sabato 14 novembre 2020

Il Boeing E-3 Sentry è un velivolo AWACS

Il Boeing E-3 Sentry è un velivolo AWACS ora prodotto dalla statunitense Boeing Integrated Defense Systems, la divisione del settore difesa della Boeing Company, in collaborazione con la Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems, responsabile dei sistemi radar.
Introdotto nel 1976 ed ancora oggi operativo, è attualmente il più diffuso velivolo di questo tipo a livello mondiale. Oltre che nell'USAF è utilizzato dalla NATO e dalle forze aeree di Regno Unito, Francia ed Arabia Saudita per la sorveglianza dello spazio aereo e con funzioni di comando, controllo e comunicazioni.
Realizzato in 68 esemplari, basati sulla cellula del Boeing 707-320B Advanced di linea, la sua produzione è terminata nel 1992.


L'E-3 Sentry è una versione modificata dell'aereo commerciale Boeing 707-320B Advanced. Le modifiche includono una cupola rotante radar e una sonda per rifornimento aereo. La cupola radar ha un diametro di 9 m circa, uno spessore al centro di 1,8 m, ed è mantenuta ad un'altezza di 4,2 m dalla carlinga mediante due montanti. La cupola contiene un sistema di antenne ruotato idraulicamente che permette ad un radar AN/APY-1/2 di controllare lo spazio aereo dal terreno fino alla stratosfera. Con ognuno dei 4 motori è montato un generatore che fornisce 1 megawatt di potenza, necessario per l'apparato radar. Il radar Doppler ha un raggio di oltre 350 km per bersagli che volano a bassa quota, mentre il radar BTH (Beyond the Horizon, oltre l'orizzonte) ha un raggio di 640 km per bersagli che volano a quota medio/alta. La combinazione di radar e di SSR (Second Surveillance Radar, radar di sorveglianza secondario) permette al Sentry di identificare velivoli nemici a bassa quota, eliminando gli echi di ritorno del terreno.
La flotta di E-3 in forza all'United States Air Force ha subito il suo più grande rinnovamento nel 2001,con l'aggiunta di:
Misure di supporto elettronico (ESM) per la rilevazione passiva di bersagli e per la capacità di rilevare e identificare emettitori aerei e terrestri.
JTIDS (Joint Tactical Information Distribution System), ovvero sistema integrato di distribuzione informazioni tattiche, sistema che permette la distribuzione sicura (anti-jam) di informazioni a unità amiche nell'area. Sistema di navigazione GPS. Aumento delle capacità dei computer di bordo.

Sviluppi futuri

Dopo la richiesta da parte del Giappone per equipaggiare la Kōkū Jieitai, la propria forza aerea, di un velivolo AWACS, a causa della cessata produzione del Boeing 707, la Boeing ha prodotto il Boeing E-767, utilizzando come base il 767 e integrando il velivolo con la dotazione installata sul E-3. Il programma USAF che prevedeva la sostituzione, oltre all'E-3, degli RC-135 ed E-8 Joint STARS, aveva assegnato al Northrop Grumman E-10 MC2A il ruolo di nuovo velivolo AWACS, ma è stato infine cancellato. È quindi stato deciso di prendere una nuova direzione avviando un programma di aggiornamento del materiale esistente ed investendo sul pacchetto di modifiche definito Block 40/45. Attualmente un E-3 munito delle nuove apparecchiature aggiornate è in fase di sviluppo e sperimentazione in volo. Inoltre è previsto, tramite l'Airframe Modernization Program (AMP), l'aggiornamento della struttura della cellula del velivolo con lo scopo, sostituendo le unità di propulsione, di migliorare i consumi, e di conseguenza autonomia e raggio d'azione, e di diminuire inoltre la distanza minima necessaria per il decollo.

Impiego operativo

La NATO ha dispiegato in Europa 18 velivoli nella versione E-3A, con base in Germania e con immatricolazione in Lussemburgo.

