martedì 22 dicembre 2020

LoYakovlev Yak-28 (Russian: Яковлев Як-28)

Lo Yakovlev Yak-28 era un aereo da combattimento a turbogetto con ala a freccia progettato dall'ufficio tecnico Yakovlev e impiegato dall'Unione Sovietica a partire dai primi anni sessanta. Ideato inizialmente come bombardiere, fu realizzato anche in versioni da ricognizione e guerra elettronica, intercettore e aereo da addestramento, rispettivamente denominate con i nomi in codice NATO Brewer, Firebar e Maestro.

L'aereo nacque per rispondere all'esigenza della Voenno-vozdušnye sily, l'aeronautica militare sovietica, di dotarsi urgentemente di un bombardiere tattico supersonico. Fondamentalmente il progetto, denominato inizialmente Yak-129, venne impostato basandosi sul da poco disponibile motore Tumanskij R-11-300 e la struttura dello Yak-26. A causa delle maggiori dimensioni del motore, rispetto al precedente Tumanskij RD-9 che equipaggiava i velivoli della Yakovlev, fu necessario riprogettare l'ala che doveva anche essere aerodinamicamente compatibile con le nuove prestazioni di velocità.
Vennero costruiti 3 prototipi, due dei quali ottenuti dalla modifica di Yak-26 esistenti. La soluzione per l'ala scelta fu di adottare una configurazione ad ala alta con freccia di 45 gradi. Il primo prototipo della famiglia di velivoli volò per la prima volta il 5 marzo 1958 e, stante la pressante esigenza della aeronautica sovietica di avere in dotazione un aereo dalle caratteristiche supersoniche che i prototipi dimostrarono di possedere, venne celermente data l'autorizzazione alla produzione, malgrado i problemi iniziali, particolarmente quelli legati alla immaturità del nuovo motore. Lo Yak-28 cominciò ad entrare in servizio nel 1960.
Fu notato dagli osservatori occidentali per la prima volta alla parata aerea di Tushino in occasione della Giornata delle Forze Aeree Sovietiche del 1961. Gli analisti occidentali lo ritennero inizialmente un aereo da caccia piuttosto che un aereo da attacco ed una evoluzione dello Yak-25M. Di conseguenza gli fu assegnata una denominazione con iniziale F, Flashlight. Quando in seguito si comprese il ruolo di impiego reale come bombardiere, si sostituì il nome con Brewer.
La produzione totale di Yak-28 è stata di 1180 esemplari. Lo Yak-28P fu ritirato dal servizio nei primi anni ottanta, ma le versioni da addestramento e altre derivate continuarono a essere utilizzate fin dopo la caduta dell'Unione Sovietica, almeno fino al 1992. La versione da ricognizione e ECM del Brewer fu alla fine sostituita da varianti del Sukhoi Su-24 Fencer.

  • Yak-28 - (nome in codice NATO Brewer-A e Brewer-B) - Bombardieri tattici dotati di naso finestrato per il navigatore-bombardiere, carico bellico interno di 3000 kg, cannone anteriore (inizialmente il 23 mm NR-23, in seguito il GSh-23L a due canne) e piloni alari per bombe supplementari o pod per razzi. Gli originali Brewer-A e Brewer-B non entrarono in produzione di serie.
  • Yak-28B - (Brewer-C) - Bombardiere tattico. Primo modello prodotto in serie. Modificato rispetto ai precedenti nel disegno sia per le prese d'aria allungate che per la postazione del navigatore ridisegnata. Importante variazione ai sistemi imbarcati è stata l'adozione del radar di puntamento RBP-3.
  • Yak-28L, Yak-28I, Yak-28BI - Bombardieri tattici. La versione L del 1961 era dotata di un nuovo sistema radar di puntamento Lotos. L'evoluzione successiva fu la I prodotta dal 1962. Dotata del radar Initiativa e con i motori R-11AF2-300 da 61 kN di spinta. Alcuni Yak-28B furono aggiornati allo standard Initiativa e ridesignati Yak-28BI.
  • Yak-28RR - Versione ottenuta da Yak-28L modificati per la misura della contaminazione radioattiva attraverso pod subalari con prese d'aria per il prelevamento di campioni..
  • Yak-28R - (Brewer-D) - Versione dedicata per la ricognizione. Manteneva il naso vetrato, ma installava un radar di ricerca supplementare con radome ventrale.
  • Yak-28PP - (Brewer-E) - Versione modificata del Brewer-C per la guerra elettronica. Imbarcava nel vano di carico gli apparati per misure e jamming, mentre i pod venivano lasciati a disposizione per serbatoi supplementari di carburante o per razzi. I primi Yak-28PP potrebbero aver mantenuto il cannone, che fu in seguito rimosso dalla configurazione.
  • Yak-28U - (Maestro) - Versione da addestramento ottenuta con l'aggiunta di una cabina posteriore per l'istruttore.
  • Yak-28P - (Firebar) - Versione intercettore a lungo raggio sviluppata nel 1965. La baia di carico venne rimpiazzata da serbatoi di carburante più grandi che portavano ad una autonomia considerevole per i tempi. In effetti la quantità di carburante da imbarcare era limitata dal peso massimo e non dai volumi. Aggiunto un nuovo radar per l'intercettazione 'Oriol-D' compatibile con il missile aria-aria R-98 (AA-3 'Anab'). Il cannone venne rimosso anche da questa configurazione.
  • Yak-28PM - Versione speciale per record equipaggiata con motori con postbruciatore. Raggiunse i 2400 km/h.

