venerdì 15 maggio 2020

Leonardo OTO Melara Oerlikon KBA da 25 x 137 mm

L'Oerlikon KBA da 25 x 137 mm è un cannone automatico di progettazione svizzera Oerlikon-Bührle e ora prodotto dalla Rheinmetall Defence. Spesso è usata come Arma antiaerea impiegata in sistemi come il sofisticato DIANA trainato, in installazione binata, o in blindati come l'AIFV Dardo, il semovente d'artiglieria contraerea SIDAM 25 ed altre in installazioni singole, binate o quadrinate ed anche imbarcato su unità navali dove viene usato anche come CIWS.


L'affusto Oto Melara 25/80 "Spallaccia" è stato scelto come successore del vecchio affusto da 20mm, rispetto al quale il modello KBA è dotato di caratteristiche di potenza superiori, come il proiettile da 180 grammi anziché da 120, mentre la munizione nel suo complesso pesa certamente 300 grammi in più rispetto al tipo precedente. L'arma ha nervature laterali di rinforzo che servono ad aumentare la superficie a contatto con l'aria, accorgimento che aiuta a raffreddare la canna, priva di un sistema di raffreddamento ad acqua o altro liquido.

Il cannone automatico KBA da 25mm oltre ad essere più potente ha anche una cadenza di tiro quasi uguale (inferiore appena del 5%) rispetto al suo omologo da 20mm, risultando così più potente in maniera rimarchevole, ma non avendo sistemi di controllo del tiro particolarmente sofisticati è relegato alle stesse distanze di tiro e inoltre l'alzo è limitato da 60 ad appena 50 gradi, per cui esso è più idoneo al tiro contro bersagli di superficie o aerei a basse quote. Il peso è solo marginalmente maggiore, essendo di 1.050 kg senza munizionamento e di 1.200 kg pronto al fuoco. Le dimensioni sono di 1,60 m di larghezza, 3,844 metri di lunghezza e 1,8 metri di altezza massima. La cadenza tiro è di 550 proiettili al minuto e con 272 proiettili pronti al fuoco senza necessità di ricarica; la scelta tra munizioni perforanti decalibrate od esplosive consente una vasta gamma d'impiego; questo anche grazie alla portata effettiva di tiro che si attesta sui 2.000 metri. I cannoni automatici non sono asserviti ad alcuna apparecchiatura per la direzione del tiro o radar e per la mira l'operatore, che siede dietro l'affusto, si serve di un puntatore optronico, con possibilità di visione notturna, coassiale rispetto alla canna. Il cannone automatico, movimentato da servomotori, ha la possibilità di essere alimentato da fonti elettriche diversificate per motivi di ridondanza: normalmente l'alimentazione proviene dall'impianto elettrico della nave, ma in caso di necessità o di emergenza sono installate delle batterie a 24 V che consentono di avere 30 minuti di autonomia; successivamente ai 30 minuti il controllo ed i movimenti sono completamente manuali.
L'Oerlikon KBA 25/80, già in servizio sulla classe Comandanti, sui pattugliatori classe Cassiopea I e Cassiopea II, sulle corvette Minerva sulla portaerei Cavour, sulla unità della classe Orizzonte e sulle nuove FREMM, può essere ormai considerato come uno standard assodato per la Marina Militare Italiana, dalla quale viene principalmente utilizzato come arma antiaerea per la difesa di punto e trova posto anche sul pattugliatore Saettia della Guardia Costiera Italiana.
Il più potente cannone Oerlikon KBB da 25/92 spara la cartuccia calibro 25x184mm. L'installazione navale contraerea quadrinata CIWS Seaguard usa infatti quest'ultimo cannone, con cadenza di 800 colpi al minuto per canna, 3200 in totale.


The Oerlikon KBA is a 25 mm (25×137mm) autocannon, developed as a close range weapon for the mechanized battlefield originally made by Oerlikon Contraves AG (renamed as Rheinmetall Air Defence AG following the merger with Rheinmetall in 2009).
The Oerlikon KBA is a gas operated selective fire weapon taking a 25 mm cartridge from a dual selective belt feed and firing at a rate of 600 rounds per minute, it has been developed as a close-range multipurpose weapon for the modern battlefield.
Due to its firepower, various types of ammunition and its "Instant Ammunition Selection Device" (IASD), the KBA can engage lightly armoured vehicles, infantry and anti-tank positions, helicopters, combat aircraft and ships.


The Oerlikon KBA 25 mm cannon is a fully automatic, positively locked, gas-operated weapon with a rotating bolt head and double belt feed. These features guarantee high reliability and safety, even under the most extreme environmental conditions.
The KBA offers a wide range of firing modes: single shot; programmable rapid single shot with a rate of fire of up to 200 rds/min; and full automatic fire of 600 rds/ min. The cannon functions, such as cocking and firing, are electrically actuated by remote control unit or in auxiliary mode mechanically by a hand crank and a trigger pedal.
The Oerlikon KBA 25mm cannon has been designed for integration in various types of mounts, small size and low weight offer various integration possibilities such as:
  • Manned (1 or 2 operators) or remote controlled turrets on IFVs, APCs
  • Air defence gun mounts
  • Naval mounts
  • Helicopter mounts.