  • CE-137D - prototipo realizzato in due esemplari dotati di motori Pratt & Whitney JT3D, uno equipaggiato con un radar Westinghouse, l'altro con uno prodotto dalla Hughes. Entrambi gli esemplari sono stati convertiti allo standard E-3A standard con i motori Pratt & Whitney TF33.
  • E-3A - versione di serie dotata di motori TF33 e radar AN/APY-1. Ne sono stati prodotti 25 esemplari per l'USAF, successivamente convertiti allo standard E-3B, 18 destinati alla NATO equipaggiati con motori TF33 e 5 per l'Arabia Saudita equipaggiati con motori CFM56.
  • KE-3A - variante con ruolo di aerocisterna, dotata di motori CFM56, destinata all'Arabia Saudita e prodotta in 8 esemplari.
  • E-3B - versione E-3A aggiornata con radar AN/APY-2 ed altri miglioramenti, 24 conversioni.
  • E-3C - nuova versione di serie dotata di alcuni miglioramenti di sistema, prodotta in 9 esemplari. Gli E-3A in forza alla NATO, anche se non ridesignati, sono stati modificati portandoli allo stesso equipaggiamento standard.
  • JE-3C - Un E-3A utilizzato dalla Boeing per test, successivamente ridesignato E-3C.
  • E-3D - versione di produzione destinata alla Royal Air Force; E-3C standard dotato di motori CFM56 e modifiche di produzione britannica. Designato Sentry AEW.1, è stato prodotto in 7 esemplari.
  • E-3F - versione di produzione destinata all'Armée de l'air francese; E-3C standard dotato di motori CFM56 e modifiche di produzione britannica, prodotto in 4 esemplari.
  • E-3G - versione aggiornata con pacchetto Block 40/45 e programma AMP, in fase di sperimentazione.
  • Sentry AEW.1 - designazione RAF della versione E-3D.
  • TC-18E - versione da addestramento non dotata di attrezzature destinata alla formazione degli equipaggi degli E-3 Sentry.



18 E-3A AWACS assegnati alla base aerea di Geilenkirchen, in Germania, 14 in servizio al novembre 2019 in quanto uno è andato distrutto durante il decollo il 14 luglio 1996 a Preveza, in Grecia, mentre 3 esemplari sono stati immagazzinati all'AMARG, negli USA. I 14 esemplari superstiti (l'ultimo dei quali è stato riconsegnato a dicembre 2018) sono stati sottoposti ad un upgrade del cockpit con tecnologia Global Air Traffic Management (GATM), concentrato su un nuovo sistema di gestione dei voli e sull'installazione di 50 nuove "scatole nere", nonché sull'integrazione dei sistemi avionici di sicurezza di volo. Oltre a rendere l'aereo conforme al GATM, il programma ha anche ridotto l'equipaggio di volo da tre a due. Il 27 novembre 2019 la NATO ha firmato con Boeing un contratto da un miliardo di dollari per un terzo ed ultimo aggiornamento dei 14 esemplari ancora in servizio. Tale aggiirnamento non solo permetterà di mantenere gli aerei in servizio fino al 2035, ma gli conferirà nuove sofisticate funzionalità di comunicazione e networking. Tutti sono ufficialmente registrati come velivoli appartenenti al Lussemburgo, uno stato membro della NATO non dotato di una propria aeronautica militare. Sono responsabili del controllo dello spazio aereo della NATO ed utilizzabili per operazioni in tutto il mondo. Vengono gestiti con un budget cui contribuiscono i soli Paesi NATO che hanno aderito al consorzio AWACS e sono sotto il comando diretto del Comandante NATO in Europa, che opera da SHAPE (presso Casteau in Belgio) e che li gestisce per il tramite di uno stato maggiore multinazionale co-ubicato (Force Command). I 20 equipaggi multinazionali provengono da 15 delle 28 nazioni membri della NATO.
  • Squadron 1
  • Squadron 2
  • Squadron 3
  • Training Wing.


L'Armée de l'air possiede 4 E-3F consegnati, simili come equipaggiamento ai E-3D in forza alla RAF.
  • 36ème Escadron de Détection et de Contrôle Aéroporté 00.036 "Berry" sulla BA 702 Avord dal 1991
  • 1er Escadrille de Détection et de Contrôle Aéroporté 01.036 "Berry" - SAL 58 "Coq" - BR 43 "Charognard"
  • 2nd Escadrille de Détection et de Contrôle Aéroporté 02.036 "Berry" - SAL 253 "Tête de dogue" - SAL 257 "Masse d'armes".