Cultura di massa

In ambito videoludico, lo Yak-28 compare nel videogioco Deadly Skies III (in versione L).

  • Russia - Voenno-vozdušnye sily Rossijskoj Federacii
  • Unione Sovietica - Voenno-vozdušnye sily - Vojska PVO
  • Ucraina - Viys'kovo-Povitriani Syly Ukrayiny - 35 aerei.


The Yakovlev Yak-28 (Russian: Яковлев Як-28) is a swept wing, turbojet-powered combat aircraft used by the Soviet Union. Produced initially as a tactical bomber, it was also manufactured in reconnaissance, electronic warfare, interceptor, and trainer versions, known by the NATO reporting names Brewer, Firebar, and Maestro respectively. Based on the Yak-129 prototype first flown on 5 March 1958, it began to enter service in 1960.

Design and development

The Yak-28 was first seen by the West at the Tushino air show in 1961. Western analysts initially believed it to be a fighter rather than an attack aircraft—and a continuation of the Yak-25M—and it was designated "Flashlight". After its actual role was realized, the Yak-28 bomber series was redesignated "Brewer".
The Yak-28 had a large mid-mounted wing, swept at 45 degrees. The tailplane set halfway up the vertical fin (with cutouts to allow rudder movement). Slats were fitted on the leading edges and slotted flaps were mounted on the trailing edges of the wings. The two Tumansky R-11 turbojet engines, initially with 57 kN (12,795 lbf) thrust each, were mounted in pods, similar to the previous Yak-25. The wing-mounted engines and bicycle-type main landing gear (supplemented by outrigger wheels in fairings near the wingtips) were widely spaced, allowing most of the fuselage to be used for fuel and equipment. It was primarily subsonic, although Mach 1 could be exceeded at high altitude.
Total production of all Yak-28s was 1,180.

Operational history

The aircraft is perhaps best known for the heroic actions of Captain Boris Kapustin and Lieutenant Yuri Yanov after the Yak-28 they were piloting suffered a catastrophic engine malfunction on 6 April 1966. They were ordered to divert to attempt a landing in Soviet zone of Germany, but lost control of the aircraft and strayed into the airspace of West Berlin. The crew managed to avoid a housing estate but crashed into Lake Stößensee without ejecting. Their bodies, along with the wreckage, were raised from the lake by Royal Navy divers (flown in from Portsmouth) and salvage specialists, who also retrieved important top secret material from the plane. This included the engines, which were taken to RAF Gatow to be inspected by RAF and American engineers. The bodies of the two pilots were returned to the USSR with full military honors from both Soviet and British armed service members, and they were both posthumously awarded the Order of the Red Banner. The first engine was recovered on 18 April 1966 and the second a week later; both engines were returned to the Soviets on 2 May 1966.
The Yak-28P was withdrawn in the early 1980s, but trainer and other versions remained in service until after the fall of the Soviet Union, flying until at least 1992. The reconnaissance and ECM aircraft were eventually replaced by variants of the Sukhoi Su-24.


Prototype of Yak-28.

Yak-28 (Izdeliye B)
Tactical bomber. Initial production version; built in small numbers without radar.

Yak-28B (Izdeliye 28B; NATO reporting name: "Brewer-A")
Production of Yak-28 with weapon-aiming radar fitted, and various improvements such as fittings for JATO bottles. Production number unknown.

Yak-28L (Izdeliye 28L; NATO reporting name: "Brewer-B")
Tactical bomber with ground-controlled targeting system using triangulation from ground-based transmitter sites. A total of 111 built.

Yak-28I (Izdeliye 28I; NATO reporting name: "Brewer-C")
Tactical bomber with the internal targeting system "Initsiativa-2" 360-degree ground-mapping radar. A total of 223 built.

Yak-28UVP prototype (ookorochennyy vzlyot i posahdka – short takeoff and landing)
A single Yak-28 converted for testing short takeoff and landing techniques with JATO bottles and braking parachutes.

Yak-28U (Izdeliye 28U) (oochebnyy – training) (NATO reporting name – "Maestro")
It was a dual control trainer with a second cockpit in the nose for student pilots; made as a prototype in 1962. A total of 183 were built.

Yak-28R (Izdeliye 28R; NATO reporting name: "Brewer-D")
A dedicated tactical reconnaissance version of the Yak-28I, with increased headroom under the pilot´s canopy, increased nose glazing with a sloping rear bulkhead, Initsiativa-2 radar, and five interchangeable pallets containing various mission equipment fittings. Prototype in 1963. A total of 183 built.

