giovedì 3 ottobre 2019

Il Boeing P-8 Poseidon

Il Boeing P-8 Poseidon (conosciuto in origine come Multimission Maritime Aircraft o MMA) è un aereo da pattugliamento marittimo progettato e costruito dall'azienda aeronautica statunitense Boeing. La sua architettura è la stessa del bireattore civile Boeing 737, la cui cellula è stata modificata per sviluppare il nuovo pattugliatore marittimo dell'U.S. Navy, destinato a sostituire il famoso e affermatissimo Lockheed P-3 Orion.



Il programma Multimission Maritime Aircraft (detto anche MMA) è stato avviato grazie ad una specifica emessa negli anni novanta dall'U.S. Navy per sostituire i vetusti Lockheed P-3 Orion.
Il velivolo si basa sulla cellula del noto bireattore civile Boeing 737, modificata per creare un aereo dalle caratteristiche multiruolo che gli consentiranno di svolgere anche missioni di interdizione, ricerca e soccorso, intelligence, sorveglianza, ricognizione e acquisizione di bersagli; il sistema di missione, inoltre, è basato su una architettura aperta. La fase di sviluppo e dimostrazione dell'intero programma prevede la costruzione di tre prototipi volanti e due per le prove a terra.
Nel frattempo il velivolo è stato battezzato P-8A Poseidon dalla U.S. Navy, che prevede di acquistare 108 esemplari con i quali sostituire nella propria linea di volo gli anziani P-3C; la capacità operativa iniziale (Initial Operational Capability) è prevista per il 2013. I nuovi pattugliatori Poseidon saranno in grado di svolgere missioni di ricognizione, sorveglianza, Lotta antisommergibile e operazioni contro il naviglio di superficie.
Il Poseidon ha già conseguito due successi di vendita all'estero: infatti è stato ordinato in 12 esemplari dalla Naval Air Arm (la marina militare dell'India) nella versione P-8I, versione appositamente sviluppata per le esigenze indiane dal P-8A; anche la Royal Australian Air Force ha deciso di dotarsi di un nuovo mezzo per la lotta antisommergibile e ne ha acquistati 8 esemplari nella variante simile alla P-8A. l'interesse è per un totale di 15 esemplari. La R.A.F. inglese ha intenzione di ordinare 9 esemplari.


Nel 2010, Boeing ha proposto di sostituire la flotta congiunta E-8 Northrop Grumman della US Air Force con una P-8 modificata allo stesso costo che Northrop Grumman ha proposto di rimettere in moto e migliorare le E-8.  La proposta P-8 Airborne Ground Surveillance (AGS) avrebbe integrato un radar AESA ( array a scansione elettronica attiva ) e avrebbe capacità di indicatore di bersaglio mobile (GMTI) e radar ad apertura sintetica (SAR). Una caratteristica chiave era un radar montato su un pod sulla linea centrale inferiore della fusoliera, posizionato in modo tale che le navicelle del motore non ostruissero la sua visuale. Riutilizza il radar di ricerca di superficie multi-missione Raytheon AN / APY-10 del P-8A. Due alette ventrali a poppa aumentano la stabilità. 
Nel 2013, Boeing ha proposto di riconfezionare alcuni dei sistemi del P-8 nel business jet Bombardier Challenger serie 600, più piccolo e meno costoso, come Boeing Maritime Surveillance Aircraft (MSA).  Nel 2014, Boeing ha anche offerto una sostituzione JSTARS basata sul Boeing 737-700 , anziché sul 737-800 del P-8. 


