed on the extreme right (west) of the Allied land forces, and became operational at noon on August 1, 1944, under Bradley's Twelfth United States Army Group. The Third Army simultaneously attacked west into Brittany, south, east toward the Seine, and north, assisting in trapping several hundred thousand German soldiers in the Falaise Pocket between Falaise and Argentan.
Patton's strategy with his army favored speed and aggressive offensive action, though his forces saw less opposition than did the other three Allied field armies in the initial weeks of its advance. The Third Army typically employed forward scout units to determine enemy strength and positions. Self-propelled artillery moved with the spearhead units and was sited well forward, ready to engage protected German positions with indirect fire. Light aircraft such as the Piper L-4 Cub served as artillery spotters and provided airborne reconnaissance. Once located, the armored infantry would attack using tanks as infantry support. Other armored units would then break through enemy lines and exploit any subsequent breach, constantly pressuring withdrawing German forces to prevent them from regrouping and reforming a cohesive defensive line. The U.S. armor advanced using reconnaissance by fire, and the .50 caliber M2 Browning heavy machine gun proved effective in this role, often flushing out and killing German panzerfaust teams waiting in ambush as well as breaking up German infantry assaults against the armored infantry.
The speed of the advance forced Patton's units to rely heavily on air reconnaissance and tactical air support. The Third Army had by far more military intelligence (G-2) officers at headquarters specifically designated to coordinate air strikes than any other army. Its attached close air support group was XIX Tactical Air Command, commanded by Brigadier General Otto P. Weyland. Developed originally by General Elwood Quesada of IX Tactical Air Command for the First Army in Operation Cobra, the technique of "armored column cover", in which close air support was directed by an air traffic controller in one of the attacking tanks, was used extensively by the Third Army. Each column was protected by a standing patrol of three to four P-47 and P-51 fighter-bombers as a combat air patrol (CAP).
In its advance from Avranches to Argentan, the Third Army traversed 60 miles (97 km) in just two weeks. Patton's force was supplemented by Ultra intelligence for which he was briefed daily by his G-2, Colonel Oscar Koch, who apprised him of German counterattacks, and where to concentrate his forces. Equally important to the advance of Third Army columns in northern France was the rapid advance of the supply echelons. Third Army logistics were overseen by Colonel Walter J. Muller, Patton's G-4, who emphasized flexibility, improvisation, and adaptation for Third Army supply echelons so forward units could rapidly exploit a breakthrough. Patton's rapid drive to Lorraine demonstrated his keen appreciation for the technological advantages of the U.S. Army. The major U.S. and Allied advantages were in mobility and air superiority. The U.S. Army had more trucks, more reliable tanks, and better radio communications, all of which contributed to a superior ability to operate at a rapid offensive pace.

Lorraine Campaign

Patton's offensive came to a halt on August 31, 1944, as the Third Army ran out of fuel near the Moselle River, just outside Metz. Patton expected that the theater commander would keep fuel and supplies flowing to support successful advances, but Eisenhower favored a "broad front" approach to the ground-war effort, believing that a single thrust would have to drop off flank protection, and would quickly lose its punch. Still within the constraints of a very large effort overall, Eisenhower gave Montgomery and his Twenty First Army Group a higher priority for supplies for Operation Market Garden. Combined with other demands on the limited resource pool, this resulted in the Third Army exhausting its fuel supplies. Patton believed his forces were close enough to the Siegfried Line that he remarked to Bradley that with 400,000 gallons of gasoline he could be in Germany within two days. In late September, a large German Panzer counterattack sent expressly to stop the advance of Patton's Third Army was defeated by the U.S. 4th Armored Division at the Battle of Arracourt. Despite the victory, the Third Army stayed in place as a result of Eisenhower's order. The German commanders believed this was because their counterattack had been successful.
The halt of the Third Army during the month of September was enough to allow the Germans to strengthen the fortress of Metz. In October and November, the Third Army was mired in a near-stalemate with the Germans during the Battle of Metz, both sides suffering heavy casualties. An attempt by Patton to seize Fort Driant just south of Metz was defeated, but by mid-November Metz had fallen to the Americans. Patton's decisions in taking this city were criticized. German commanders interviewed after the war noted he could have bypassed the city and moved north to Luxembourg where he would have been able to cut off the German Seventh Army. The German commander of Metz, General Hermann Balck, also noted that a more direct attack would have resulted in a more decisive Allied victory in the city. Historian Carlo D'Este later wrote that the Lorraine Campaign was one of Patton's least successful, faulting him for not deploying his divisions more aggressively and decisively.
With supplies low and priority given to Montgomery until the port of Antwerp could be opened, Patton remained frustrated at the lack of progress of his forces. From November 8 to December 15, his army advanced no more than 40 miles (64 km).