Arabia Saudita

L'Al-Quwwat al-Jawwiyya al-Sa'udiyya possiede dal 1986 5 E-3A ed otto aerocisterne KE-3A. I 5 E-3A sono stati sottoposti all'upgrade del radar AN/APY-2 entro maggio 2017, ma dovrebbero ricevere un upgrade più importante per portarli al block 40/45 come gli aerei americani e francesi.
  • No. 18 Squadron RSAF

Regno Unito

La Royal Air Force ha acquistato 6 (successivamente portati a 7) E-3D nel dicembre 1986. I velivoli sono stati ridesignati Sentry AEW.1. Al marzo 2019 sono 6 gli esemplari in servizio, che saranno sostituiti da 5 Boeing E-7 AEW&C a partire dal 2020.
  • No. 8 Squadron
  • No. 23 Squadron.

Stati Uniti

L'United States Air Force possiede 34 E-3A (24 successivamente modificati allo standard E-3B e 10 a quello E-3C). Un esemplare di E-3B venne perduto in un incidente nel 1995. Un altro esemplare è in prestito alla Boeing Integrated Defense Systems per scopo di continua sperimentazione, di ricerca e sviluppo.
  • 552d Air Control Wing ha 28 E-3 presso la Tinker AFB, Oklahoma
  • 960th AACS
  • 963d AACS
  • 964th AACS
  • 965th AACS
  • 966th AACS
  • 3d Wing, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska
  • 962d AACS
  • 18th Wing, Kadena AB, Giappone
  • 961st AACS.


The Boeing E-3 Sentry, commonly known as AWACS, is an American airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft developed by Boeing. Derived from the Boeing 707, it provides all-weather surveillance, command, control, and communications, and is used by the United States Air Force, NATO, Royal Air Force, French Air and Space Force, and Royal Saudi Air Force. The E-3 is distinguished by the distinctive rotating radar dome (rotodome) above the fuselage. Production ended in 1992 after 68 aircraft had been built.
In the mid-1960s, the U.S. Air Force (USAF) was seeking an aircraft to replace its piston-engined Lockheed EC-121 Warning Star, which had been in service for over a decade. After issuing preliminary development contracts to three companies, the USAF picked Boeing to construct two airframes to test Westinghouse Electric and Hughes's competing radars. Both radars used pulse-Doppler technology, with Westinghouse's design emerging as the contract winner. Testing on the first production E-3 began in October 1975.
The first USAF E-3 was delivered in March 1977, and during the next seven years, a total of 34 aircraft were manufactured. NATO, as a single identity, also had 18 aircraft manufactured, basing them in Germany. The E-3 was also sold to the United Kingdom (seven) and France (four) and Saudi Arabia (five, plus eight E-3-derived tanker aircraft).
In 1991, when the last aircraft had been delivered, E-3s participated in the Persian Gulf War, playing a crucial role of directing coalition aircraft against Iraqi forces. Throughout the aircraft's service life, numerous upgrades were performed to enhance its capabilities. In 1996, Westinghouse Electric's Defense & Electronic Systems division was acquired by Northrop Corporation, before being renamed Northrop Grumman Mission Systems, which currently supports the E-3's radar.