Il P-8 è una versione militarizzata del 737-800ERX, un 737-800 con ali basate su 737-900.  La fusoliera è simile, ma più lunga, rispetto al velivolo da trasporto Clipper C-40 basato su 737-700 in servizio con l'USN. Il P-8 ha una fusoliera rinforzata per operazioni a bassa quota e punte inclinate simili a quelle montate sul Boeing 767-400ER, invece delle alette miscelate disponibili sulle varianti 737NG.  Per alimentare un'elettronica di bordo aggiuntiva, il P-8 ha un generatore elettrico da 180 kVA su ciascun motore, che sostituisce il generatore da 90 kVA dei civili 737; questo ha richiesto la riprogettazione delle gondole e dei loro supporti ad ala.  Il P-8 ha un'esperienza di volo più fluida, sottoponendo gli equipaggi a meno turbolenze e fumi rispetto al precedente P-3, consentendo loro di concentrarsi meglio sulle missioni. 
Le cinque postazioni operatore (due ufficiali di volo navali più tre arruolati operatori aerei da guerra / marinaio navale) sono montate in una fila laterale, lungo il babordo della cabina. Nessuna delle postazioni dell'equipaggio ha finestre; una singola finestra di osservazione si trova su ciascun lato della cabina di prua.  Una breve bomba per siluri e altri negozi si apre dietro l'ala. Il P-8 deve essere equipaggiato con l'Accessorio per il lancio di armi ad alta quota antisommergibile da guerra (HAAWC) (ALA), trasformando un siluro Mark 54 in una bomba di planata per dispiegare fino a 30.000 piedi (9.100 m). 
Il P-8 presenta il radar di ricerca di superficie multi-missione Raytheon APY-10;  il P-8I presenta una versione internazionale dell'APY-10.  A differenza del precedente P-3, il P-8 manca di un rilevatore di anomalie magnetiche (MAD) a causa della sua maggiore altitudine operativa; secondo quanto riferito, il suo sistema di sensori acustici è più efficace nella localizzazione acustica e pertanto la mancanza di un MAD non ostacolerà le sue capacità di rilevamento;  il P-8I dell'India è dotato di un MAD secondo la richiesta di contratto.  Vari dati dei sensori sono combinati tramite un software di fusione dei dati per tracciare gli obiettivi. In seguito alla cancellazione del progetto del sensore comune aereo di Lockheed Martin , Boeing propose una variante di intelligenza dei segnali del P-8 per il requisito della USN.  Durante l'upgrade di P-8A Increment 2 nel 2016, il sistema radar di sorveglianza litorale APS-149 (LSRS) sarà sostituito dal radar Advanced Airborne Sensor. 
Nel servizio negli Stati Uniti, il P-8A è integrato dal veicolo aereo senza equipaggio (UAV) MQ-4C Triton che fornisce una sorveglianza continua. Nel gennaio 2015, BAE Systems ha ottenuto un contratto per il programma USAS High Altitude ASW (HAASW) Unmanned Targeting Air System (UTAS) per lo sviluppo di un UAV da sub-caccia dotato di un MAD per il lancio dal P-8. 
Il P-8 non può utilizzare il metodo di rifornimento in volo di tubo flessibile e droghe, invece presenta un ricettacolo del braccio volante sulla fusoliera superiore in avanti, rendendolo, come l'aereo E-6 Mercury TACAMO dell'USN, affidandosi all'US Air Force KC -135 Stratotanker, KC-10 Extender e KC-46 Pegasus per il rifornimento in volo. Nell'aprile 2017, la 459a ala di rifornimento di carburante USAF ha collaborato con il comando dei sistemi aerei navali per certificare operativamente il P-8 per il rifornimento di carburante in volo. Per una maggiore resistenza, sei serbatoi supplementari di Marshall Aerospace sono alloggiati nei vani cargo anteriori e posteriori.