Yak-28SR prototype (samolyot raspylitel – spraying/dusting aircraft) first use of SR.
Chemical warfare aircraft for dispensing dust or liquid agents from underwing tank/applicators. Though recommended for production none were delivered to the VVS.

Yak-28SR (Izdeliye 28SR) second use of SR.
Tactical reconnaissance aircraft fitted with an active radio/radar jammer (either SPS-141 or SPS-143). Production was on a very small scale.

Yak-28TARK (televiszionnyy aviatsionnyy razveddyvatel'nyy kompleks)[4]
Television reconnaissance system to send real-time images to a ground base. Backup provided by a 190 mm focal length still camera.

Yak-28RR (Izdeliye 28RR)
Radiation intelligence aircraft with RR8311-100 air sampling pods, for gathering samples of nuclear tests. The pods were specially designed for the Yak-28RR but became standard fit for all subsequent radiation intelligence gathering aircraft. Modification of a number of existing Yak-28R aircraft.

Radiation Intelligence aircraft conceived by fitting RR8311-100 air sampling pods, with no other specialist equipment. Modification of a number of existing Yak-28L aircraft.

Yak-28PP (Izeliye 28PP) (NATO reporting name – "Brewer-E")
Deployed in 1970, it is notable as the first Soviet electronic countermeasures (ECM) aircraft. It was unarmed, with an extensive electronic warfare (EW) suite in the bomb bay and various aerials and dielectric panels for transmitting the jamming signals. Excess heat generated by the jamming equipment was dissipated by heat exchangers under the centre fuselage; it did not include a radome. Produced in the 1970s in unknown numbers.

Yak-28VV proposition (vertikahl'nyy vzlyot – vertical take-off)
A vertical takeoff and landing project, with two R-27AF-300 lift/cruise engines and four R39P-300 lift engines in the forward fuselage.

Yak-28LSh proposition
Light attack aircraft project competing with the Ilyushin Il-102 and Sukhoi T-8, eliminated at an early stage.

Yak-28P (Izdeliye 40) (NATO reporting name – "Firebar")
A dedicated long-range interceptor version, the Yak-28P was developed from 1960 and deployed operationally from 1964. It omitted the internal weapons bay in favor of additional fuselage tanks (its fuel capacity was considerable, limited by weight rather than volume), and added a new 'Oriol-D' interception radar compatible with the R-98 (AA-3 'Anab') air-to-air missile. Late production "upgraded" Yak-28Ps had a longer radome of pure conical shape and enhanced armament. Produced until 1967, with 435 built.

Yak-28PM prototype
Upgraded Yak-28P with R11AF3-300 engines, flight testing started in 1963 but development abandoned when the R11AF3-300 did not enter production.The re-engined "PM" modification has established a speed record of 2,400 km/h in 1963.

Yak-28URP prototype
High altitude interceptor prototype using a rocket engine to boost performance during the interception phase.

Yak-28-64 prototype
Extensively redesigned Yak-28P with Tumansky R-11F2-300 engines moved to the rear fuselage with intakes extending to the cockpit, intended to compete with the Sukhoi Su-15. Performance was very disappointing, being slower than the Yak-28P, and serious aileron reversal issues caused the abandonment of the Yak-28-64.

  • Russia - Russian Air Force
  • Soviet Union - Soviet Air Force - Soviet Anti-Air Defense
  • Turkmenistan - Military of Turkmenistan
  • Ukraine - Ukrainian Air Force operated 35 aircraft.

Specifications (Yak-28P)

General characteristics:
  • Crew: 2
  • Length: 21.6 m (70 ft 10 in)
  • Wingspan: 12.5 m (41 ft 0 in)
  • Height: 3.95 m (13 ft 0 in)
  • Wing area: 37.6 m2 (405 sq ft)
  • Empty weight: 9,970 kg (21,980 lb)
  • Gross weight: 15,000 kg (33,069 lb)
  • Max takeoff weight: 20,000 kg (44,092 lb)
  • Powerplant: 2 × Tumansky R-11 afterburning turbojet engines, 46 kN (10,000 lbf) thrust each dry, 62 kN (14,000 lbf) with afterburner.

  • Maximum speed: 1,840 km/h (1,140 mph, 990 kn)
  • Range: 2,500 km (1,600 mi, 1,300 nmi)
  • Service ceiling: 16,750 m (54,950 ft)
  • Wing loading: 531 kg/m2 (109 lb/sq ft)
  • Thrust/weight: 0.62.

  • 2 × R-98M (AA-3 'Anab') air-to-air missiles, usually one R-98TM infrared and one R-98RM semi-active radar homing
  • 2 × K-13A (AA-2 'Atoll') short-range missiles (occasionally fitted).

(Web, Google, Wikipedia, You Tube)


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GUERRA RUSSIA - UCRAINA: un analista della difesa italiana avrebbe riferito che più cacciacarri ruotati 8 x 8 B1 Centauro vengono inviati in Ucraina. Blog dedicato agli appassionati di DIFESA,  storia militare, sicurezza e tecnologia.  La bandiera è un simb...