Battle of the Bulge

In December 1944, the German army, under the command of German Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, launched a last-ditch offensive across Belgium, Luxembourg, and northeastern France. On December 16, 1944, it massed 29 divisions totaling 250,000 men at a weak point in the Allied lines, and during the early stages of the ensuing Battle of the Bulge, made significant headway towards the Meuse River during a severe winter. Eisenhower called a meeting of all senior Allied commanders on the Western Front at a headquarters near Verdun on the morning of December 19 to plan strategy and a response to the German assault.
At the time, Patton's Third Army was engaged in heavy fighting near Saarbrücken. Guessing the intent of the Allied command meeting, Patton ordered his staff to make three separate operational contingency orders to disengage elements of the Third Army from its present position and begin offensive operations toward several objectives in the area of the bulge occupied by German forces. At the Supreme Command conference, Eisenhower led the meeting, which was attended by Patton, Bradley, General Jacob Devers, Major General Kenneth Strong, Deputy Supreme Commander Air Chief Marshal Arthur Tedder, and several staff officers. When Eisenhower asked Patton how long it would take him to disengage six divisions of his Third Army and commence a counterattack north to relieve the U.S. 101st Airborne Division which had been trapped at Bastogne, Patton replied, "As soon as you're through with me." Patton then clarified that he had already worked up an operational order for a counterattack by three full divisions on December 21, then only 48 hours away. Eisenhower was incredulous: "Don't be fatuous, George. If you try to go that early you won't have all three divisions ready and you'll go piecemeal." Patton replied that his staff already had a contingency operations order ready to go. Still unconvinced, Eisenhower ordered Patton to attack the morning of December 22, using at least three divisions.
Patton left the conference room, phoned his command, and uttered two words: "Play ball." This code phrase initiated a prearranged operational order with Patton's staff, mobilizing three divisions—the 4th Armored Division, the U.S. 80th Infantry Division, and the U.S. 26th Infantry Division—from the Third Army and moving them north toward Bastogne. In all, Patton would reposition six full divisions, U.S. III Corps and U.S. XII Corps, from their positions on the Saar River front along a line stretching from Bastogne to Diekirch and to Echternach, the town in Luxembourg that had been at the southern end of the initial "Bulge" front line on December 16. Within a few days, more than 133,000 Third Army vehicles were rerouted into an offensive that covered an average distance of over 11 miles (18 km) per vehicle, followed by support echelons carrying 62,000 tonnes (61,000 long tons; 68,000 short tons) of supplies.
On December 21, Patton met with Bradley to review the impending advance, starting the meeting by remarking, "Brad, this time the Kraut's stuck his head in the meat grinder, and I've got hold of the handle." Patton then argued that his Third Army should attack toward Koblenz, cutting off the bulge at the base and trap the entirety of the German armies involved in the offensive. After briefly considering this, Bradley vetoed it, since he was less concerned about killing large numbers of Germans than he was in arranging for the relief of Bastogne before it was overrun. Desiring good weather for his advance, which would permit close ground support by U.S. Army Air Forces tactical aircraft, Patton ordered the Third Army chaplain, Colonel James Hugh O'Neill, to compose a suitable prayer. He responded with:
Almighty and most merciful Father, we humbly beseech Thee, of Thy great goodness, to restrain these immoderate rains with which we have had to contend. Grant us fair weather for Battle. Graciously hearken to us as soldiers who call upon Thee that, armed with Thy power, we may advance from victory to victory and crush the oppression and wickedness of our enemies, and establish Thy justice among men and nations. Amen.[131]
When the weather cleared soon after, Patton awarded O'Neill a Bronze Star Medal on the spot.
On December 26, 1944, the first spearhead units of the Third Army's 4th Armored Division reached Bastogne, opening a corridor for relief and resupply of the besieged forces. Patton's ability to disengage six divisions from front line combat during the middle of winter, then wheel north to relieve Bastogne was one of his most remarkable achievements during the war.[173] He later wrote that the relief of Bastogne was "the most brilliant operation we have thus far performed, and it is in my opinion the outstanding achievement of the war. This is my biggest battle.”