Nel febbraio 2012, il P-8 ha fatto il suo debutto in missione durante " Bold Alligator " 2012, un esercizio annuale di guerra costiera.  Nell'aprile 2012, ha preso parte all'esercizio congiunto Warrior, volando fuori da RAF Lossiemouth.  Durante il RIMPAC 2012 nell'area hawaiana, due P-8A hanno partecipato a 24 scenari nell'ambito di Air Test and Evaluation Squadron One (VX-1) mentre erano inoltrati a Marine Corps Base Hawaii.  Il 29 novembre 2013, il suo spiegamento inaugurale è iniziato quando sei velivoli e 12 squadre aeree dello squadrone VP-16 hanno lasciato la loro stazione di origine del NAS Jacksonville , in Florida, per la base aerea di Kadena ad Okinawa, in Giappone.  Questo dispiegamento era un'azione di riequilibrio regionale pre-pianificata, ma si è verificata poco dopo l'istituzione da parte della Cina della zona di identificazione della difesa aerea del mare della Cina orientale, aumentando le tensioni. 
Durante gli esercizi del 2012 e del 2013 e uno spiegamento all'estero in Giappone, secondo quanto riferito il P-8 ha mostrato problemi di radar, integrazione dei sensori e trasferimento dei dati, portando a ulteriori test. Nel gennaio 2014, il direttore del dipartimento di test operativi e valutazione del Pentagono ha definito il P-8A "inefficace" per le missioni ISR su vasta area e ASW e ha dichiarato che non era pronto per lo spiegamento.  Lo stesso rapporto ha rilevato che il P-8 era efficace nella missione di ricerca su piccola area e con portata, velocità e affidabilità molto migliori rispetto agli aerei più vecchi. Il sottosegretario all'acquisizione del Pentagono, Frank Kendall, ha contestato il rapporto, affermando che, sebbene le sue conclusioni siano concrete, non ha riconosciuto futuri aggiornamenti delle capacità per la sorveglianza antisommergibile e di area più ampia. 
Un secondo squadrone, VP-5, ha completato la transizione al P-8 nell'agosto 2013. Durante la metà del 2014, una coppia di P-8 è stata spedita a Perth, in Australia, per due mesi per una ricerca internazionale dei dispersi Volo 370 della Malaysia Airlines.  Il 2 ottobre 2015, gli US-P-8 di stanza presso la stazione aerea navale di Jacksonville, in Florida, insieme alla guardia costiera statunitense HC-144A Ocean Sentry, HC-130H e US Air Force Reserve HC-130P Combat Shadow, hanno perquisito i Caraibi orientali Mare per la nave mercantile SS El Faro scomparsa che affondò il 1° ottobre nell'uragano Joaquin di categoria 3 vicino a Crooked Island alle Bahamas.  Il 20 febbraio 2018, un P-8 delle "Fighting Tigers" della pattuglia Squadron Eight (VP-8) ha salvato tre pescatori la cui nave era rimasta alla deriva nell'Oceano Pacifico meridionale per otto giorni, impiegando una ricerca e un salvataggio (SAR) kit contenente materiali di consumo e apparecchiature di comunicazione, la prima volta che un P-8 ha schierato un kit SAR in una vera operazione. 
Il 19 agosto 2014, un caccia cinese Shenyang J-11 arrivò a meno di 30 piedi da un US-P-8A del VP-5 "Mad Foxes" a circa 135 miglia a est dell'isola di Hainan mentre pattugliava il Mar Cinese Meridionale. Il J-11 volò oltre il naso del P-8 ed eseguì un rotolo di barilotto nelle immediate vicinanze.  Un portavoce del Pentagono ha detto che l'unità del J-11 aveva stretto intercettazioni all'inizio di quell'anno.  Gli Stati Uniti hanno inviato una nota diplomatica in Cina sul comportamento del comandante del gruppo combattente cinese. La Cina ha dichiarato che le affermazioni erano "totalmente infondate" e che la causa principale era la sorveglianza statunitense della Cina;  gli Stati Uniti hanno dichiarato che continueranno a operare nello spazio aereo e nelle acque internazionali.  Nel novembre 2016, un caccia russo Su-30 ha intercettato un P-8 che opera sul Mar Nero, arrivando a meno di 5 piedi da esso, costringendo il P-8 attraverso il suo lavaggio a getto, causando un "tiro di 15 gradi e turbolenza violenta ". 
Gli USN P-8 ruotano abitualmente attraverso le basi degli alleati.  Nel settembre 2014, il governo malese ha offerto l'uso di basi nella Malesia orientale per i P-8, ma nessun volo è stato ancora approvato.  Il 7 dicembre 2015, i P-8 sono stati dispiegati a Singapore nell'ambito di un accordo di cooperazione in materia di difesa tra gli Stati Uniti e Singapore per "combattere il terrorismo e la pirateria". La Cina ha criticato lo spiegamento di Singapore come "militarizzazione regionale da parte degli Stati Uniti”. Il terzo distacco di due P-8 con base nella base aerea di Paya Lebar, Singapore, ha partecipato a esercitazioni militari navali con le forze armate di Singapore (SAF) in estate 2016. 

Interesse italiano

L'Italia ha più volte indicato il P-8 Poseidon come il futuro aereo da pattugliamento marittimo per sostituire l'attuale Breguet Br.1150 Atlantic. A causa della mancanza di fondi il programma è stato più volte rinviato finché si è deciso di ordinare 4 ATR 72 in configurazione di pattugliatori marittimi con predisposizione per l'armamento anti-sommergibile come soluzione interinale fino al 2020.

  • P-8A: variante adottata dall'U.S. Navy e dalla Royal Australian Air Force;
  • P-8I: versione da esportazione, acquisita dalla Naval Air Arm indiana.


The Boeing P-8 Poseidon (formerly Multimission Maritime Aircraft) is a military aircraft developed and produced by Boeing Defense, Space & Security, modified from the 737-800ERX. It was developed for the United States Navy (USN).
The P-8 is being operated in the anti-submarine warfare (ASW), anti-surface warfare (ASUW), and shipping interdiction roles. It is armed with torpedoes, Harpoon anti-ship missiles and other weapons, and is able to drop and monitor sonobuoys, as well as operate in conjunction with other assets, including the Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Triton maritime surveillance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV).
The P-8 is operated by the United States Navy, the Indian Navy, and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF). It has also been ordered by the UK's Royal Air Force (RAF), the Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF), the Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF), and the Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN).