In 1963, the USAF asked for proposals for an Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) to replace its EC-121 Warning Stars, which had served in the airborne early warning role for over a decade. The new aircraft would take advantage of improvements in radar technology and in computer aided radar data analysis and data reduction. These developments allowed airborne radars to "look down", detect the movement of low-flying aircraft, and discriminate, even over land, target aircraft's movements—previously this had been impossible, due to the inability to discriminate an aircraft's track from ground clutter. Contracts were issued to Boeing, Douglas, and Lockheed, the latter being eliminated in July 1966. In 1967, a parallel program was put into place to develop the radar, with Westinghouse Electric Corporation and Hughes Aircraft being asked to compete in producing the radar system. In 1968, it was referred to as Overland Radar Technology (ORT) during development tests on the modified EC-121Q. The Westinghouse radar antenna was going to be used by whichever company won the radar competition, since Westinghouse had pioneered in the design of high-power RF phase-shifters, which are used to both focus the RF into a pencil beam, and scan electronically for altitude determination.
Boeing initially proposed a purpose-built aircraft, but tests indicated it would not outperform the already-operational 707, so the latter was chosen instead. To increase endurance, this design was to be powered by eight General Electric TF34s. It would carry its radar in a rotating dome mounted at the top of a forward-swept tail, above the fuselage. Boeing was selected ahead of McDonnell Douglas's DC-8-based proposal in July 1970. Initial orders were placed for two aircraft, designated EC-137D as test beds to evaluate the two competing radars. As the test-beds did not need the same 14-hour endurance demanded of the production aircraft, the EC-137s retained the Pratt & Whitney JT3D commercial engines, and a later reduction in the endurance requirement led to retaining the normal engines in production.
The first EC-137 made its maiden flight on 9 February 1972, with the fly-off between the two radars taking place from March to July of that year. Favorable test results led to the selection of Westinghouse's radar for the production aircraft. Hughes's radar was initially thought to be a certain winner, simply because much of its design was also going into the new F-15 Eagle's radar program. The Westinghouse radar used a pipelined fast Fourier transform (FFT) to digitally resolve 128 Doppler frequencies, while Hughes's radars used analog filters based on the design for the F-15 fighter. Westinghouse's engineering team won this competition by using a programmable 18-bit computer whose software could be modified before each mission. This computer was the AN/AYK-8 design from the B-57G program, and designated AYK-8-EP1 for its much expanded memory. This radar also multiplexed a beyond-the-horizon (BTH) pulse mode that could complement the pulse-Doppler radar mode. This proved to be beneficial especially when the BTH mode is used to detect ships at sea when the radar beam is directed below the horizon.

Full-scale development

Approval was given on 26 January 1973 for full-scale development of the AWACS system. To allow further development of the aircraft's systems, orders were placed for three preproduction aircraft, the first of which performed its maiden flight in February 1975. To save costs, the endurance requirements were relaxed, allowing the new aircraft to retain the four JT3D (U.S. military designation TF33) engines. IBM and Hazeltine were selected to develop the mission computer and display system. The IBM computer was designated 4PI, and the software was written in JOVIAL. A Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) or back-up interceptor control (BUIC) operator would immediately be at home with the track displays and tabular displays, but differences in symbology would create compatibility problems in tactical ground radar systems in Iceland, mainland Europe, and South Korea over Link-11 (TADIL-A). In 1977, Iran placed an order for ten E-3s, however this order was cancelled following the Iranian Revolution.
Modifications to the Boeing 707 for the E-3 Sentry included a rotating radar dome (rotodome), uprated hydraulics from 241 to 345 bar (3500–5000 PSI) to drive the rotodome, single-point ground refueling, air refueling, and a bail-out tunnel or chute. The original design had two (one forward, and one aft), but the aft bail-out chute was deleted to cut mounting costs. Engineering, test and evaluation began on the first E-3 Sentry in October 1975. Between 1977 and 1992, a total of 68 E-3s were built.

Future status

Because the Boeing 707 is no longer in production, the E-3 mission package has been fitted into the Boeing E-767 for the Japan Air Self Defense Forces. The E-10 MC2A was intended to replace USAF E-3s—along with the RC-135 and the E-8 Joint STARS, but the program was canceled by the Department of Defense. The USAF is now performing a series of incremental improvements, mainly to avionics, to bring the E-3 up to current standards of performance. Boeing is flight-testing its Block 40/45 E-3s. This modified E-3 contains upgrades of the mission crew and air battle management sections, as well as significantly upgraded electronic equipment.
Another program that the Air Force is considering is the "Avionics Modernization Program" (AMP). AMP would equip the E-3s with glass cockpits. New turbofan engines would give E-3s longer ranges, longer time-on-station, and a shorter critical runway length. If the modification is carried out, the E-3s could take off with full fuel loads using runways only 10,000 ft (3,000 m) long, and also at higher ambient temperatures and altitudes. An E-8 test aircraft was briefly fitted with new Pratt & Whitney JT8D-219 turbofans, claimed to have one-half the cost of the competing engine, the CFM56.
NATO intends to extend the operational status of its AWACS until 2035. To comply, fourteen AWACS aircraft will be significantly modified in the Final Lifetime Extension Program (FLEP). Most FLEP modifications will be implemented in the communications and operational systems area e.g. expansion of data capacity, expansion of bandwidth for satellite communications, new encryption equipment, new have quick radios, upgraded mission computing hard- and software and new operator consoles. The supporting groundsystems (mission training center and mission planning and evaluation system) will also be upgraded to the latest configuration. NATO Airborne Early Warning & Control Program Management Agency (NAPMA) is the preparing and executing authority for the FLEP which will be implemented from 2019–2026. To minimize impact on the operational capacity the NAEW&C force commander will be informed in advance. FLEP will be combined with the standard planned higher echelon technical maintenance.