Advance into Germany

By February, the Germans were in full retreat. On February 23, 1945, the U.S. 94th Infantry Division crossed the Saar River and established a vital bridgehead at Serrig, through which Patton pushed units into the Saarland. Patton had insisted upon an immediate crossing of the Saar River against the advice of his officers. Historians such as Charles Whiting have criticized this strategy as unnecessarily aggressive.
Once again, Patton found other commands given priority on gasoline and supplies. To obtain these, Third Army ordnance units passed themselves off as First Army personnel and in one incident they secured thousands of gallons of gasoline from a First Army dump. Between January 29 and March 22, the Third Army took Trier, Coblenz, Bingen, Worms, Mainz, Kaiserslautern, and Ludwigshafen, killing or wounding 99,000 and capturing 140,112 German soldiers, which represented virtually all of the remnants of the German First and Seventh Armies. An example of Patton's sarcastic wit was broadcast when he received orders to bypass Trier, as it had been decided that four divisions would be needed to capture it. When the message arrived, Trier had already fallen. Patton rather caustically replied: "Have taken Trier with two divisions. Do you want me to give it back?"
The Third Army began crossing the Rhine River after constructing a pontoon bridge on March 22, two weeks after the First Army crossed it at Remagen, and Patton slipped a division across the river that evening. Patton later boasted he had urinated into the river as he crossed.
On March 26, 1945, Patton sent Task Force Baum, consisting of 314 men, 16 tanks, and assorted other vehicles, 50 miles (80 km) behind German lines to liberate the prisoner of war camp OFLAG XIII-B, near Hammelburg. Patton knew that one of the inmates was his son-in-law, Lieutenant Colonel John K. Waters. The raid was a failure, and only 35 men made it back; the rest were either killed or captured, and all 57 vehicles were lost. Patton reported this attempt to liberate Oflag XIII-B as the only mistake he made during World War II. When Eisenhower learned of the secret mission, he was furious. Patton later said he felt the correct decision would have been to send a Combat Command, which is a force about three times larger.
By April, resistance against the Third Army was tapering off, and the forces' main efforts turned to managing some 400,000 German prisoners of war. On April 14, 1945, Patton was promoted to general, a promotion long advocated by Stimson in recognition of Patton's battle accomplishments during 1944. Later that month, Patton, Bradley, and Eisenhower toured the Merkers salt mine as well as the Ohrdruf concentration camp, and seeing the conditions of the camp firsthand caused Patton great disgust. Third Army was ordered toward Bavaria and Czechoslovakia, anticipating a last stand by Nazi German forces there. He was reportedly appalled to learn that the Red Army would take Berlin, feeling that the Soviet Union was a threat to the U.S. Army's advance to Pilsen, but was stopped by Eisenhower from reaching Prague, Czechoslovakia, before V-E Day on May 8 and the end of the war in Europe.
In its advance from the Rhine to the Elbe, Patton's Third Army, which numbered between 250,000 and 300,000 men at any given time, captured 32,763 square miles (84,860 km2) of German territory. Its losses were 2,102 killed, 7,954 wounded, and 1,591 missing. German losses in the fighting against the Third Army totaled 20,100 killed, 47,700 wounded, and 653,140 captured.
Between becoming operational in Normandy on August 1, 1944, and the end of hostilities on May 9, 1945, the Third Army was in continuous combat for 281 days. In that time, it crossed 24 major rivers and captured 81,500 square miles (211,000 km2) of territory, including more than 12,000 cities and towns. The Third Army claimed to have killed, wounded, or captured 1,811,388 German soldiers, six times its strength in personnel. Fuller's review of Third Army records differs only in the number of enemy killed and wounded, stating that between August 1, 1944, and May 9, 1945, 47,500 of the enemy were killed, 115,700 wounded, and 1,280,688 captured, for a total of 1,443,888.


