sabato 16 gennaio 2021

Il Mikoyan LMFS (russo: Микоян ЛМФС) Liogkiy Mnogofunktsionalniy Frontovoi Samolyet (LMFS)

Il Mikoyan LMFS (russo: Микоян ЛМФС) Liogkiy Mnogofunktsionalniy Frontovoi Samolyet (LMFS) - o Light Multi-Function Frontal Aircraft, noto anche come MiG-XX, è un aereo da combattimento multiruolo leggero russo monoposto ogni-tempo, basato sul Progetto sperimentale Mikoyan 1.44, poi annullato. E' progettato per sostituire i caccia Mikoyan MiG-29 e MiG-35 e per supportare il Sukhoi Su-57 in combattimento.


Dopo la guerra fredda, la Russia ha iniziato a sviluppare un aereo da combattimento multiruolo per la sostituzione del MiG-29, alla luce del programma statunitense Joint Strike Fighter.


Sviluppato dalla United Aircraft Corporation (OAK), si ritiene che questo caccia leggero incorpori un motore da 11 tonnellate di spinta, sviluppato a partire dal motore RD-33MK-35 utilizzato dal MiG-35. Questo nuovo motore aggiornato dovrebbe essere prodotto nella fabbrica di Klimov. Il motore dovrebbe essere di quinta generazione, utilizzando gli ultimi progressi nella tecnologia delle turbine e delle camere di combustione, e ricevendo solo piccole modifiche alle pale della ventola. L'aereo potrebbe avere uno sviluppo alare canard, alloggiamenti interni per le armi e un peso a vuoto di circa 33.000 libbre e un peso massimo al decollo di 55.000 libbre. È possibile che la Mikoyan possa rivedere il progetto in una configurazione monomotore utilizzando i motori izdeliye 30 di nuova generazione del Sukhoi Su-57, anche se l'ultima simulazione della galleria del vento dell'aereo mostra un bimotore.

Secondo l'esperto di aviazione russo Piotr Butowski, il MiG LMFS: 
  • Sarà lungo 15,5 m, 
  • Avrà un'apertura alare di 11,5 m, 
  • Utilizzerà una sola baia interna per le armi, 
  • Avrà un peso massimo al decollo di 24,5 t, 
  • Avrà una velocità massima di Mach 2 ad alta quota 
  • e un raggio d'azione di 4000 km con serbatoi esterni aggiuntivi.


La United Aircraft Corporation sta sviluppando il MiG LMFS con fondi propri, mentre il Ministero della Difesa russo preferisce aspettare che il Su-57 entri in produzione di serie prima di iniziare a finanziare la costruzione di un altro caccia stealth più piccolo. Infatti, Alexei Fedorov, presidente della Irkut, ha confermato che qualsiasi decisione di applicare le tecnologie di quinta generazione per produrre un caccia più piccolo, come il MiG LMFS, deve aspettare fino a quando il caccia pesante Sukhoi Su-57 non entrerà in piena produzione, cosa che è avvenuta a fine 2020. 
Poiché il MiG LMFS non è incluso nel programma di armamento statale russo 2020-2027, la UAC spera che le vendite all'esportazione del MiG-35 e del MiG-29 siano sufficienti a sostenere finanziariamente lo sviluppo di un nuovo velivolo.
Dopo la decisione degli Stati Uniti di non esportare più i caccia stealth F-35, le autorità turche stanno pensando di acquistare il russo Su-57 condividendo anche parte della sua tecnologia. Se ciò dovesse accadere, la Turchia condividerebbe con MiG parte della sua tecnologia dei futuri caccia leggeri stealth TAI TF-X, che verrebbe utilizzata per aiutare a far progredire lo sviluppo del LMFS.
Il 16 aprile 2020, dopo una lunga pausa, la United Aircraft Corporation ha reso pubblico che MiG aveva ripreso la ricerca su di un caccia stealth leggero a reazione di quinta generazione. Questo nuovo caccia supporterà probabilmente il Su-57 durante le missioni. Alla fine del 2019 la società aerospaziale MiG avrebbe ordinato il calcolo aerodinamico di un bimotore leggero multifunzionale di prima linea, comparabile con analoghi progetti stranieri, per il periodo 2020-25. Il costo del lavoro è stimato in 4 milioni di rubli. L'amministratore delegato della MiG e il direttore generale del produttore di motori Klimov, hanno dichiarato che i motori di questo nuovo MiG jet saranno più prestanti di quelli utilizzati sul Mikoyan MiG-35.
Il 20 dicembre 2020, il capo della Rostec State Corporation (che possiede Mikoyan) ha annunciato che attualmente stavano lavorando ″per sviluppare un caccia da combattimento del futuro nelle sue classi leggere e medie″, confermando anche che la società sta attualmente lavorando sul concetto e sui requisiti operativi dell'aereo senza fondi del bilancio statale. 
Questo caccia avanzato di quinta generazione sarà monomotore, con la possibilità di essere facoltativamente pilotato.  È stato annunciato in seguito che Mikoyan sarà l'azienda incaricata di progettare ed industrializzare questo caccia leggero che sarà una piattaforma totalmente nuova, o basata sul MiG LMFS, o essere una variante del MiG LMFS stesso, al fine di capitalizzare gli anni di ricerca già fatti su quel caccia leggero.

