domenica 13 ottobre 2019

Il laser di potenza MBDA Deutschland per l'impiego su diverse piattaforme terrestri e marittime

MBDA Deutschland ha sviluppato un effettore laser rotabile progettato per l'impiego su diverse piattaforme terrestri e marittime ed è integrato con la piattaforma tramite interfacce standardizzate. Il nuovo sistema d'arma è particolarmente adatto alla difesa contro bersagli altamente agili come UAV, razzi e proiettili da mortaio.
Con un sistema di guida del fascio che copre un intero emisfero, il sistema può acquisire obiettivi in un arco operativo a 360 gradi, tracciare e poi distruggere obiettivi specifici utilizzando il potente raggio laser dell'arma.
I sistemi di tracciamento integrati garantiscono un punto di tenuta stabile sul bersaglio, e quindi un rapido coinvolgimento del bersaglio. I brevi tempi di ingaggio rendono questo effettore in grado di difendersi da attacchi a sciame come gli UAV che attaccano da diverse direzioni. Le ottiche a specchio utilizzate sono in grado di sfruttare livelli di potenza laser superiori a quelli attualmente disponibili.
Negli ultimi anni MBDA Deutschland ha investito notevoli risorse proprie nello sviluppo delle tecnologie laser. Il nuovo laser effector è un ulteriore importante passo avanti verso un sistema utilizzabile a livello operativo.
MBDA Deutschland si occupa da diversi anni di effetti laser. L'azienda ha testato con successo gli effetti laser in prove multiple su bersagli trasportati dall'aria, UAV e altri bersagli.


MBDA Deutschland has developed a rotatable laser effector designed to deploy on various land and sea-based platforms and is integrated with the platform via standardised interfaces. The company is displaying the new system this week at the ILA Berlin Air Show. The new weapon system is especially suitable for defence against highly agile targets such as UAVs, rockets and mortar shells.
With a beam guidance system covering a full hemisphere, the system can acquire targets in a 360-degree operational arc, track and then destroy specific targets using the weapon’s powerful laser beam.
The integrated tracking systems ensure a stable holding point on the target, and thus rapid target engagement. Short engagement times also make this effector capable of defending against swarming attacks such as UAVs attacking from different directions. The mirror optics used are capable of harnessing higher laser power levels than those currently available today.
“In recent years, MBDA Deutschland has invested a significant amount of its own resources into the development of laser technologies,” states Peter Heilmeier, MBDA Deutschland’s Head of Sales and Business Development. He indicated that the new laser effector is a further important step towards an operationally deployable system.
MBDA Deutschland has been working on laser effectors for several years. The company has successfully tested laser effectors in multiple trials against airborne targets such as shells and UAVs as well as other targets.

MBDA has more than 30 years’ experience working on high energy laser activities, conducting extensive research and development on a variety of programmes and related activities across Europe.
Through its extensive experience in air defence system design and development, MBDA can provide full system solutions complementing conventional weapon systems with laser effectors. MBDA’s competencies as a system integrator cover the entirety of the product life cycle from design to integration and customer support. Learn more…
Mini drones represent a new type of threat demanding the consideration of new solutions, beyond conventional effectors. Recent incidents have seen mini drones disrupting high profile events and flying over protected locations. Highly precise and scalable laser weapon systems could protect major events and critical infrastructures and close a current capability gap.
MBDA’s successes in technology have led to the development of a high energy laser weapon demonstrator. Since 2008, MBDA Deutschland has developed and successfully tested a high energy laser weapon demonstrator against a broad range of threats, including rapidly manoeuvre, highly dynamic targets such as mini-UAVs.  Functionality of the full operation of a laser weapon system has been proven in a series demonstrations and tests from target acquisition, engagement and destruction at distances of up to 2km.
In its system studies, MBDA is examining laser-armament options for naval and air applications as well as ground-based mobile laser effector concepts with capacities in excess of 100kW, 360-degree coverage and open system architecture for close and intermediate-range protection against micro UAVs and RAM (rocket and mortar) targets.
MBDA can provide full system solutions complementing conventional weapon systems with laser effectors.

(Web, Google, Wikipedia, Defense-update, You Tube)

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