The E-3 Sentry's airframe is a modified Boeing 707-320B Advanced model. USAF and NATO E-3s have an unrefueled range of 7,400 km (4,600 mi) or 8 hours of flying. The newer E-3 versions bought by France, Saudi Arabia, and the UK are equipped with newer CFM56-2 turbofan engines, and these can fly for about 11 hours or more than 9,250 km (5,750 mi). The Sentry's range and on-station time can be increased through air-to-air refueling and the crews can work in shifts by the use of an on-board crew rest and meals area. The aircraft are equipped with one toilet in the rear, and one behind the cockpit. The Saudi E-3 was delivered with an additional toilet in the rear.
When deployed, the E-3 monitors an assigned area of the battlefield and provides information for commanders of air operations to gain and maintain control of the battle; while as an air defense asset, E-3s can detect, identify, and track airborne enemy forces far from the boundaries of the U.S. or NATO countries and can direct interceptor aircraft to these targets. In support of air-to-ground operations, the E-3 can provide direct information needed for interdiction, reconnaissance, airlift, and close-air support for friendly ground forces.


The unpressurized rotodome is 30 ft (9.1 m) in diameter, 6 ft (1.8 m) thick at the center, and is held 11 ft (3.4 m) above the fuselage by 2 struts. It is tilted down at the front to reduce its aerodynamic drag, which lessens its detrimental effect on take-offs and endurance (which is corrected electronically by both the radar and secondary surveillance radar antenna phase shifters). The rotodome uses bleed air, outside cooling doors, and fluorocarbon based cold plate cooling to maintain the electronic and mechanical equipment temperatures. The hydraulically rotated antenna system permits the AN/APY-1 and AN/APY-2 passive electronically scanned array radar system to provide surveillance from the Earth's surface up into the stratosphere, over land or water.
Other major subsystems in the E-3 Sentry are navigation, communications, and computers. 14 consoles display computer-processed data in graphic and tabular format on screens. Its operators perform surveillance, identification, weapons control, battle management and communications functions. The E-3's radar and computer subsystems gather and present broad and detailed battlefield information including position and tracking information of enemy aircraft and vessels, and of course location and status of all friendly assets. Data may be forwarded in real-time to any major command and control center in rear areas or aboard ships. In times of crisis, data may also be forwarded to the National Command Authority in the U.S. via RC-135 or aircraft carrier task forces.
Electrical generators mounted in each of the E-3's 4r engines provide 1 megawatt of electrical power required by the E-3's radars and electronics. Its pulse-Doppler radar has a range of more than 250 mi (400 km) for low-flying targets at its operating altitude, and the pulse (BTH) radar has a range of approximately 400 mi (650 km) for aircraft flying at medium to high altitudes. The radar, combined with a secondary surveillance radar (SSR) and electronic support measures (ESM), provides a look down capability, to detect, identify, and track low-flying aircraft, while eliminating ground clutter returns.