LMFS (velivolo tattico leggero multiruolo)

La KB MiG fighter ha scelto di seguire la strada verso un caccia economico, leggero, monorotore, in sintonia con il precedente MiG-29M. La Sukhoi Design Bureau ha scelto una strada diversa con il Su-57 Felon.
La MIG utilizzerà il promettente motore AL-41F con un basso peso specifico, ugello a spinta vettoriale ed un rapporto di bypass variabile. Al momento, è troppo presto per parlare della correttezza della scelta, ma va sottolineato che quest'ultimo requisito ha limitato la capacità del caccia F-35 abbastanza seriamente.
Nel 2003 erano almeno due i temi che si adattavano alla definizione di un caccia leggero, che a quel tempo, tra l'altro, era chiamato "aereo tattico leggero”. Nel 2005, si è cominciato a chiamarlo "velivolo leggero funzionale” per la necessaria sostituzione del Su-25. 
L'emergere di macchine più leggere potrà essere utile in Marina, perché c'è la possibilità di progettare e rendere operativa una nave da guerra portaereomobili con un dislocamento relativamente ridotto. La comparsa dei velivoli leggeri multiruolo è prevedibile dopo l’entrata in servizio del SU-57 FELON. Naturalmente, nella produzione del nuovo LMFS, la componente export sarà ancora più significativa.


Mikoyan LMFS

The Mikoyan LMFS (Russian: Микоян ЛМФС) Liogkiy Mnogofunktsionalniy Frontovoi Samolyet (LMFS) — or Light Multi-Function Frontal Aircraft, also known as the MiG-XX, is a proposed light Russian single-seat all-weather stealth multirole combat aircraft, loosely based on the cancelled Mikoyan Project 1.44. It is designed to replace the Mikoyan MiG-29 and MiG-35 and support the Sukhoi Su-57 in combat.


After the Cold War, Russia started to develop a multirole combat aircraft as replacement for MiG-29, in light of the US Joint Strike Fighter program.


Developed by the United Aircraft Corporation (OAK), this light fighter is believed to incorporate an 11-ton thrust engine based on the RD-33MK-35 engine used by the MiG-35. This new updated engine is expected to be manufactured at the Klimov factory. The engine is supposed to be fifth generation, utilizing the latest advancements in turbine and combustion chamber technology, and receiving only minor changes to the fan blades. The aircraft could have canard wings, internal weapons bays and an empty weight of roughly 33,000 lbs and a maximum takeoff weight of 55,000 lbs. It is possible that Mikoyan may revise the design into a single-engine configuration by using the Sukhoi Su-57's next-generation izdeliye 30 engines, even though the latest wind tunnel mock up of the plane shows a twin-engine aircraft .
According to Russian aviation expert Piotr Butowski, the MiG LMFS will be 15.5 m long, with a wingspan of 11.5 m, just one internal weapon bay, a maximum take-off weight of 24.5 t, a maximum speed of Mach 2 at high altitude, and a range of 4000 km with suspended tanks.