The Lockheed P-3 Orion, a turboprop ASW aircraft, has been in service with the United States Navy (USN) since 1962. In the 1980s, the USN began studies for a P-3 replacement, the range and endurance of which were reduced due to increasing weight and airframe fatigue life limitations. The specification required a new aircraft to have reduced operating and support costs. In 1989, Lockheed was awarded a fixed-price contract to develop the P-7, but this was canceled the following year. A second competition for a replacement began in 2000. Lockheed Martin submitted the Orion 21, an updated new-build version of the P-3. Boeing's proposal was based on its 737-800 airliner. BAE Systems offered a new-build version of the Nimrod MRA4, a British jet-powered maritime patrol aircraft. BAE withdrew from the competition in October 2002, recognizing that without a production partner based in the United States, the bid was politically unrealistic. On 14 May 2004, Boeing was selected as the winner.
In June 2004, the USN awarded a development contract to Boeing. The project was planned to be for at least 108 airframes for the USN. More orders are possible from the other nations operating over 200 P-3s. Project value is expected to be worth at least $15 billion. Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, Spirit AeroSystems, GE Aviation Systems, Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group, CFMI, BAE Systems, and Marotta are major subcontractors. In July 2004, the USN placed an order for five aircraft, and the first flight-test aircraft was to be completed in 2009. On 30 March 2005, it was assigned the P-8A designation.

Design phase and testing

The P-8 is to replace the P-3 Orion. Initially, it will be equipped with legacy P-3 systems; later upgrades will incorporate more advanced technology. The Government Accountability Office credited the incremental approach with keeping the project on schedule and on budget. The Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) deleted the requirement for the P-8A to be equipped with magnetic anomaly detection (MAD) equipment as a weight reduction measure, improving endurance and range. A hydrocarbon sensor detects fuel vapors from diesel-powered submarines and ships.
The P-8's first flight was on 25 April 2009. The second and third P-8s had flown and were in flight testing in early August 2010. On 11 August 2010, low-rate production of the P-8 was approved. A P-8 released sonobuoys for the first time on 15 October 2010, dropping six sonobuoys in three separate low-altitude passes. In 2011, the ice detection system was found to be defective due to the use of counterfeit components; allegedly these parts were poorly refurbished and sold to subcontractor BAE Systems as new by a Chinese supplier.
On 4 March 2012, the first production P-8A was delivered to the USN, flying to Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Florida, for training with the Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS), Patrol Squadron 30 (VP-30). On 24 September 2012, Boeing announced a $1.9 billion order for 11 aircraft. On 10 June 2013, a DoD Inspector General (IG) report recommended delaying full-rate production over a lack of key data to assess if the P-8 met operational requirements; additional tests were also needed to guarantee a 25-year lifespan. Boeing executives dismissed the report, saying that the test program was on track. In 2013, full-rate production was delayed until the P-8 could demonstrate it can survive its 25-year lifespan without structural fatigue, overcome deficiencies, track surface ships, and perform primary missions.
On 24 June 2013, a P-8 successfully scored a direct hit with a live AGM-84D Block IC Harpoon anti-ship missile during weapons integration testing. On 1 July 2013, an initial operational test and evaluation (IOT&E) report found that the P-8A was "operationally effective, operationally suitable, and ready for fleet introduction." Six test and nine low-rate initial production aircraft had been delivered at that point. On 31 July 2013, Boeing received a $2.04 billion contract to build 13 P-8As in the fourth low-rate initial production lot, for a fleet of 37 aircraft by the end of 2016, and long-lead parts for 16 P-8As of the first full-rate production lot.
In January 2014, Naval Air Systems Command proceeded with full-rate production of the P-8A. Increment 1 systems include persistent ASW capabilities and an integrated sensor suite; in 2016, Increment 2 upgrades will add multi-static active coherent acoustics, an automated identification system, and high-altitude anti-submarine weapons. Increment 3 in 2020 shall enable "net-enabled anti-surface warfare".
In July 2014, Fred Smith, business development director for the P-8, noted that the program had: "saved $2.1 billion on 2004 estimates of the cost of production... the aircraft is now selling for $150 million, down from the forecasted $216 million". The halving of USN orders from 16 aircraft per year down to 8 in 2015 due to the expiration of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013 was expected to be partially offset by commercial 737 sales and P-8 export sales. The U.S. Department of Defense wants to follow a program template for the P-8 similar to the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program, with international cooperation from prospective users.