The various types of available ammunition combined with the unique Instant Ammunition Selection Device (IASD) and different selectable firing modes with a rate of fire up to 600rds/min support any type of operational use.


In 1964 the American company TRW Inc. was entrusted with the development of a 25 mm weapon while Oerlikon-Buehrle Machine Tool Works assumed responsibility for developing the ammunition and interior ballistics for it.
The project of the new 25 mm Auto Cannon was originally named as "TRW 6425" and was originally developed by the famous American firearms designer Eugene M. Stoner.
The TRW requirement of the project was: the gun have to be fully automatic and actively locked, operated by pneumatic and revolving bolts and uses a bidirectional feed system, the cannon need to switch quickly and easily in different type of ammunitions. These characteristics ensure that it is highly reliable and safe even in the most extreme environmental conditions.
At the beginning of 1967, technical tests and firing trials were carried out with the first two American TRW-6425 prototype cannons at Oerlikon-Buehrle Machine Tool Works followed by the first demonstrations for another NATO country.
Both were intended to meet the requirements for the armament of infantry fighting vehicles of the 80's and 90's:
  • Ammunition performance: 25 mm armour steel, 60° (NATO) angle of impact, 1000m range, corresponding to the armour of a well-armoured infantry fighting vehicle.
  • "Instant ammunition selection" for engagement of different targets
  • Selectable firing mode: Accurate single shot, bursts with a rate of fire of more than 550 rds/min for engagement of aircraft
  • Compact structure: with low weight for installation in gun turrets of APC's
  • Simple to operate: and service in the hands of infantry.

In the trials, however, the American prototypes displayed a number of basic functional deficiencies. This persuaded Oerlikon-Buehrle Machine Tool Works to undertake their own development work to effect system modifications, which then resulted in the required functional reliability and enabled the trials to be completed successfully. (1970, 10 gas-operated cannons). When the first prototype cannons became available, suitable gun turrets had also to be provided. In 1967 an agreement was signed between Machine Tool Works Oerlikon-Buehrle and a well-known and established sub-contractor, to collaborate in the development and manufacture of 25 mm gun turrets. These gun turrets were in the first instance to be suitable for mounting on M113 armoured personnel carrier C&R of a NATO country's army. The complete system, cannon, hand-driven turret and ammunition underwent detailed firing trials between 1969 and 1971. Special new development efforts were devoted to improve functional reliability, durability and firing precision, and in 1971 sufficient progress had been made for the weapon system to fulfil the strict specifications laid down, and to be delivered to the Netherlands.
Within the framework of the product support service Oerlikon improves the product and adapts it regularly to the latest requirements. An important step forward was made in 1982/83 when the ammunition penetration performance range of the 25 mm APDS-T (sub-caliber) round was increased 150% from 1000 to 2500 m.
The wide range of strong points of the Oerlikon KBA 25 mm cannon, such as high rate of fire, ammunition performance, good safety record, dual belt feeder with first-round response, no external power requirement and simple maintenance lead to a considerably increasing interest in the Oerlikon KBA 25 mm cannon in years.


A wide range of ammunition has been developed for this weapon specifically developed to engage and defeat both ground and air targets.
The ammunition complies with all handling and operational safety requirements according to MIL-STD’s, and was subjected to intensive trials by NATO member countries prior to its introduction and standardization as NATO 25mmx137 ammunition.
  • The current 25mm ammunition family consists of six combat and two training rounds:
  • APFSDS-T: armour-piercing fin stabilized discarding sabot with tracer, for use against armoured ground targets
  • APDS-T: armour-piercing discarding sabot with tracer, for use against armoured ground targets
  • FAPDS-T: frangible armour-piercing discarding sabot with tracer, for use against air, ground and urban targets
  • TPDS-T: target practice discarding sabot with tracer, a short range trainer for the above sub-calibre types
  • SAPHEI-T: semi-armour-piercing high explosive incendiary with tracer, for use against well protected targets
  • HEI-T: high explosive incendiary with tracer, for use against lightly protected targets
  • MP-T: multipurpose with tracer
  • TP-T: target practice with tracer, for training with the above full calibre types.


Current operators:
  • Bangladesh - Leader Class offshore patrol vessel - Sobuj Bangla-class inshore patrol vessel
  • Turkey - ASELSAN 25 mm STOP Stabilized Naval Gun System
  • Egypt
  • Italy - FREMM multipurpose frigate (x2 KBA System) - LHD Trieste Aircraft Carrier (x3 KBA System) - CVH 550 Cavour Aircraft Carrier - VBM Freccia infantry fighting vehicle - SIDAM 25 self-propelled anti-aircraft gun - Horizon-class frigate.
  • Japan - Type 87 ARV
  • Netherlands
  • Chile
  • Romania - MLI-84 tracked infantry fighting vehicle
  • Bahrain
  • Turkmenistan
  • Malta.

(Web, Google, Wikipedia, You Tube)

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