United Aircraft Corporation is developing the MiG LMFS out of its own funds, the Russian MoD preferring to wait for the Su-57 to enter serial production before starting to finance the construction of another smaller stealth fighter. Indeed, Alexei Fedorov, President of Irkut, said that any decision on applying fifth-generation technologies to produce a smaller fighter, such as the MiG LMFS, must wait until after the heavy fighter Sukhoi Su-57 enters full production, which is due to happen in 2020. Since the MiG LMFS is not included in the Russia's state armament programme 2020–2027, UAC hopes that the export sales of MiG-35 and MiG-29 will be enough to help sustain the development of a new aircraft.
It is reported that, with the US decision not to export F-35 stealth fighters to Turkey anymore, Turkish authorities may decide to acquire instead the Russian Su-57 with Russia sharing some of its technology to Turkey. If this happens, Turkey would in exchange share some of its TAI TF-X stealth light fighter technology to MiG, which would be used to help advance the development of the LMFS; the funds of a foreign co-investor being beneficial.
On April 16, 2020, after a long hiatus, United Aircraft Corporation announced on Twitter that MiG had restarted their research on a light fifth-generation stealth jet fighter. This new fighter is likely to support the Su-57 during missions. It is said that at the end of 2019, MiG placed an order for the aerodynamic calculation of a light multi-functional front-line twin-engine aircraft, comparable with foreign analogues, for the period 2020–25. The cost of work is estimated at 4 million rubles. The CEO of MiG, as well as Alexander Vatagin, the general manager of the engine manufacturer Klimov, have said that the engines of this new MiG jet would be more powerful than those of the Mikoyan MiG-35.
On December 20, 2020, the Head of the Rostec State Corporation (which owns Mikoyan) has announced that they were currently working ″to develop a combat aviation system of the future in its light and medium classes.″ He also stated that the company is currently working on the concept and the operational requirements of the plane, and that Rostec is doing this on their own initiative so far, without state budget funds. This advanced fifth-generation fighter will be single-engine, with the option of being either manned or unmanned.  It was announced later that Mikoyan is the firm in charge of creating this light strike fighter. The aircraft might be a totally new platform, or it could also be based on the MiG LMFS, or be a variant of the MiG LMFS itself, in order to capitalize on the years of research already made on that light fighter.

LMFS (light multipurpose tactical aircraft)