In 2010, Boeing proposed to replace the U.S. Air Force's Northrop Grumman E-8 Joint STARS fleet with a modified P-8 at the same cost Northrop Grumman proposed for re-engining and upgrading the E-8s. The proposed P-8 Airborne Ground Surveillance (AGS) would integrate an active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar, and have ground moving target indicator (GMTI) and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) capabilities. A key feature was a pod-mounted radar on the fuselage's lower centerline, positioned so the engine nacelles do not obstruct its line of sight. It reuses the P-8A's Raytheon AN/APY-10 multi-mission surface search radar. Two aft ventral fins increase stability.
In 2013, Boeing proposed repackaging some of the P-8's systems in the smaller and less expensive Bombardier Challenger 600 series business jet, as the Boeing Maritime Surveillance Aircraft (MSA). In 2014, Boeing also offered a JSTARS replacement based on the Boeing 737-700, rather than the P-8's 737-800.


The P-8 is a militarized version of the 737-800ERX, a 737-800 with 737-900-based wings. The fuselage is similar, but longer, than the 737-700-based C-40 Clipper transport aircraft in service with the USN. The P-8 has a strengthened fuselage for low-altitude operations and raked wingtips similar to those fitted to the Boeing 767-400ER, instead of the blended winglets available on 737NG variants. In order to power additional onboard electronics, the P-8 has a 180kVA electric generator on each engine, replacing the 90kVA generator of civilian 737s; this required the redesigning of the nacelles and their wing mountings. The P-8 has a smoother flight experience, subjecting crews to less turbulence and fumes than the preceding P-3, allowing them to concentrate better on missions.
The five operator stations (two naval flight officers plus three enlisted Aviation Warfare Operators/naval aircrewman) are mounted in a sideways row, along the port side of the cabin. None of the crew stations have windows; a single observer window is located on each side of the forward cabin. A short bomb bay for torpedoes and other stores opens behind the wing. The P-8 is to be equipped with the High Altitude Anti-Submarine Warfare Weapon Capability (HAAWC) Air Launch Accessory (ALA), turning a Mark 54 torpedo into a glide bomb for deploying from up to 30,000 ft (9,100 m).
The P-8 features the Raytheon APY-10 multi-mission surface search radar; the P-8I features an international version of the APY-10. Unlike the preceding P-3, the P-8 lacks a magnetic anomaly detector (MAD) due to its higher operational altitude; its acoustic sensor system is reportedly more effective at acoustic tracking and thus lacking a MAD won't impede its detection capabilities; India's P-8I is equipped with a MAD per the contract request. Various sensor data are combined via data fusion software to track targets. Following the cancellation of Lockheed Martin's Aerial Common Sensor project, Boeing proposed a signals intelligence variant of the P-8 for the USN's requirement. During the P-8A Increment 2 upgrade in 2016, the APS-149 Littoral Surveillance Radar System (LSRS) will be replaced by the Advanced Airborne Sensor radar.
In U.S. service, the P-8A is complemented by the MQ-4C Triton unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) which provides continuous surveillance. In January 2015, BAE Systems was awarded a contract for the USN's High Altitude ASW (HAASW) Unmanned Targeting Air System (UTAS) program to develop a sub-hunting UAV equipped with a MAD for launching from the P-8.
The P-8 cannot use the hose-and-drogue in-flight refueling method, instead featuring a flying boom receptacle on the upper-forward fuselage, making it, like the USN's E-6 Mercury TACAMO aircraft, reliant on U.S. Air Force KC-135 Stratotanker, KC-10 Extender and KC-46 Pegasus aircraft for in-flight refueling. In April 2017, the USAF 459th Air Refueling Wing worked with the Naval Air Systems Command to certify operationally the P-8 for in-flight refueling. For extended endurance, six additional fuel tanks from Marshall Aerospace are housed in the forward and rear cargo compartments.