Starting in 1987, USAF E-3s were upgraded under the "Block 30/35 Modification Program" to enhance the E-3's capabilities. On 30 October 2001, the final airframe to be upgraded under this program was rolled out. Several major enhancements were made, firstly the installation of ESM and an electronic surveillance capability, for both active and passive means of detection. Also, Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS) was installed, which provides rapid and secure communication for transmitting information, including target positions and identification data, to other friendly platforms. Global Positioning System (GPS) capability was also added. Onboard computers were also overhauled to accommodate JTIDS, Link-16, the new ESM systems and to provide for future enhancements.
The Radar System Improvement Program (RSIP) was a joint US/NATO development program. RSIP enhances the operational capability of the E-3 radars' electronic countermeasures, and dramatically improve the system's reliability, maintainability, and availability. Essentially, this program replaced the older transistor-transistor logic (TTL) and emitter-coupled logic (MECL) electronic components, long-since out of production, with off-the-shelf digital computers that utilised a High-level programming language instead of assembly language. Significant improvement came from adding pulse compression to the pulse-Doppler mode, replacing the old 8-bit FFT with 24-bit FFTs, and the 12-bit A/D (Sign + 12-bits) with a 15-bit A/D (Sign + 15-bits). These hardware and software modifications improve the E-3 radars' performance, providing enhanced detection with an emphasis towards low radar cross-section (RCS) targets.
The RAF had also joined the USAF in adding RSIP to upgrade the E-3's radars. The retrofitting of the E-3 squadrons was completed in December 2000. Along with the RSIP upgrade was installation of the Global Positioning System/Inertial Navigation Systems which dramatically improve positioning accuracy. In 2002, Boeing was awarded a contract to add RSIP to the small French AWACS squadron. Installation was completed in 2006.
In the 1990s all NATO AWACS aircraft have been upgraded by the Radar System Improvement System (RSIP), a US/NATO joint venture in the area of hard and software modifications of the existing radarsystem. This resulted in an aircraft with 2 large sensorpods alongside the fuselage and a 'bulb' under the aircraft nose containing the electronic warfare equipment.
After several years of planning in 2000 NATO decided to bring the E-3's on Mid Term Program (MTP) standard. Again this implied technical upgrades and a total multi-sensor-systems integration. MTP ended in 2008.
In 2009, the USAF, in cooperation with NATO, entered into a major flight deck avionics modernization program in order to maintain compliance with worldwide airspace mandates. The program, called DRAGON (for DMS Replacement of Avionics for Global Operation and Navigation), was awarded in 2010 – the prime was Boeing and the subcontractor was Rockwell Collins. Drawing on their Flight2 Flight Management System (FMS), almost all the existing avionics were replaced with new, more modern digital equipment from Rockwell Collins. The major upgraded capabilities include a Digital Audio Distribution System, Mode-5/ADS-B transponder, Inmarsat & VDL datalinks, and a Terrain Avoidance and Warning System (TAWS). The navigation system is capable of RNP-0.3, STARs and LNAV/VNAV approaches, and SIDs. The centerpiece flight deck hardware consists of five 6x8 color graphics displays (2 PFDs, 2 IMFDs, and an EICAS), two color CDUs, and a Thales ISD standby. DRAGON lays the foundation for subsequent upgrades including GPS M-Code, Iridium ATC, and Autopilot. USAF DRAGON Production begins in 2018.