Task of creating a new fighter, which is able to change the first XXI century, the MiG-29, put another in the middle of the 1980s. The work conducted in two streams, design offices Sukhoi and Mikoyan developed the good of each other concept cars.
The main function of the generated front-line fighter KB MiG fighter selected tasks, and the work on the ground immediately pushed back to the second plan. Perhaps the essence of the car, which the firm given the index 412, was in tune with MiG-29M passes then tests.
Sukhoi Design Bureau has chosen a different path. Developing along with the development of the idea of a light tactical fighter stealth attack aircraft, which was due to "balance" the South American A-12 "Avenger II", a group of designers running Babak engineered fighter — the Su-37.
At various times over the creation of such aircraft undertook many venerable house, but to link together armored attack and highly maneuverable fighter aircraft, it was not possible. Of success will help to achieve a promising engine AL-41F (item 20) with a low specific weight, all-aspect nozzle and a variable bypass ratio. As the power plant is also considered R179-300, which is fun for the first carrier-based version of the aircraft, as is the upcoming development of the Yak-141 engine. The concept of a single-engine attack aircraft is quite controversial, which ultimately influenced the choice of the Air Force who preferred the Su-25T. On the other hand there are many years of experience in the use of similar machines MiG-27 and Su-17. Americans also decided to promote the sample as a percussion single-engine F-16XL. Luck introduction of such a fighter-attack aircraft depends not only on a partial reservation (total weight means increasing the survivability of the Su-37 reached 1,500 kg) and even from the "functional nozzle" (so called at the time all-aspect nozzle). Dive "snake" with the introduction of specific control lift, a machine for this purpose were the fuselage flaps and front horizontal tail, at a theoretical level, allowed to reduce to a minimum the time spent in the area of precision fire anti-aircraft guns. With portable air defense systems had to fight the system of oppression infrared seeker "cargo vessel" installed later on the Su-25T. Then, first the 1990s, the theory to test in practice the failed attempt to launch a mass creation of the Su-37 ended in nothing, the project Mikoyan also stayed to wait for the best times. At this time, overseas strategic investors, after all, has been identified the concept of "light fighter". Before this machine tasks of Nursi did not show (they love to "work" from a distance) because the armor was not in demand (though the car and treated as a substitute for the A-10 attack aircraft). But the customer is significantly complicated the life of developers to reduce the requirement of effective area of dispersion and a small take-off and vertical landing. At the moment, early talk about the correctness of the choice of these values, but it must be emphasized that the latter requirement has limited the ability of JSF fighter seriously enough. The use of the fan, which has in the design of the machine is very probable diameter, with a thrust of 8200 kgf, forcing developers to move very sustainer engine's center of mass, with all this, the channel length vozduhopoglotitelya reduced to a minimum, which was the prerequisite for the maximum speed limit (M = 1.6 ). It must be emphasized that the machines of the 4th generation, which should change the JSF — F-16 and F-18, the maximum speed is respectively M = 2 and M = 1.8. Now, after removing the deck interceptor F-14 weapons, these features are on the F-18, but its maximum speed in this role, not "oh", that will still be with the air defense aircraft carrier strike group after the deck is Only JSF? For the Russian light fighter first of the new millennium in the end came the "best of times." Albeit belatedly on the timing, but fortunately moving subject interceptor T-50, which for some reason is called "… a complex tactical aircraft," although the latter he has quite vague attitude. Sukhoi has entered a new age of having the ready-made "paper" projects of small-sized light fighter C-56 aircraft Marbasheva and C-21, Mikoyan was engaged in the development of large-scale modernization of the band MiG-29.
The appearance of the product 117 engine for the PAK FA on the new step promised benefits and the development of single-engine cars at its base. And if the actions of OKB "Su" as long as there is no clarity in this regard, the enthusiasm of the Indian military to work OKB "MiG" in his projects has shed some light. OKB in 2003 were at least two themes that fit the definition of a light fighter, which at that time, by the way, was called "light tactical aircraft" (the introduction of the word "aircraft" implied versatility of this machine.) One of them — a twin-engine fighter-bomber which is forthcoming development of the MiG-29. Perhaps after working MiG-29M, M1, M2 and M3, the equipped GTO, the designers have made a concrete step and changed the aero assembly. According to rumors the plane, known as I-2000 was tailless, having lost the horizontal tail. Advantages of this solution are known to "Analog-144" which was built based on the MiG-21, it later passed by the developers F-16XL, a similar reception even considered for the Su-27.
Huge internal volume of the assembly have allowed significant increment range, being dead, so Makarov, the chief defect of the MiG-29. Number of outdoor units increased by 1.5-2 times, reduced ESR. Through the use of nozzles vserakursny "KLIVT" maneuverability shall not be less than that of the MiG-29. The second contender for the role of light tactical aircraft appeared light fighter "Index of 1.12." This, according to unconfirmed reports, a single-engine plane kitted "product 117" or "product 117S", having a keel, placed vozduhopoglotiteli like F/A-18E/F. Usual combat load (2-driven short-range missiles and 2 — the average), low ESR, supersonic cruising speed (about M = 1.3), the highest thrust-to-weight (1.3 — 1.4), the radius of the act without outboard tanks at the level of the MiG-29 tanks navesnoymi allow this aircraft seriously "snap" not only European aircrafts of this class, but even "compete" with heavier South American F-22 and F-35. By 2005, the subject began to be called "functional light aircraft." The role of the fighter-bomber, apparently, the customer is not satisfied. On the agenda of the day or as is the question of substitution in the recent Su-25. Why in connection with this task is not to burden the new aircraft next role, even more so when you consider that the work in this direction were made 20 years ago? Must assume that the task LMFS ironing trenches Nursi model will not. Use fighter cost 40 million dollars (the price for the internal customer) with the pilot, the preparation of which is now spent another 3 — 5 million bucks, so in unsafe maneuvers quite stupid. Perhaps these roles will perform light attack plane based on the Yak-130, including unmanned.
The highest thrust-to-weight, super-maneuverability which is justified by the requirements, makes it possible to machine-based version with a small vertical takeoff and landing. Advantages of such a carrier-based fighter becomes apparent if the Su-33 can be based on a ship displacement of 50 — 60 thousand tons, not so long ago made at the expense of Indian customers MiG-29K/KUB this requirement helps reduce up to 28 thousand tonnes, functional lightweight aircraft can be based even prepared to pay tribute to a way helipads corvettes. In VTOL fighter / boarding with the usual load (four controlled air-to-air missiles) the range of about 1000 km, the radius of the act — 340 km. The emergence of such machines in the Navy structurally change the balance of power, because there is the possibility of creating a warship with a relatively small displacement, either in class destroyer missile cruiser, which is capable of carrying 8 to 15 function fighters. In this case, the role of long-range cruise missiles, one hundred percent goes to the carrier-based aircraft, as the range of the acts set to rise to 2,000 km, with all this target information provided by the fighters. The appearance of the front light multipurpose aircraft can be expected after the PAK FA to start the series in the years 2014-2016. The Russian Air Force can get about 260 cars, fleet — 60. Of course, in the production of LMFS export component will be even more significant because the machines with similar abilities for such funds, as of today do not even developed.
Since now the Russian fighter KB practically constitute a single structure, it sounding names "MiG" or "Su" is not burning, and it's time to go back to the initiative of the times "King of Fighters" NN Polikarpov to name just a fighter and fighter, much less the PAK FA is known specifically as the "I-21" easy multipurpose aircraft may then be called "I-16" or "I-25", which holds prototype.

(Web, Google, survincity, Wikipedia, You Tube)


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Sukhoi Su-57 (in cirillico: Сухой Су-57, nome in codice NATO: Felon): probabili acquisizioni da parte di Algeria e India. Blog dedicato agli appassionati di DIFESA,  storia militare, sicurezza e tecnologia.  La bandiera è un simb...