Operational history

United States

In February 2012, the P-8 made its mission debut during "Bold Alligator" 2012, an annual littoral warfare exercise. In April 2012, it took part in Exercise Joint Warrior, flying out of RAF Lossiemouth. During RIMPAC 2012 in the Hawaiian area, two P-8As participated in 24 scenarios as part of Air Test and Evaluation Squadron One (VX-1) while forward deployed to Marine Corps Base Hawaii. On 29 November 2013, its inaugural deployment began when six aircraft and 12 air crews of squadron VP-16 departed its home station of NAS Jacksonville, Florida, for Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan. This deployment was a pre-planned regional re-balancing action, but occurred shortly after China's establishment of the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone, heightening tensions.
During exercises in 2012 and 2013, and an overseas deployment to Japan, the P-8 reportedly exhibited radar, sensor integration, and data transfer problems, leading to additional testing. In January 2014, the Pentagon's Director of Operational Test and Evaluation office called the P-8A "ineffective" for large area ISR and ASW missions, and said that it was not ready for deployment. The same report found that the P-8 was effective at the small-area search mission, and with much better range, speed, and reliability than older aircraft. Pentagon acquisition undersecretary Frank Kendall disputed the report, saying that although its findings are factual, it did not acknowledge future capability upgrades for anti-submarine and wider-area surveillance.
A second squadron, VP-5, completed its transition to the P-8 in August 2013. During mid-2014, a pair of P-8s were dispatched to Perth, Australia for two months for an international search for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. On 2 October 2015, USN P-8s stationed at Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Florida, alongside U.S. Coast Guard HC-144A Ocean Sentry, HC-130H and U.S. Air Force Reserve HC-130P Combat Shadow aircraft, searched the Eastern Caribbean Sea for the missing SS El Faro cargo ship that sank on 1 October in the Category 3 Hurricane Joaquin near Crooked Island in the Bahamas. On 20 February 2018, a P-8 of the "Fighting Tigers" of Patrol Squadron Eight (VP-8) rescued three fishermen whose vessel had been adrift in the South Pacific Ocean for eight days, deploying a search and rescue (SAR) kit containing supplies and communications equipment, the first time that a P-8 deployed a SAR kit in a real operation.
On 19 August 2014, a Chinese Shenyang J-11 fighter came within 30 feet of a USN P-8A of VP-5 "Mad Foxes" about 135 miles east of Hainan Island while patrolling the South China Sea. The J-11 flew past the P-8's nose and performed a barrel roll at close proximity. A Pentagon spokesperson said the J-11's unit had made close intercepts earlier that year. The U.S. sent a diplomatic note to China about the behavior of the Chinese fighter group's commander. China stated that the claims were "totally groundless", and that the root cause was U.S. surveillance of China; the U.S. stated it will continue to operate in international airspace and waters. In November 2016, a Russian Su-30 fighter intercepted a P-8 operating over the Black Sea, coming within 5 feet of it, forcing the P-8 through its jet wash, causing a "a 15-degree roll and violent turbulence".
USN P-8s routinely rotate through bases of allies. In September 2014, the Malaysian government offered the use of bases in East Malaysia for P-8s, but no flights have yet been approved. On 7 December 2015, P-8s were deployed to Singapore as part of a Defense Cooperation Agreement between the US and Singapore for "fighting terrorism and piracy." China criticized the Singapore deployment as "regional militarization by the U.S." The third detachment of two P-8s based in Paya Lebar Air Base, Singapore, participated in naval military drills with the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) in summer 2016.


In January 2008, Boeing proposed the P-8I, a customized export variant of the P-8A, for the Indian Navy. It features two major components not fitted on the P-8A, a Telephonics APS-143 OceanEye aft radar and a magnetic anomaly detector (MAD). On 4 January 2009, India's Ministry of Defence signed a US$2.1 billion agreement with Boeing for eight P-8Is to replace the Indian Navy's aging Tupolev Tu-142M maritime surveillance turboprops. It was Boeing's first military sale to India and the P-8's first international customer. In October 2010, India's Defence Acquisition Council approved the purchase of four additional P-8Is; contract signature followed in July 2016 with deliveries expected to start from 2020. In 2011, India planned to order twelve more P-8Is at a later date; in 2019, this was cut to eight to ten due to a limited budget. In June 2019, India's Ministry of Defence approved buying ten more P-8Is at an expected cost of US$3 billion.
The Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) Data Link II communications allows the P-8I to exchange tactical data between Indian Navy aircraft, ships and shore establishments; it also features an integrated BEL-developed IFF system. India has purchased AGM-84L Harpoon Block II missiles and Mk 54 All-Up-Round Lightweight torpedoes for the P-8I. In July 2012, Boeing began flight testing of the P-8I. On 19 December 2012, the first P-8I was handed over at Boeing's Seattle facility; it was inducted into the Indian Navy on 15 May 2013. The type is based at INS Rajali, in Tamil Nadu. In 2014, several Indian Navy P-8Is conducted search operations for the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. The Indian Navy inducted the first squadron in November 2015.
In September 2019, the Indian government approved the purchase of another 10 P-8Is worth $3.1 billion.