Operational history

In March 1977, the 552nd Airborne Warning and Control Wing (now the 552d Air Control Wing) at Tinker AFB, Oklahoma received the first E-3 aircraft, flown and commanded by Major James R. Sterk. The 34th and last USAF Sentry was delivered in June 1984. In March 1996, the USAF activated the 513th Air Control Group (513 ACG), an ACC-gained Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) AWACS unit under the Reserve Associate Program. Collocated with the 552 ACW at Tinker AFB, the 513 ACG which performs similar duties on active duty E-3 aircraft shared with the 552 ACW.
The USAF has a total of thirty-one E-3s in active service. Twenty-seven are stationed at Tinker AFB and belong to the Air Combat Command (ACC). Four are assigned to the Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) and stationed at Kadena AB, Okinawa and Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. One aircraft (TS-3) was assigned to Boeing for testing and development (retired/scrapped June 2012).
E-3 Sentry aircraft were among the first to deploy during Operation Desert Shield, where they immediately established as an around-the-clock radar screen to defend against Iraqi forces. During Operation Desert Storm, E-3s flew 379 missions and logged 5,052 hours of on-station time. The data collection capability of the E-3 radar and computer subsystems allowed an entire air war to be recorded for the first time. In addition to providing senior leadership with time-critical information on the actions of enemy forces, E-3 controllers assisted in 38 of the 41 air-to-air kills recorded during the conflict.
NATO, UK, French and USAF AWACS played an important role in the air campaign against Serbia and Montenegro in the former republic of Yugoslavia. From March – June 1999 the aircraft were deployed in operation Allied Force directing allied strike and air defence aircraft to and from their targets. Over 1,000 aircraft operating from bases in Germany and Italy took part in the air campaign which was intended to destroy Yugoslav air defenses and high-value targets such as the bridges across the Danube river, factories, powerstations, telecommunications facilities, military installations and the Avala TV Tower.
On 18 November 2015, an E-3G was deployed to the Middle East to begin immediately flying combat missions in support of Operation Inherent Resolve against ISIL, marking the first combat deployment of the upgraded AWACS Block 40/45. The $2.7 billion development effort started in 2003, with the first five aircraft achieving initial operational capability (IOC) in July 2015. The Block 40/45 upgrade is the most extensive the E-3 has undergone, replacing its 1970s computer technology with an early 2000s standard and including a deployable ground system that receives, processes, and disseminates data. The Air Force plans to convert 24 AWACS to E-3G standard, while retiring seven from the fleet to avoid upgrade costs and harvest out-of-production components.

France and United Kingdom

In February 1987 the UK and France ordered E-3 aircraft in a joint project which saw deliveries start in 1991. The British requirement arose due to the cancellation of the Nimrod AEW3 project. While France operates its E-3F aircraft independently of NATO, UK E-3Ds formed the E-3D Component of the NATO Airborne Early Warning and Control Force (NAEWCF), receiving much of their tasking directly from NATO. However, RAF E-3Ds remain UK manned and capable of independent, national tasking outside of NATO command lines. This has been done on numerous occasions, notably when E-3Ds were committed to operations over Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003. The UK fleet has slowly been reduced from 7 since 2011 with plans for replacement by five E-7 Wedgetails from 2023. France operates four aircraft, all fitted with the newer CFM56-2 engines.
On 27 January 2015, the RAF deployed an E-3D Sentry to Cyprus in support of U.S.-led coalition airstrikes against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria.


NATO acquired 18 E-3As and support equipment for a NATO air defense force. Since all aircraft must be registered with a specific country, the decision was made to register the 18 aircraft in Luxembourg, a NATO member that previously did not have any air force. The first NATO E-3 was delivered in January 1982. The eighteen E-3s were operated by Number 1, 2 and 3 Squadrons of NATO's E-3 Component, based at Geilenkirchen. Presently, 16 NATO E-3As are in the inventory, since one E-3 was lost in a crash and one was retired from service in 2015.
NATO E-3s joined their USAF colleagues for joint air defense as part of Operation Eagle Assist in the wake of the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon. NATO and RAF E-3s participated in the military intervention in Libya.
On 23 June 2015 the first of the original 18 NATO E-3A AWACS aircraft to retire arrived at Davis-Monthan AFB near Tucson, Arizona. The aircraft was placed in parts reclamation storage where critical parts will be removed by technicians to support the remaining fleet of 16 Boeing E-3A aircraft. It had accumulated 22,206 flight hours between 19 August 1983 and 13 May 2015 and operated out of twenty-one different countries in support of NATO activities. The aircraft was due in mid-July 2015 for a six-year cycle Depot Level Maintenance (DLM) inspection which would have been very costly. Without the inspection, the aircraft would no longer be allowed to fly. The so-called "449 Retirement Project" will result in reclamation of critical parts with a value of upwards of $40,000,000. Some of the parts to be removed are no longer on the market or have become very expensive.

(Web, Google, Wikipedia, You Tube)


1 commento:

Sukhoi Su-57 (in cirillico: Сухой Су-57, nome in codice NATO: Felon): probabili acquisizioni da parte di Algeria e India. Blog dedicato agli appassionati di DIFESA,  storia militare, sicurezza e tecnologia.  La bandiera è un simb...