Patton asked for a command in the Pacific Theater of Operations, begging Marshall to bring him to that war in any way possible. Marshall said he would be able to do so only if the Chinese secured a major port for his entry, an unlikely scenario. In mid-May, Patton flew to Paris, then London for rest. On June 7, he arrived in Bedford, Massachusetts, for extended leave with his family, and was greeted by thousands of spectators. Patton then drove to Hatch Memorial Shell and spoke to some 20,000, including a crowd of 400 wounded Third Army veterans. In this speech he aroused some controversy among the Gold Star Mothers when he stated that a man who dies in battle is "frequently a fool", adding that the wounded are heroes. Patton spent time in Boston before visiting and speaking in Denver and visiting Los Angeles, where he spoke to a crowd of 100,000 at the Memorial Coliseum. Patton made a final stop in Washington, D.C. before returning to Europe in July to serve in the occupation forces.[187]
On June 14, 1945, Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson decided that Patton would not be sent to the Pacific but would return to Europe in an occupation army assignment.
Patton was appointed as military governor of Bavaria, where he led the Third Army in denazification efforts. Patton was particularly upset when learning of the end of the war against Japan, writing in his diary, "Yet another war has come to an end, and with it my usefulness to the world." Unhappy with his position and depressed by his belief that he would never fight in another war, Patton's behavior and statements became increasingly erratic. Various explanations beyond his disappointments have been proposed for Patton's behavior at this point. Carlo D'Este wrote that "it seems virtually inevitable ... that Patton experienced some type of brain damage from too many head injuries" from a lifetime of numerous auto- and horse-related accidents, especially one suffered while playing polo in 1936.
Patton's niece Jean Gordon appeared again; they spent some time together in London in 1944, and again in Bavaria in 1945. Gordon actually loved a young married captain who left her despondent when he went home to his wife in September 1945. Patton repeatedly boasted of his sexual success with Gordon, but his biographers are skeptical. Hirshson said that the relationship was casual. Showalter believes that Patton, under severe physical and psychological stress, made up claims of sexual conquest to prove his virility. D'Este agrees, saying, "His behavior suggests that in both 1936 [in Hawaii] and 1944–45, the presence of the young and attractive Jean was a means of assuaging the anxieties of a middle-aged man troubled over his virility and a fear of aging."
Patton attracted controversy as military governor when it was noted that several former Nazi Party members continued to hold political posts in the region. When responding to the press about the subject, Patton repeatedly compared Nazis to Democrats and Republicans in noting that most of the people with experience in infrastructure management had been compelled to join the party in the war, causing negative press stateside and angering Eisenhower. On September 28, 1945, after a heated exchange with Eisenhower over his statements, Patton was relieved of his military governorship. He was relieved of command of the Third Army on October 7, and in a somber change of command ceremony, Patton concluded his farewell remarks, "All good things must come to an end. The best thing that has ever happened to me thus far is the honor and privilege of having commanded the Third Army."
Patton's final assignment was to command the U.S. 15th Army, based in Bad Nauheim. The 15th Army at this point consisted only of a small headquarters staff working to compile a history of the war in Europe. Patton had accepted the post because of his love of history, but quickly lost interest. He began traveling, visiting Paris, Rennes, Chartres, Brussels, Metz, Reims, Luxembourg, and Verdun. Then he went to Stockholm, where he reunited with other athletes from the 1912 Olympics. Patton decided that he would leave his post at the 15th Army and not return to Europe once he left on December 10 for Christmas leave. He intended to discuss with his wife whether he would continue in a stateside post or retire from the Army.

Accident and death

Patton's chief of staff, Major General Hobart Gay, invited him on a December 9 pheasant hunting trip near Speyer to lift his spirits. Observing derelict cars along the side of the road, Patton said, "How awful war is. Think of the waste." Moments later his car collided with an American army truck at low speed.
Gay and others were only slightly injured, but Patton hit his head on the glass partition in the back seat. He began bleeding from a gash to the head, and complained that he was paralyzed and having trouble breathing. Taken to a hospital in Heidelberg, Patton was discovered to have a compression fracture and dislocation of the cervical third and fourth vertebrae, resulting in a broken neck and cervical spinal cord injury that rendered him paralyzed from the neck down.
Patton spent most of the next 12 days in spinal traction to decrease the pressure on his spine. All non-medical visitors except for Patton's wife Beatrice, who had flown from the U.S., were forbidden. Patton, who had been told he had no chance to ever again ride a horse or resume normal life, at one point commented, "This is a hell of a way to die." He died in his sleep of pulmonary edema and congestive heart failure at about 6:00 pm on 21 December 1945.
On 24 December Patton was buried at the Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial in the Hamm district of Luxembourg City, alongside some wartime casualties of the Third Army, in accordance with his request to, "be buried with [his] men." Following the service Mrs. Beatrice Patton was immediately flown to Paris where she boarded a C-54 Transport to be flown home.

(Web, Google, Wikipedia, You Tube)


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