On 20 July 2007, the Australian Minister for Defence announced that the P-8A was the preferred aircraft to replace the Royal Australian Air Force fleet of Lockheed AP-3C Orions in conjunction with a then yet-to-be-selected unmanned aerial vehicle. The last AP-3C is scheduled to be retired in 2018, after nearly 30 years of service. In March 2009, Australia's Chief of Air Force stated that, subject to government approval, the RAAF would introduce the P-8 in 2016. In October 2012, Australia formalized its participation, committing A$73.9m (US$81.1m) in an agreement with the USN. In July 2013, Air Marshal Geoff Brown, head of the RAAF, said Australia was considering buying more P-8s and fewer MQ-4C Triton UAVs than earlier planned. On 21 February 2014, Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced the intention to procure eight P-8s plus options for four more; entry into service is planned for 2021.
In July 2014, negotiations commenced between Boeing and the Department of Defense to integrate the AGM-84 Harpoon Block 1G anti-ship missile onto the P-8A on Australia's behalf. In August 2014, the USN concluded an advanced acquisition contract on the first four of up to 12 P-8As to be bought by Australia, with delivery expected from 2017. In January 2016, Australia ordered a further four P-8s. The 2016 Defence White Paper stated that eight P-8s would be in service in the early 2020s and that 15 P-8s are planned for by the late 2020s. Including support facilities, the first group of eight aircraft's total cost is estimated at $3.6 billion (AU$4 billion).
The RAAF accepted its first P-8 on 27 September 2016; it arrived in Australia on 14 November. The RAAF operates eight P-8As as of July 2019, with four more to be delivered in 2019-2020.

United Kingdom

In August 2012, it was reported that Boeing saw the United Kingdom as a market for the P-8, following the cancellation of Nimrod MRA4. On 23 November 2015, the UK announced its intention to order nine P-8s in the Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015. They are to be based at RAF Lossiemouth, Scotland and shall protect the UK's nuclear deterrent and aircraft carriers, as well as perform search-and-rescue and overland reconnaissance missions.
On 25 March 2016, the U.S. State Department approved a proposed Foreign Military Sale to the UK for up to nine P-8s and associated support at an estimated cost of $3.2 billion. The Royal Air Force plans to operate the P-8 with U.S. weapons initially, and may transition to British weapons later. It is unclear whether the UK will have access to future ground-surveillance capabilities developed for the P-8. On 11 July 2016, Boeing announced the signing of a $3.87 billion (£3 billion) contract for nine P-8s and support infrastructure; spread across three production lots over a ten-year period, deliveries shall commence in 2019. The RAF has designated it as the Poseidon MRA1. They shall be operated by No. 120 Squadron and No. 201 Squadron, which will be reformed in 2021 as the second squadron to be equipped. The first MRA1 made its initial flight on 13 July 2019.


In March 2014, Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet reported that the Royal Norwegian Air Force is considering leasing aircraft from Boeing as No. 333 Squadron RNoAF's six P-3 Orions were increasing difficult to keep operational. In June 2016, Norwegian newspaper Verdens Gang reported that the Norwegian government would buy four new surveillance aircraft in its long-term defense plan; the P-8 was seen as the main option. In December 2016, the U.S. State Department approved the sale with congressional approval pending. On 29 March 2017, Norway signed a contract for five P-8As, to be delivered between 2022 and 2023.

New Zealand

Boeing publicly identified the Royal New Zealand Air Force as a potential customer in 2008, as a replacement for its P-3 Orions, due for replacement in 2025. In April 2017, the U.S. State Department approved the possible foreign military sale of up to four P-8As with equipment and support, valued at US$1.46 billion. In July 2018, the New Zealand government announced the purchase of four P-8As, to begin operations in 2023. Four P-8As were ordered in March 2019, completion is expected by June 2020.

South Korea

In May 2013, it was announced that the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) was commencing a 1 trillion won ($900 million) procurement program to acquire up to 20 new ASW aircraft to replace the Republic of Korea Navy's fleet of 16 P-3Cs; possible candidates included the C-295 MPA, P-8, Saab Swordfish and the SC-130J Sea Hercules. DAPA considered procuring 12 to 20 ex-USN Lockheed S-3 Vikings. In 2017, the ROKN canceled plans to purchase refurbished S-3s.
On 26 June 2018, it was announced that DAPA had selected the P-8 and would acquire six aircraft through the US Foreign Military Sales program. On 13 September 2018, the US state department stated it supported the sale of 6 P-8s and notified Congress. South Korea ordered six P-8As in March 2019 and expected to be completed by June 2020.

Potential operators


Boeing identified that the Royal Canadian Air Force's fleet of 18 CP-140 Auroras (Canadian variant of the P-3 Orion) would begin to reach the end of their service life by 2025. Boeing offered the Challenger MSA, a smaller and cheaper aircraft based on the Bombardier Challenger 650 integrating many of the P-8's sensors and equipment, to complement but not replace the CP-140s. Boeing's Aurora replacement offer was the P-8A with modifications specific to Canadian operations.


Italy indicated interest in purchasing P-8s, with fleet support provided by Alitalia, in 2004. However, in December 2008, Italy announced the purchase of four ATR 72 aircraft to replace its aging Atlantic maritime patrol fleet, possibly as a temporary solution because Italy remained interested in the P-8.


In December 2017, the Royal Malaysian Air Force's Brigadier General Yazid Bin Arshad announced it had shortlisted four aircraft types to replace the force's aging fleet of Beechcraft Super King Air maritime patrol aircraft; these are the EADS CASA C-295 from Airbus, the P-8 from Boeing, ATR 72 MP from ATR, and the CASA/IPTN CN-235, possibly provided by either Airbus or Indonesian Aerospace, which acquired a licence to produce it. Arshad added that: "these four types are shortlisted, the door is not closed yet", indicating other options may be possible.


In April 2019, Boeing was reported to be in exploratory talks with various NATO allies to offer the P-8 as a NATO-shared interim solution to provide European allies with its capabilities until domestic capabilities could be secured by 2035.

Saudi Arabia

In 2017, Boeing announced it had signed several agreements with Saudi Arabia, which intends to order Chinook helicopters and P-8 aircraft.


In 2016, Turkey indicated that it planned to acquire a new MMA aircraft to supplement existing assets, the P-8A being the main candidate based on the required performance.

  • P-8A Poseidon – Production variant developed for the United States Navy.
  • P-8I Neptune – Export variant for the Indian Navy.
  • Poseidon MRA1 – Royal Air Force designation for the P-8A.
  • P-8 AGS – An Airborne Ground Surveillance variant proposed to the United States Air Force in 2010 as replacement to the Northrop Grumman E-8 Joint STARS fleet; equipped with a pod-mounted, active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar.

  • Australia
  • Royal Australian Air Force – 4 P-8A in service as of January 2019 with 4 more ordered to be received.
  • India
  • Indian Navy – 8 P-8I aircraft in service in May 2016 with another 4 ordered in July 2016 to be delivered by 2020. 10 additional planned.
  • New Zealand
  • Royal New Zealand Air Force - 4 P-8As on order, to be delivered beginning in 2022.
  • Norway
  • Royal Norwegian Air Force - 5 P-8As on order, to be delivered between 2022 and 2023.
  • South Korea
  • Republic of Korea Navy - 6 P-8As on order, to be delivered beginning in 2022.
  • United Kingdom
  • Royal Air Force – 9 Poseidon MRA1s on order.
  • United States
  • United States Navy – to acquire 122 aircraft. 98 P-8As delivered through January 2019.

Specifications (P-8A)

Data from United States Navy, Boeing, and others

General characteristics
  • Crew: Flight: two; Mission: seven
  • Length: 129 ft 5 in (39.47 m)
  • Wingspan: 123 ft 6 in (37.64 m)
  • Height: 42 ft 1 in (12.83 m)
  • Empty weight: 138,300 lb (62,730 kg)
  • Useful load: 19,800+ lb (9,000+ kg)
  • Max. takeoff weight: 189,200 lb (85,820 kg)
  • Powerplant: 2 × CFM56-7B27A turbofans, 27,300 lbf (121 kN) each.

  • Maximum speed: 490 knots (907 km/h, 564 mph)
  • Cruise speed: 440 kn (815 km/h, 509 mph)
  • Combat radius: 1,200 nmi (2,222 km) ; 4 hours on station (for anti-submarine warfare mission)
  • Ferry range: 4,500 nautical miles (8,300 km)
  • Service ceiling: 41,000 ft (12,496 m).


  • 5 internal bays and 6 external hardpoints for a variety of conventional weapons, e.g. AGM-84H/K SLAM-ER, AGM-84 Harpoon, Mark 54 torpedo, mines, depth charges, and the High Altitude Anti-Submarine Warfare Weapon system.


  • Raytheon APY-10 multi-mission surface search radar[45]
  • AN/ALQ-240 Electronic Support Measures Suite
  • (Advanced Airborne Sensor surface search radar and SIGINT package to be follow on system).

(Web, Google, Wikipedia, You Tube)

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